BBQ Pork Recipes

#삼겹살구이#韓燒五花腩片 Korean BBQ Pork Belly (simple but authentic)

For 2 servings (韓燒兩人份)

Ingredients (材料):
五花腩片 pork belly slices (1 cm thick) 660 g
乾紅酒 dry red wine 1/2 cup
月桂葉 bay leaves a few (少許)
葱絲 green onion (thin cut) 35 g
大磨菇 mushrooms (large size) 5
蒜頭一個 whole garlic 1
菜適量 lettuces or any leaves as much as you like
泡菜適量 cabbage kimchi some
(or any side dishes of your choice)
Recipe for Cucumber Kimchi:

Group A: For seasoning the green onion (葱的調味):
豉油 soy sauce 2 tsp
蘋果醋 apple cider vinegar 1/2 tsp
辣椒粉 cayenne pepper powder 2 tsp
梅子糖漿 plum syrup 1/2 tsp
麻油 sesame oil 1 tsp
芝麻 sesame seeds 1/2 tsp

Group B: Dips (三款醬):
1. 韓式麵豉醬Korean soybean paste some (少許)
2. 甜麵豉醬 Korean sweet bean paste some (少許)
3. 鹽 salt 1 tsp
麻油 sesame oil 1-2 tsp

1. Mix pork belly with red wine and bay leaves, then put them aside.
2. Slice the green onion, garlic and mushrooms.
3. Mix the green onion with the seasonings in group A.
4. Prepare the dips in group B.
5. Prepare some side dishes of your choice.
6. Remove the exceeded red wine from the pork. Set up your table with a grill.
7. Now, it’s time to start your simple but authentic Korean BBQ party.

The one in the video is an electric griddle. We started grilling the meat at 350 F and reduce heat as needed. This is just a guideline for you.

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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