BBQ Pork Recipes

Smoked Pork Steaks – What’s Cookin’ Wednesday

We’re slow smoking some thick pork steaks and then searing them off to perfection.

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hey I’m Nick from hasty bake in theTulsa Grill store and this is what’scooking Wednesdaynow our goal on these what’s cookingWednesday series is to bring yousomething you can cook after work whenthe kids are getting home when you’regetting home when you’re tired you don’twant a really long lengthy grill sowe’re gonna do something cheap and funtoday is pork steaks these are not cutfrom any sticky region of the pork likeyou would normally think on beef they’reactually cut from the pork butter thepork shoulder they’re slices somewherein the range of 3/4 of an inch to aninch and a half thick we got some nicethick ones here today so we can take ona good amount of smoke we asked ourbutcher to cut some one-and-a-half inchsteak for us and this is what those looklikegot a beautiful layer of fat on the topcross-section of the bone that will holdit together meats very tender got a lotof wiggle to it these are gonna be somereally really really beautiful steakswhat we did last night was we brinedthese pork steaks we use meat churchesbird baths which is a very low sodiumnice brine it doesn’t have anythingthat’s necessarily dedicated to bird orto poultry so it does work for lots ofthings so we decided to use it on ourport we also put into that I’m going toshow you a cutaway of what it lookedlike some oranges and some apples andsome peppercorn in with our back and webrine these all night the bowl in therefrigerator took them out this morningrinse them off and put them in a bag tobring here but because we had someapples and oranges it has a nice kind ofa fruity undertone the peppercorns aregonna add some nice kick to itand it’s going to go great with heathRyles apple rub all these look reallypretty you do have a bone cross sectionin some of these as it cuts down thepork but the bandsaw is gonna cutthrough the bone and then eventuallyyou’ll pass up the bone and you’ll havesome steaks that I end up being bonelessyou just want to keep an eye out becauseevery now and then like this one youhave a little tiny piece of bone that’sleft over you’re just gonna cut it outwhen you’re all done with the steak butyou want to be aware of it so you don’tend up serving it to a kid or somethinglike that all right now it’s the funpart we’re gonna get seasoning we areusing our favorite today some duck fatthis is a great great oil really goodrub doesn’t it being greasy doesn’t endup pooling it’s kind of an aerosol sprayit’s gonna add a little bit of moistureto the outside of these steaks justenough to let our rub stickwe’re gonna go ahead and start off witha layer of honey Chipotle and the reasonbeing is the rub that you put on firstis the last thing they’re gonna taste soyou have a little bit of pop of extraput lay on the end but they’re gonna besurprised by a nice bright apple bite onthe front end so we’re gonna startseasoning these up with a honey Chipotlea nice even coat it’s a thick steak soit can take quite a bit of seasoningthese pork steaks kind of have a battleof where they hail from st. Louis peopleare gonna say they come from st. LouisTexas people are gonna say they comefrom Snow’s barbecue in Texas Texas isgonna use that SPG that we’re reallyreally well-known for that salt peppergarlic that heavy black pepper thatkosher salt it’s a great flavor profileand you think coming up from st. Louisit’s probably gonna be a little bitsweeter so they can battle it out butall we know is we end up winning becausethese are a great great greateat apple rub gonna top that off on thetop press that in it’s called rubbingbut you don’t really rub you just kindof press it in you start rubbing it’llslop off Heath’s rubs especially hisfruit ones that use peach or apple havea wonderful wonderful flavor to themthere’s a lot of pop you can definitelytaste the peach you can definitely tastethe apple he’s done a really good jobconstructing those rubs and we’re happyto carry him at the Tulsa Grill storeyou can buy it from him online too ifyou’re nowhere near us but either waydefinitely something you want to give ashot on I will tell you that honeyChipotle rub I put that on everythingit’s really good so heath nice workbuddyall right what we’re gonna do from nowis we’re gonna let these things sit outfor about ten minutes we’re gonna letthem sweat we’re gonna let that moisturethat meat come up and grab the seasoningpull it back down so it nice and tackyand doesn’t rub off on our grill we’llget them on the smoke we’re going to 50today on the Weber smoke fire this issomething new a lot of times we like tocook on our hasty bakes here but theWeber smoke fire is a great grill we’resmoking these things up to 50 todayuntil we get to an internal temperatureof about a hundred and forty-five whichis safe for pork so after we hit that145 we’re gonna crank that smoke fire upto 600 degrees get a great sear on itand let them rest when we’re reallyexcited how they’re gonna turn out sowe’re giving this thing a test we gotsome pecan pellets in it which is agreat complement to pork and we’re realexcited about it so after these thingsrest and sweat we’ll see you guys in aminuteplease things have rested they’re readyto go they got all the seasoning kind oftucked away tight on that meat and we’regonna go ahead and put them on thesmoked fire like it said 250 over becomepellets we’re gonna see how long they goto make sure we keep these pork steaksnice and moist father inside thischamber because smoke does tend to drythings out we’re going to go ahead andput together a mop sauce what I’ve gotright here is about three cups of waterI’ve heated it up inside the smoker soit’s almost to the boiling point we’regonna put some vinegar in there not halfa cup we’re gonna go about half an onionhalf a stick of butter you’re gonna usequite a bit of work sharp because it’sgonna go a long way two teaspoons or somaybe one depending on the size of yourpot of dry mustard in thereyou can sink all that down get thatbutter in there so the water startsmelting I’m gonna put that back on thesmoker in the hottest spot of the smokerI can to really kind of get it rolling alittle bit once that’s kind of coming upto temperature on the mop sauce you’regonna go ahead and take your mop you gotto dip it in the sauce and you’re gonnamop your steaks down about every 10minutes or so until it comes up to thetemperature you’re looking for which forus about a hundred and forty fivehundred and fifty degrees internal isgonna do it these pork steaks are justabout done we smoked into an internaltemperature of about a hundred and fiftydegrees I really want to get them up toabout 170 but what I’m gonna do rightnow is I’m gonna pull them off kind oflike we’re doing a reverse sear I’mgonna let them rest a little while whilewe get the smoke fire up to about 600degrees we’re gonna crank it get areally good char on all that fat that’saround the port finish these things bumpthem up to 170 and we’re gonna call themgood so I’m gonna crank the smoke fireup but first I’m gonna put these thingsin a panel and rest here on the counterwhile we’re getting that fire hot oursmoke fire is now just 600 degrees itsays so on the dial but just to confirmI’m gonna go ahead and hit it with thislaser thermometer infrared thermometerjust to see what kind of temperatureswere registering six twelve on anothersix thirty I mean this is every bit at600 degrees which is not that common ona pellet grill there is a little bitmore fly ash than on some other pelletgrills so some of those reviews wereright but I wouldn’t expect anythingless when you have a lot of air blowingon those pellets trying to get thisthing cranked up to 600 Gries we aregonna put these pork steaks on now getthat fat nice and charred and renderedup and man we’re looking forward to thisbecause this is a pellet grill we canactually close the lid on it unlikecharcoal and keep that temperatureclimbing because we’re not having to useoxygen from the top to get thattemperature up so I’m gonna let thosethings sear for about a minute we’llflip them over hit the other side andthen they’re gonna be done and these aredone we’re gonna go ahead pull them offnow bring them back for the rest alrightwe’ve rested these steaks for a while wepulled them off the smoke fire isblazing at 600 degrees had a lot offlame had a lot of flare had a greatcolor on these things they went forabout three and a half hours on thesmoke we brought them up real slow startat about 225 and brought them in toabout internal temperature of about 150we arrested them we got that crankingtemperature up and we throw them onthere for about a minute minute a half aside just to get the final Brown thatpush the temperature from the 150 155range up into 170 which is right wherewe want it now to serve these thingsit’s really easy you can serve them as asteak you can slice them I like to sliceI’m kind of into bite-sized pieces servethem with a sauce on the side they’regreat for small bites are great for ameal and they’re dirt cheap becausethey’re actually pork butt so about abuck to a buck fifty a pound and you gota great protein for your meal here solet’s slice them up and see how theyturned out I did say before beware ofwhere the bone is so I’m gonna feelaround and feel that spot I mean sliceright in the middle of it see how theselook now we got a wonderful smoke ringon that so we had a good amount of salton our rub some great pellet smokecoming from that cooker probably morepellet smoke than we’re used to on a lotof other grills they’re nice and tenderthey’re the right consistency for a goodsteak bite we’re just going to get themsliced up herethat mark looks good that teller looksgood but more than the look we’reconcerned about the texture so thesepulling apart they are which is rightwhere you want it you want to renderthat fat enough where it’s not gummyit’s not hard to chew it’s nice andtender but it’s still moist and itdoesn’t dry out that’s what we’retalking about oh I could eat that allday every day we’ll be doing these a lotmore often that’s smoke fire did greatthese steaks are wonderful that mopadded and all that extra moisture superexcited about this thanks for joining usguys today on what’s cooking Wednesdaycrap some pork steaks or a nice cheapmeal for your family at night you can’tbeat that have a great week

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