EP#266 He said he’s bored and so I found him a hobby. Mr. Sausage is now working hard ☀️ ? day and night ? Too busy to cook so I always cook quick dishes ✅ and grab taco ? from the Taco truck and burgers ? from The Habit and a little Target ? run. វគ្គទី 266 គាត់ថាគាត់អផ្សុកពេក ?? ចឹងហើយប្រពន្ធក៏រកកិច្ចការអោយធ្វើ ? មានអី ពេលនេះលោកប្រុសសាច់ក្រក់រវល់ទាំងយប់ទាំងថ្ងៃ ? មិនសូវបានធ្វើម្ហូប ចឹងញុំាតែម្ហូបណាងាយចំអឹន ឬទិញពីក្រៅយកមកញុំាផ្ទះ ??
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Cambodian sausage (Kwa Ko or Twa Ko)
Esan sausage
Khmer Lemongrass Paste
Thai/Lao Fermented Fish sauce (plah rah)
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Learn how to cook YUMMY Cambodian dishes
Khmer Fish Dip | Tuk Kroeung ទឹកគ្រឿងអន្លក់ខ្ចី https://youtu.be/DGYyw-Vdiv8
Cambodian Roasted Fermented Fish Paste with Pork | ប្រហុកកប់សាច់ជ្រូកក្រសាំងផ្សឹត https://youtu.be/TSr1YR00imE
Cambodian Lemongrass Sour Soup with Water Spinach and Pork Rib | សម្លរម្ជូគ្រឿងត្រកួនឆ្អឹងជំនីជ្រូក https://youtu.be/iZaOMHqANgA
Cambodian Outside of the Pot Soup | វិធីធ្វើម្ហូប- ស្ងោរជ្រក់ក្រៅឆ្នាំង https://youtu.be/WVw0HflV2uc
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Intro & Ending music provided by Boty Phen
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes