During a trip to Bruges, Belgium, the family and I discovered an amazing dish. Chocolate BBQ Sauce Ribs! We spent a few months afterward trying to replicate the dish and here is what we came up with.
Recipe: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yq0XiX9qeSFPG/
Song: 1973 by Bruno E. (YouTube Audio Library)
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back everybody we’re back in thekitchen today for a very specialbirthday dinnermy daughter has requested our famouschocolate barbecue sauce ribs I know Iknow what you’re thinking chocolate andbarbecue sauce just don’t go togetherbut trust me it does the first time wehad it we’re in Bruges and of courseBelgium is known for its chocolate so wehad to give her a shot absolutelymind-blowing so I’m wanting to make surethat share our recipe with you all I’vealready got the dry seasoning all mixedup together pretty much it’s about aquarter cup of Hershey’s chocolatepowder and then mixed in some onionpowder black pepper garlic powder groundmustard chili powder some coriandersmoked paprika and then some salt soseason it up however you need 200 thingdon’t ask me about how much was in therebut get it salty enough for the thingnot too overpowering with the chocolatemay be fine we’re gonna do next is we’regonna remove this backside skin off ofthe ribs I’ve got three racks of babyback rib ribs and then we’re going tocoat it with some mustard and then we’redone coating it with the mustard we’regonna coat it with the dry seasoning letit sit for about a half an hour andwe’re gonna toss them in the instant potall right so this next step is reallyimportant you want to make sure we’llremove this backside skin off the bonesso hope tend to rise it a little bitbetter and cook it up it’s not going tobe as tougher so just get a knife andyou’re gonna hold down on the bones andjust start to pull on that skin once youget a good start on it one safe tip todo is grab a paper towel keep a papertowel here and grab ahold of that thenyou can really grab on it and thatshould just pull over right all the wayoff nice simple and cleanall right so now that we’ve got all theskin removed from all of our ribs we’regonna go ahead and douse them down withsome mustard this is just gonna helptenderize that meat and also help it adry rub stick a little bitter get allthat in thereyeah I’m just gonna sprinkle somechocolate dry rub all over itas you rub this in its gonna come morelike a paste which is fine make surethat you get it all over everythingflip that over do the same to thebacksideman smell us right now[Music]I like to do this on top of each otherso you get the top one if anythingspreads out down[Music]one rack we can set that aside and letthat marinate a little bitall right there’s a pot setup we’reready to do it in there that you’re justabout ready to put in there so let’s goahead and get this started my wooden alittle bit of liquid smoke there on thebottom nice smoky flavor some applecider vinegarand pour some water on thereand you want you can also add in asplash of secret saucetriple flavor you prefer then we’regonna go ahead and cut up probably notgonna fit all in there couple of ribsyes the pot just likeyou get all three racks in there youmight have to uh squeeze them in there[Music]this is just gonna make these ribs fallright off the bone[Music]like that three full wrecks all poppedin therepop little we’re gonna set it to manualwe’re gonna set it for 45 minutes[Music]all right so while our ribs are in theinstant pot cooking for the 45 minuteswe’re going to go ahead and start themost important part which is thechocolate barbecue sauce so let me goahead and show you all the ingredientsthat are inside of it so inside thesauce it’s going to start with a simplebasic garlic and onion saute you knowsaute it up in some butter for aboutfive to six minutes we’re gonna add insome chocolate chips that are allcrushed up and then we’ll add in ourseasonings and then also all of ourliquid sauces in there don’t worry aboutany of the ingredient amounts all goahead and post a description of all theingredients there all right we’re gonnastart this sauce off on a medium to highheat we’ve got two tablespoons of butterand our garlic and our onion and we’rejust gonna go ahead and saute this upfor about five to six minutes we’re justgonna get it nice and soft[Music]all right so now we’ve got all of ouronions and garlic saute dough nice andsoft smells amazing it’s time to add ourcrushed chocolate chips add all those inthere gonna stir that around just alittle bit get that to start melting bychopping them up it actually melts a lotfaster you can throw in the whole onesit’ll take a little bit longer but I’mgonna go ahead and add in all of ourliquid seasoning then we catch up coffeeliquid smokewe’ve got honey in there we’re Chesterand apple cider vinegar give that a nicestirso for now go ahead and add in all ofour dry seasoningsbrown sugar in theremix this all around and then it’ll setthis on simmer until the ribs arefinished steaming it[Music]all right our ribs are finished Amy I’mgoing to pop those out Oh perfect we’vegot our sauce ready to go onto our ribsthey’re careful to track all these outto where they don’t fall harder aim oncewhich is perfect that’s what you’regoing forbaby hold yeah yeah we got three onthere we probably confused another threeon this side and go ahead and wash thatoff my glasses popping up[Music]a smoke[Music]it’s gorgeous yeah I want you to take alook at this check this out flip that’slooking good now let’s get the otherones all rubbed down with the sauce andwhen we toss it inside of the broilerfor a few minutes and just nice crisp ontop for all those few minutes on high[Music]all right so these ribs are all donetoasting to them pull those out let themrest for a little bit cool down beforeyou play them up I want you to play themup man already low mines near bridge butwe didn’t have to leave the housein fact we stayed home stayed safe tellyou we get a chance to actually go[Applause][Music]