When you make this recipe, please tag me on Instagram @bansun13 and #AnhThaiChef. This will make me super happy! 😀
Ingredients (4 servings)
Cooked rice
Salad (mixed greens and chopped tomatoes)
Main Dish
4 pork chops
6 cloves of garlic
3 shallots
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp MSG
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp fish sauce
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
Dipping sauce
3 garlic cloves
1 chili pepper
1 lime
2 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp water
2-3 tbsp fish sauce (to taste)
#Vietnamesefood #Vietcuisine #Vietcooking #Quarantinecooking
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
everyone today we’re gonna make canoesor grilled pork chop Vita meats that areyou ready music and you want a pile sixorbit yeah Charlotte cloves peeled bringthat up[Music]get some shallot in there Radio totalI’m gonna add another one after I finishwith these patties mmm[Music]what[Music]don’t let them escape trafficall right here comes the third one yeahbabypound it hard[Music]hey there comes the mother sugar sugarmama[Music]d12 big spoon of that tablespoon Ohactually three[Music]two tbsp of soy sauce dumped in[Music]of course the star businessunless well at first I did twotablespoon but after I whiskey it up Irealized you know I didn’t see himenough so later on I did anothertablespoon so you want to do three typesof food and we’re gonna add 4 tbsp ofoil you can use olive oil as well[Music]okay so this you can substitute with MSGI don’t have any MSG on hand so I usechicken booyah as you can see I’m prettyrelaxed I’m a cooking club I substitutewhen I don’t have ingredients on handand you should feel free to do that tocomputers all about experimentationdon’t be afraid to be differentoh yeah let’s get up mmm yeah see thisis where I did the additional tablespoonper fish sauce okay so we’re going toadd the garlic and the shallot fromearlier into a bowl make sure you getall the goodies back in don’t waitall right now mix it all up yes it wasonly myself ah are you freaking seriousoh my god of course that’s what happenedon camera all right timeout I’m gonnafreakin clean this upreal fast[Music]oh yeah what a mess one more wife andshe’s gone againokay that’s our business[Music]mixa mixa mixa[Music][Music]we’re gonna be trying to show it withoutspilling again oh my god I wouldn’t knowmoving a consistencyall right are mere names done now let’sbring out I’ll three months thenstill the black pepper[Music]crying it up the more the merrieroh god some cayenne pepper or whateverpepper you have on hand I just wanted tobe you know to have a little kick[Music]okay let’s bring on the bad boys thatput shot I got these from Scott Costcoand I just put them in a gallon ziplockbag for ease of mixing or in ourmarinade make sure you get every lastdrop of that metricyes scraping scrape itokayand not miss itand touch that bad boy[Music]reason why I also go in the visible pathso you want to actually touch the meatto mix it which I think it’s a littlebit more sanitary by pushing always weargloves or you don’t mind touching meatsthat’s fine too I’m just a germaphobe soI’m sorry I’d rather a massage comingfrom outsideokay so after that we’re gonna diemarinate for three hours at least bestresult is overnight so he can waitplease do it overnight to bring thefridge yeah of course when you clean upmy son got don’t clean during thesetimes and now we are cooking it was ourmedium heat and you want to cook eachside for about 3 to 4 minutes until it’sgolden okay over here we have our fishsaucewell famous fish sauce it’s super easyto make so you add about 3 to 4 got acloned a habanero our jalapeno or Thaichili or whatever you have and thenabout 2 tablespoon of sugar and 2 to 3tbsp of water and then we set up it maybe helpful to use one water to dissolvethe sugar and then add in your fishsauce last to taste oh I forget I’m alsoadd about 3/4 of a lime or lemon inthere as well for that subtle hint ofsourness okay like our meat is almostdone I got salad coming there as well sojust saw all we need is this bad boythat fat I’m swearing here now of courseif you have a grow this is a perfectdish to grow but because I’m not thatblue cheese it’s gonna keep it simpleblowing my cam right here make sure youget all the sideswe got fat illiteracyokay I think we have anyone all right Iam to put the minion young an Appetiteveryone