BBQ Chicken Recipes

Crispy Chicken Wings with Spicy Mustard BBQ Sauce

The secret to crispy chicken wings has been revealed and it does not include baking soda! This recipe shows you my technique to getting the crispiest skin on your wings. In addition, I have included a recipe for a new Spicy Mustard BBQ Sauce I am working on. This made for the perfect glaze on the wings. Finally, I did another “this or that” by grilling half the wings direct and the other half indirect. You gotta watch until the end to find which was better.

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[Music]what’s up everybody this is ChrisSussman otherwise known as the BBQBuddha and today we’re talking aboutchicken ways I’ve got a pack of chickenwings that I’m gonna show you how togrill up perfectly on the big green eggsince you all like the this and thatseries so much I’m gonna put a littlespin on it this time I’m gonna cook halfof these chicken wings indirect on a biggreen egg the other halfdirect on a bakery tank but you know mysecret to crispy skin and that is drybrining these chicken wings overnight solet’s get them out of the packaging I’mgoing to show you how to separate thedrum from the flat and then we’re goingto dry bryony’s which means put a littlekosher salt all over the outside of thechicken wings we’re going to sit them onthese wire racks and then we put them inthe fridge overnight tomorrow they’ll beready to grill up some people like tocook the whole party crackling usuallywhen I’m at festivals I’ll do the samething because it’s easier and faster andseparating the wings from the flat butto me it’s too much of a commitment tohave a whole chicken wing the wholeanatomy of the chicken wing tip thatreally doesn’tanything the flat in the drum so I’mgonna show you how to separate thesewhat I do to separate them and then ofcourse you can keep the wing tips righthere and reserve that for stock or sauceor something like that what you want todo is you just want to find the naturaljoin when you take a boning knife youjust slice right down right through thatjoint set that to the side and what Ilike to do is just pull these apartyou’ll see that little joint right thereyou can see it come right down thenatural line so I’m just gonna followthis and go right see that clean-cutthere you gothat is how you separate the drum fromthe flat bingo so I’m going to set theseon the wire rack while I clean up therest of these alright so we’ve dividedup the chicken wings we’ve got the drumat and the flats nice and separated nowcomes the drive writing process so whatI do is I just have these wire racksthat sit on top of baking sheets I put alittle foil underneath so the catches ofthe drippings and that salt starts towork its way into the skin the neednaturing process begins the briningprocess begins and you start to see alittle bit of moisture a drip or comeout of the chicken wings so I just liketo catch that so it doesn’t get toogunky and leave me with too much cleanuptomorrow and use parchment paper waxpaper or anything like thatoils on hand so I use that so now what Iwant to do is you want to make sure theskin starts nice and dry so white eachone of these wings allwith the paper towel tomorrow and thenyou see me pull the chicken wings out ofthe refrigerator they’re going to lookyellow and dark you’ll almost be off butby the way they look but that’s exactlywhat you want them to look like for thecrispy skin that’s how you know the drybrining work I’m going to take my cambrocontainer is filled with kosher saltDiamond kosher salt I really likeDiamond kosher salt and I’m just goingto lightly sprinkle salt over both sideswe’ll start with the side that’s up andthat’s it I’m gonna flip these back overbecause I like the skin side to be up weare not going to cover these we’re gonnaplace these into a refrigerator we’regonna let them sit out in air dryovernight let that salt work its wayinto the skin but the brining process doits thing tomorrow we’ll meet right backherewe’ll check out these wings and get themseasoned up we’ll cook half of themdirect half of them indirect we’ll seewhat if any difference cooking directversus indirect on the big green egg maxall right everybody welcome back it’sthe next day you could tell my hair isdone I have a different shirt on butlet’s look at the wings see these wingssee how yellow and crusty they look Iknow that doesn’t sound very appetizingtrust me that dry brine skin like yellowcrusty look that you get after drybrining and then leaving these uncoveredin the fridge for 24 hours and it’s whatgets you that crispy skin I’ve got asimple homemade rub with a little saltpepper chili powder paprika cumingarlic powder we’re doing one set ofwings indirect and we’re doing one setof wings direct where I have the heat alittle high about 350 400 degrees so wedon’t want that sugar to burn so I’mjust going to make this simple rub rightnow all right maybe a tablespoon ofslather all right now I’m going to dothe exact same thing to the other side[Music]give a little squirt of mustard againabout a tablespoonnow that the wings have been slatheredwe’ve got mustard all over them I’m justgonna apply a light coat for myseasoning right to the top of thesechicken wings[Music]got these wings the nice and coveredwith the rub we’re doing in this er thatagain this time we’re doing indirectversus direct we’re gonna grill somedirect we’re gonna grill some indirectwe’re gonna see if either one of thesemethods provides a superior chicken wingexperience one thing I can guarantee youis the fact that we drive brined bothsets of chicken wings will make for acrispy skin that I can tell you for sureI’m gonna go out there and get the biggreen eggs readyfollow along we’ll get these babies onthe extra-large big green egg is set forindirect cooking and is at 375 degreesmy large big green egg is set for raiseddirect cooking and is just above 300degrees I’m gonna walk you through myrecipe for a classic mustard basedbarbecue sauce so this is a great recipeone that’s really easy to do and itpairs perfectly with chicken wings sothe very first thing we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna put in some mustard yougotta have mustard in order to have amustard barbecue sauce right next thingyou want to offset that mustard in thatacidity with a little bit of honey nowwe’re gonna put in some apple cidervinegar every good barbecue sauce hasketchupgot brown sugar that we’re gonna put innow I’ve got a spice mixture someWorcestershire sauce and some of the BBQBuddha’s a magic hot sauce that’s itthat’s as simple as you can do I’m justgoing to turn this burner on so we canbring it not to a boil but just to alight simmer to melt that sugar infuseall the flavors and then we’ve got anawesome sauce that you can glaze yourwings with all right everybody thismustard sauce has done its thing mmmthat is some good sauce look at thatgorgeous yellow mustard[Music]all right everybody we’re back that wasabout 45 minutes wings that I have hereon the left you can see they are theones that were grill direct listen tothe you can hear that with themicrophone over herethose wings are crispy the ones thatwere direct grilled no surprise have alittle bit more in the now your reactiona little bit of that char on there it’sgot a deeper darker color let’s take alook at the ones that I cooked indirectyou can still I’m feeling that skin andis still super crispy so no surpriseboth are crispy you get a lot more colorlook there is the indirect there’s thedirect you get a lot more color with thedirect so this one is kind of split forme you know it depends it’s 5050 ifyou’d like all that color on your wingand then the direct is the winner if youlike to set it and forget itthen the indirect is your winner thereason why I say that is indirect I ofand then flipping it once I don’t reallyneed to look at it that often but withthe direct I had to go out there andmake sure it wasn’t burning of flaringup because that’s that fat renders outof the skin it drips on the fire belowand it could cause flare-ups so if youwant to set it and forget it I would dothe indirect cooking and that way youget crispy skin you get nice goldenchicken if you want to get that reallydark color and you want a babyand go with direct we’re gonna take someof this BBQ Buddha honey mustard saucewe’re gonna glaze these bad boys andwe’re going to taste one and you’regonna see what we think an apple thedirectors tale of two wings people let’stry them out and see which one we likebetter I suspect all right everybody sowe did another successful mr. bat directchicken wings indirect chicken wings yousaw me take a bite I have to say bothwere excellent but now that I’ve had adrumette of each oneI like the indirect better so I can’tI think the indirect is better here’swhy Chris penis unless you like thatsort of thing of charred skin took awaya little bit from that flavor you getthe crispiness without that char of theindirect the smoky flavor the big greenegg comes through these chicken wingsare dynamite I think I’m going to eat afew more as soon as I turn that cameraoff if you liked this video you want tosee more hit the subscribe button it’sgonna be over here or over here if youwant to leave me a comment do so belowI’d love to hear what you have to sayuntil we eat again cook something greatfor me have a nice day

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