How to make perfect Ribs on a gas grill Watch Zoe Lyn take to the barbecue and show you how you can smoke up some ribs on your gas grill. Zoe Lyn from fixin it with Zoe Lyn is usually fixin cars and doing general repairs but she also loves to cook and is super good at it. learn easy techniques on how to make Rids, back ribs, short ribs, easy and in your own back yard.
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Video Transcription
hi I’m Zoe Lynn chief it’s a new toiletand today we run week for a viruslockdown so we’re gonna take a break andmake some barbecue usually we would usea smoker but we can’t go there today solet me show you how to make perfect ribson our gastro pour we lighter grill oryou’re gonna fill up our smoker boxtoday we’re going to be smoking withApplewood we’re gonna just cook it withthe top off because we’re gonna becooking for so long so we can just putit through the grates now I’m gonna fireup my grill now that we turned on ourgrill we have to make our rub we make avery simple rub we’re gonna use brownsugar and a blend of spices that I wastold not to tell anybody what they were[Music]now that I didn’t tell you my secret wehave to mix them all together until it’sa paste[Music]we’re gonna use avocado oil I’m so gladthat my crew is so prepared for thelockdown that they got an extra bottleavocado oil[Music]I’m ready to show you my ribs last nightI prepped them and removed the membraneand then I stuck them in coca-colaovernight that softens up the ribs nowit’s time to cut my ribs I only like tocoat the front side with the meat but ifyou would like you can do both sides[Music]while I coat the rest of my my ribs I’mgonna put it on the hot grill you canonly put it on the hot grill for tenminutes before it burns[Music]I’ll be back when all of them are on thegrill my rooms have been on there forabout 10 minutes now I’m gonna take themoff and make my rib rack I like that goand get my rib rack and then I realizedthat it was with the smoker so I didn’thave one so one of my crafty crew madethis for me thank youthey made it out of one of these soduring the apocalypse this is gonna haveto do the trick to making ribs on a gasgrill is to have a package of some sortof liquid in the bottom of the tin we’rejust using the coca-cola that we alreadysoaked the ribs in now we’re gonna makea tent over the ribs and make our ownsmoker[Music]I’m done making my tents I left it so Ican put more wood chips in and let thesmoke will go in there and make its ownsmokers for the next four hours we’regonna keep it between 250 and 300degrees every 30 minutes I’m gonna comeout and put more chips in and get theribs wet so they don’t burn see you in30 minutes now that it’s been thirtyminutes I’m gonna add chips and wet myknee my privilege hold me that my meatnature is whisper smoker so I’m gonnahave to MacGyver something up I don’tknow how big Ivor is or what that is soI’m just gonna rig something up I putcoca-cola in rice rice container and I’mgonna use it as a water cam[Music]thirty minutes[Music]we’re on the last hour I’ve been puttingnew chips in and getting them what Iflip them a couple of times and now Ihave to flip them again they lookamazing we have to make sure thatthey’re at a hundred and seventy degreesso they’re safe to eat we’re gonna keepit at 170 degrees for the last hour[Music]we’re gonna sense it one more time andfor the last tip[Music]now that the hour is up we’re gonna kickthem off the grill and let them brushrest for 20 minutes but first we have todo my favorite part the bone tests[Music]they’re off the bone perfect usually Iwould turn off the drill but now I’mgoing to turn them is too high becausein 20 minutes some people are gonna wantsome soft I cut a piece off so you cansee that you can get a perfect smokering with just a gas grill and not asmoker[Music]now that I’ve been sitting for 20minutes I asked what everyone wanted andeveryone wanted sweet baby race honeybarbecue sauce so I’m gonna use that youput them on the grill[Music]put barbecue sauce and spread it onthere those are gonna be on there forabout five minutes you’ve been watchingfixing it with Zoe link don’t forget tolike subscribe share and comment thankyou for watching bye[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]