BBQ Beef Recipes

산적구이 만들기 – Grilled beef fillet with soy sauce Korea

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[산적구이] – Grilled beef fillet with soy sauce

◎조리법 시간 링크 – Recipe time link
00:11 재료 소개 – Material introduction
00:23 배즙 만들기 – Making pear juice
00:43 양념 과정 – Seasoning process
01:23 소고기 숙성 과정 – Beef aging
01:48 구이 과정 – Roasting process
02:40 요리 완성 – Cooking completion

◎재료 소개
[메인 재료]
소고기 등심(440g)



[양념에 필요한 재료 준비]
1.대파(흰부분1개)는 송송 썰어서 다져주세요
2.배즙을 만들기 위해 배(1/2개)를 반으로 잘라서 씨와 껍질을 벗겨주시고 조리용 강판이나 믹서기를 이용해서 배를 갈아주세요
3.배를 갈았다면 채에 받쳐서 꾹꾹 눌러 즙을 내주세요
4.볼그릇에 준비된 배즙과 각종 양념장을 넣어 섞어주세요
— Tip —
+굴소스를 넣는 이유는 감칠맛을 내주기 위해서입니다

[고기 숙성 및 구이 과정]
1.키친타올를 이용해서 소고기 등심(440g)을 꾹꾹 눌러 핏물을 제거해주세요
2.준비된 양념장에 소고기 등심(440g)을 한번 담궜다가 그릇에 옮겨주세요
3.그릇에 옮기셨다면 나머지 양념장을 전부 부워서 1~2시간 정도 재워둡니다
4.달군팬에 재워둔 양념 소고기 등심을 넣고 중약불에 졸이듯이 구워주세요
5.중간에 뒤집어가며 구워주면서 남아있는 양념을 끼얹어주세요
6.양념이 잘 배이도록 끼얹어주면서 익을때까지 계속 반복해주세요
7.짭조름한 맛과 단맛이 산적에 맛이므로 나머지 양념을 부어서 계속 졸이듯이 구워주세요
— Tip —
+산적에 졸여진 양념은 전이나 생선찜에 찍어드시면 정말 맛있습니다

◎Material introduction
[Main material]
Beef sirloin(440g)

Green Onion(1ea),Pear(1/2ea)

Dark soy sauce(3tbsp),Oyster sauce(1tbsp),Crushed garlic(1tbsp and a half),Sugar(1tbsp),Plum syrup(1tbsp),Cooking wine(2tbsp),Oligosaccharide(2tbsp),Ginger powder(1t),Pepper powder(1t),Sesame oil(1tbsp),Sesame(1/2tbsp)

◎Cooking process
[Preparing the ingredients needed for seasoning]
1.Chop the green onion (1 white part)
2.Cut the pear (1/2ea) in half to make pear juice, peel the seeds, and grind the pear using a cooking steel plate or blender.
3.If you’ve grated your belly, press it on a sieve and squeeze out the juice.
4.Mix the prepared pear juice and various seasonings in a bowl
[Pear juice,Dark soy sauce(3tbsp),Oyster sauce(1tbsp),Crushed garlic(1tbsp and a half),Sugar(1tbsp),Plum syrup(1tbsp),Cooking wine(2tbsp),Oligosaccharide(2tbsp),Ginger powder(1t),Pepper powder(1t),Sesame oil(1tbsp),Green Onion(1ea),Sesame(1/2tbsp)]
— Tip —
+The reason for adding oyster sauce is to give it a rich taste

[Beef aging and roasting process]
1.Using a kitchen towel, press down on the beef sirloin (440g) to remove the blood.
2.Put beef sirloin (440g) in the prepared sauce and transfer it to the bowl.
3.If you moved it to the bowl, pour the rest of the sauce and marinate it for about an hour or two.
4.Put marinated beef sirloin in a heated pan and cook it over medium heat.
5.Turn it upside down and bake it, adding the remaining seasoning.
6.Pour the sauce over and repeat until it’s cooked.
7.The salty and sweet taste is good, so pour the rest of the seasoning and bake it like it’s boiling.
— Tip —
+Boiled sauce is really good if you dip it in jeon or steamed fish.

+촬영장비 – Filming equipment
camera : Cannon 5D Mark2
Camera lens : Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8
Shooting lights : Godox SL-60W
MIC : Sony PCM-A10


BGM : Hulu Ukulele – Chris Haugen

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Our channel has subtitles for foreign viewers who love Korean food.

#산적구이 #명절음식

Original of the video here

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