Baked Garlic Parmesan Pork Chops
• 6 boneless pork chops, 1″ thick
• 1 cup parmesan cheese, grated
• 1/2 cup Italian seasoned dry bread crumbs
• 1 tsp dried parsley
• 1 tsp black pepper
• 1 tsp garlic powder
• olive oil
Roasted garlic and herb seasoning grinder:
Wash your hands!!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys today we’re gonna be makinggarlic parmesan pork chops you’re gonnaneed your oven at 425 I’ve got somethingelse in the bottom of them so that’s whyyou see two temperatures you’re gonnaneed a skillet attend by 14 something tobraid your pork chops in and you’regonna need salt and pepper roastedgarlic and herb seasoning garlic powderparsley Parmesan cheese and it’s Italianstyle breadcrumbs pork chops and oliveoil okay so this recipe takes six porkchops so we’re going to do a teaspoon ofpepper teaspoon dried parsley teaspoon[Music]just eyeball you don’t have to do thiswith just this roasted garlic and herbseasoningwe’re going to do cup of the Parmesancheeseand a half a cup of the peristylebreadcrumbsokay readyokay so now we’re just going to mix allthis up so guys I’ve had this heating onthe stove since I started witheverything here so we’re just going totoss them in the breading here and thenwe’re just going to sear them in a panbefore we put them in a differentpainting I’m back in the ovenokay so we’re going to put this a littlebit of this in the bottom of the pan toset the pork chops on it when we bakethem I sprayed the bottom of this withthe paneland then we’re going to cycle the restof this on the top or go ahead of Hanwe’re going to sear all these in panbefore we put them in the other I hadthis on high just warmed up we’re gonnago about medium high to see these okayso now we’re gonna take these out of thepan come over hereok so now we’re going to take the restof the spreading and put it on top ofeach one of theseokay so we’re gonna put these in theoven 425 for about 20 minutes thosearen’t my Peas okay thank you guys forwatching and I’m going to put a link inthe description of the roasted garlicand herb grinder because it is the onlyseasoning you’ll ever need because it’sawesome and make sure to LIKE the videoand subscribe and I’ll see you guys inthe next videoremember to wash your hands and neverlose hope bye bye