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Corky’s BBQ 4-lbs Seasoned Roasted Chicken Wings
Seasoned, sauced, and sensational! Corky’s barbecued roasted wings are rubbed with seasoning, slow roasted, and basted in your choice of sauce to make a hearty appetizer or a flavorful finger-licking meal. The wings come fully cooked and are ideal for get-togethers, game day, or a fun Friday night with the family. From Corky’s Ribs & BBQ.
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Video Transcription
for that all right are you missing wingnight your favorite sports bar I kind ofam too well don’t fret I’m gonna bringtrue southern barbecue and wings to yourbackyard customer favorite they’re abest seller I keep these stocked in myfreezerthere are Corky’s seasoned roastedchicken wings four pounds of chickenwings delivered right to your door youdon’t have to go to a store in twoawesome flavors you have your choice offour pounds of wings in sweet and smokywhich is that little bit of sweet thatlittle bit of smoky maple flavor or youcould do four pounds of the Corky’swings in my favorite that bourbon it’sgot a little bit of that zest to it thatis oh so good this is coming at you at afuture price of $64.95 of $12.49 and Iwant you to look at these Jimmy Stovallwho usually is here with us in person isgonna call in in a minute we’re gonnatalk to him but you’ve got to checkthese out these babies are huge andthey’re fully cooked you do not have todo this thing it is the ultimate heatand eat they’re huge they’re meatythey’re not fried they’re seasonedtumble seasoned slow roasted to lock inthe juiciness of this chicken andthere’s so much chicken on these andthen you have that just beautiful bakedwing to lock in all the flavor m59 177now if you want the Bourbon which isagain it’s gonna be a little bit more ofthat zesty savory flavor we’re a littlebit more limited have any that we haveavailable 2700 available in the sweetand smoky coming we have a few moreavailable on that now here’s the thinglocking with auto-delivery if you lovechicken wings because trust me you nevertried these before once you do you’regonna love them and what will happen isevery 90 days for a year a new set offour pound of wings will come to youdelivered right to your door now you cancancel anytime you can even delay anauto-ship but trust me I’m on two autodeliveries with thisbecause we go through them so much youthrow these in the oven you’re good togo you could even microwave them I loveto thaw them a little bit put them onthe grill and it get a really crispyskin on that and it is delicious allright let’s go to the phonesJimmy Stovall is joining us he’s notthere yet okay well here’s the thingCorky’s is a Southern tradition out ofMemphis Tennessee you know how if youwant lobster you get a Maine if you wanta crab cake you check out the Chesapeakeor you go to Maryland if you wantbarbecue you go to Memphis and Corky’sis a family chain of restaurantsfamily-owned they’ve been doing this forquite some time and I had the chance tovisit and I got to tell you there was aline going out the door everybodywanting their barbecue now being verymindful of just keeping the drool fromdripping down my chin that is whathappens at Corky is you get your ribsyou get your wings and this is one ofthe best sellers when you’re talkingabout these wings this is good oldsouthern food the stick to your rib thehug you from inside you know a lot of uslove wing night we can’t get therenothing’s happeningif you’ve been jonesing for it justeasily make it again they’re fullycooked they’re heat and eat as they pullthese apart from you I want to show youall the meat have you ever gone to toyou know a restaurant and you bite intothe wing and it’s all just skin or it’sall breading and you’re thinking where’sthe meat that’s not gonna happen withCorky’s nope juicy tender absolutelydeliciousin about 20 minutes you could have wingsright at your dinner table they’reabsolutely incredible and make it a mealif you want and we do because they’re someaty I eat about five of them with alittle bit of broccoli or a vegetableand I’m good to go so that’s what we didhere some new potatoes some Brusselssprouts David’s not here we did someBrussels sprouts yes we did there theyare David if you’re watching look awaythat is a meal a good meal too this ishigh protein they’re not fried sothey’re fewer calories here we did awonderful display for an appetizer putin a little extra barbecue sauceand make it muddies style remember theseare tumbled season and then they’rebaked and then there was a little bit ofthat sauce kind of roasted in you canget extra sauce and make a muddy stylehere we are with french fries now youknow that’s my jam you’re gonna get bothdrumsticks and you’re gonna get paddlesor flats either one super super meatyadd it with a little bit of the corn onthe cob and some tomatoes there we go itis so good and this is what I mean bymoney stock style Judy I’m gonna try tofigure out where you’re at because theyalready have to seasoning on here butyou could take quirky sauce and we dooffer two bottles of Corky sauce you putthat on top now you got finger lickinggood old southern barbecue again you’regetting four pounds they’re preseasonfor you here are the choices so thisright here is the Bourbon the Bourbon isgonna be a little bit more zesty gonnabe deep and savory but neither choice isgonna be hot now I love hot wings but ifyou’re looking for just a little kick gowith the bourbon the sweet and smoky isgonna give you that kind of sweet honeyor flavor flavor and that smokiness likethey were wood smoked it’s delicious sothose are your two choices again let mejust show you what four pounds of wingsare and when they’re this meaty andthey’re this jumbo it’s a whole lot ofgood eating and five nine 177 let mejust tell you lock in with thatauto-delivery so every 90 days for ayear they’re delivered to your door cuzright now then you don’t have to worryabout it am I gonna have something goodI can throw on the grill or in the ovenin a flash yeah you’ll have it you’llkeep them frozen you pull out as you goand I don’t have a bag here but trust methey come in a resealable bag so youjust take out what you need okay our manjimmies Stovall who’s been with Corky’sis joining us now on the phone Jimmy howare you hey baby how are you I am doingso good you know these are a familyfavorite of mine I can’t say enough goodthings about your wings and and just thethe barbecue flavor and the seasoningthat Corky’s does for their meatyeah thanks I mean I know you’re a fanof those your kids love it that’s what Ilove about these wings so really to methe great thing about the wings arefirst of all we start with jumbo meatywings then we tumble season them and sothe seasoning is that’s the big secretand barbecue you know what’s theseasoning what’s the mix and we tumbleseason them then we slow roast them andwe don’t fry them so slow roasting opensthat skin up it lets that flavors thinkin that true Memphis barbecue rub flavorand then we individually quick-freezethem resealable bag like you said so youcan take out just a few or as many asyou wantair fryer oven they’re so easy andthey’re not hot and spicy they’re notdeep fried and they’re not batter canyou explain the difference between theseasoning starting with the Bourbon myfriendyeah the Bourbon so it’s more of a morea little bit more of a bold fullflavored you get a little bit of thathint of like an oak barrel at the endthat would be smoky flavor it’s not hotand spicy and it’s not you know it’s notoverpowering it’s just a nice littlemore bold flavor if you love a littlebit more of a sweet barbecue flavor thesweet and smoky is great because westepped up you know with the smokypaprika and then a little bit ofsweetness with a little bit of brownsugar in there so that one’s a littlebit more on the sweeter side and thenthe Bourbons a little more on the savoryside so it just depends on which whichway you like now which one does yourfamily like the kids like sweet andsmoky me my husband we’re all about theBourbon they’re awesome I remember doingthis as a today’s special value rememberWing Bowl competition I think like out38:17 wings I don’t know what a big guydavid venable a but I bet you it wasmore than 17 he did he throw him up wellJimmy thank you for joining us thank youfor the incredible wings and just makingdinner or snacking so easy we reallyappreciate it thank y’all so much we’llkeep cooking for you thank you all rightyou know Jimmy we’ll check you later m59177 your choice bourbon a little bitmore limitedor the four pounds of the sweet andsmoky remember keep them in your freezerfor a year take out what you need grillthem throw them in the oven or air