#bbqporkchops #twicebakedpotatoesrecipe #greenbeansandbacon #applepuffpastry #starttofinishmeals #bbqporkchoprecipe #bemycook
BBQ Pork Chops | Twice Baked Potatoes | Awesome Green Beans | Apple Dessert
This is a great meal for your family, it`s easy full of flavor perfect for a Saturday or Sunday.
The addition of using the slow cooker really will free up some time to do the prep on the side dishes and dessert
Pork Chops
-BBQ sauce
-Olive oil
-Salt and pepper
For the potatoes:
-Sour cream
-Sharp cheddar cheese shredded
-Salt and pepper
-Chives (optional)
For the beans:
-Cut green beans canned
-Black pepper
Apple Dessert:
-1 box puff pastry
-2 Granny smith apples
-Sugar and cinnamon mixed (optional)
-1 pat of butter
–Egg wash
Thank you for watching. Enjoy!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey everybody welcome back to be my cooki’m susie and in today’s video we’regonna be making a full meal on today’smenu we’re gonna have barbecue porkchops twice baked potatoes awesome greenbeans and also an apple dessert so staytuned to begin we were going to use acrock pot today and therefore we’regoing to put our pork chops in this andwe’re going to cook these which willgive us a lot of time to be able to dothe rest of the meal so we’re gonna useour crock pot with a little bit of oliveoil just about a tablespoon and I’m alsogonna add my favorite barbecue saucejust on the bottom another quarter cupput some pepper in the bottom and somesaltabout 1/4 cup of water and then we’regoing to use my pork chops we’re gonnaput these in the bottom of the pinionnow I find these out last night in therefrigerator but they’re still kind offrozen you can kind of see that butthey’re not solid you don’t ever want toput frozen food in your crock potbecause it can crack so they’re justgonna set these in here and then I’mgoing to add another round of salt andpepper just on the top just a little bit[Music]and a little bit more barbecue sauce youused whatever you like this one I likebut where I live I cannot buy it at thegrocery store they don’t carry it so Ihave to buy it from Amazon so now we’regoing to turn on our crock-potI’m going to set it to low and we’regoing to set it on about five hours andwe’re just going to leave it alone andthen we’re going to start the rest ofthe meal couple hours later now we’regonna make a twice baked potato so whatI’m gonna do is I’m gonna I’ve alreadywashed them what I’m gonna do is stabthem with a knifeand I’m gonna add some vegetableshortening then I’m just gonna rub itall over the potatoes and I’m gonna putthem on the pan and I have my oven on400 degrees and we’re gonna cook thesefor about 50 minutes we want to makesure that they’re thoroughly cookedthrough okay just come on with the oventhere and I’m gonna slice up somescallions now we’re gonna use these inthe filling for the potatoes[Music]the third in the world I also have apart of an Anaheim pepper I’m going toput in my potatoes because I want thatlittle bit of heat this is optional youdon’t have to do that if you don’t wantto but I like it to me these aren’t thathot so doesn’t bother me but it doesgive it up I would have somethingsomething[Music]alright let’s take our potatoes off thetray set that aside what we’re gonna dois we’re going to cut them lengthwiseokay they’re open take a spoon and scoopout some of the potato yes they are hotand you have to do them while they aresomewhat hot because you want thefilling to start melting cheese now goput those right back on the tray then wecook them in some of that out of therebut not all of it be gentle[Music]see what I mean not all of the fillingis out and it is easier to do it with aspoon it’s just a lot faster becauselike I said these are hot and what youcan do is go ahead and cut them all openso you’ll be able to grab a hold of thema little better so the other ingredientsthat you’re going to be using is cheddarcheese sour cream and butter salt andpepper and that’s it and then we’regoing to cook them again as we’regetting filled up I’m just gonna mixthis up we’re going to add our cheeseabout half a bag of four ounces of sharpcheddar cheese and I have a 16-ouncecontainer of sour cream and I have abouthalf of it left so I’m going to scoopall that in there I’m going to use abouta half a stick of butter[Music]this just came out of the refrigeratorso I’m gonna have to cut it in somechunks to get it to Miller it upthere are salt and pepper on here needsa lot of salt a little bit more cheeseI’m gonna save some of that at the toppotatoes before we bake them okay thislooks good we are going to do this on myway potatoes back up here now we’regonna put the filling in[Music]okay just like that[Music]try to put as much in as I possibly can[Music]these are really good for left over aswell if you have eggs in the morningthis is good deep with eggs scrambled orfried now we’re going to put it back inthe oven at 400 degrees for another 20minutes or so maybe a little longer wejust want this to feel a little crispyon the top and the cheese to melt[Music]okay we are ready to go to the ovenokay potatoes are done out of the ovenand we’re just going to set these asideokay now for the dessert we’re going touse puff pastry I thought this out lastnight and the refrigerator I have onesheet here put a little bit of flour onthe board just gonna open it up gently[Music]take our rolling pin I’m just going toroll it out a little bit bigger than itactually is[Music]now we’re going to take a knife we’rejust gonna cut it and add[Music]we have two pieces[Music]now I’m gonna put it on a baking sheetlined with parchment paper[Music]I’m going to let that sit while we makethe filling which is to granny smithapples[Music]this dessert is very easy to make on aweeknight if you want to have a nicedessert and you don’t want to make a pieor you don’t have time you wantsomething with apples in it this is veryeasy and very tasty okay[Music]it’s gonna chop up these[Music]alright let’s just give them a few thinslices we’re gonna take these applesover to a frying pan and I’m gonna haveabout a TSP of butter in and we’re justgoing to precook them because I want tomake sure that my apples are done in thedessert because it actually doesn’t stayin the oven very long so I want to makesure that these are done we don’t wantto bite into a crunchy apple all rightlet’s get some butter in that frying panokay butter is melting in the pan I’mjust gonna add the apples you want tokeep this on low heat we’re not fryingthem we’re just trying to get them tosoften I’m not gonna add any sugar orcinnamon to these right now you’re gonnawait until they get softened I’m gonnatake a couple of minutes my apples areat the stage that I want them to be ithas been about two and a half minutes onvery low heat and at this point I’mgoing to turn off the heatand I’m gonna add some sugar and somecinnamon and some nutmeg says the sugarfirst I’ve got about a quarter cup Idon’t know if I’m gonna use all of itright nowjust wanna stir that around whilethey’re still I typically don’t like mydessert super sweet make sure you alwayscheck your apples just take a bite of itwhile it’s still raw and then you’ll beable to determine how much sugar youwant in your dessert I’m going to add alittle bit more these apples weren’t tootartthey are Granny Smith but they weren’ttoo turnt now I’m going to add somecinnamon[Music]little bit of salt just a pinch and somenutmeg just a little bit you always wantto go easy on the nutmeg it’s prettystronghey that looks like that’s gonna be verygood I put my pastry in the refrigeratorfor a little bit while I was frying upmy apples make sure they didn’t get toowarm cuz pretty warm in here so what I’mgoing to do now is I’m going to take myapples I’m going to set them on top ofthe pastry[Music]I’m gonna add a little bit more salableI like a lot of cinnamon there we go I’mgoing to fold this pastry over[Music]make sure that it fits and it does and Ihave some egg wash here I’m just gonnaput some egg wash down here so that itsticks I don’t want it to have all theroom the filling come out put it backover pinch down the sides put a slit inthe top there’s one that’s done you wantto make sure that your oven is on 400degrees and we’re gonna bake this for Iwould say 13 to 15 minutes we don’t wantit to get brown but we do want it to begoldenokay let’s flip this over now I onlyhave one sheet of puff pastry now if youhave a family you’re gonna want to usethe whole box which has two sheets whichwould give you four of these littleturnover Steudle whatever you want tocall it now I’m thinking I might want toget a fork smash it down a little bit soyou know that it’s not gonna pop out tothe oven after I give it another littleegg wash on top dessert is done now I’mjust gonna take some cinnamon sugar andput it on the topour potatoes are done I just added somegreen scallions to the top of thepotatoes so those are done now I’m gonnacheck on the pork chops the ones on thetop we have less than an hour to go onour pork chops so let’s take a lookhello they’re almost falling off thebone as you can see so I think what I’mgonna do is turn this off because to methey are done if I let them go anyfarther they just will probably fall offthe bone so I’m gonna turn my crock-potoff and I have 52 minutes left and asyou know we set this for 5 hours so Ireally don’t need it to cook any morethan thatso I’m gonna turn it off I’m going tojust pour a little bit more of mybarbecue sauce in and then I’m justgonna put the lid on and just let it sithere until dinner time to make ourawesome green beans I have threescallions here and I have a smoked porkchop now usually I use bacon from mygreen beans but I didn’t have any todayso I have this smoked pork chop so I’mgonna use that now the first thing we’regonna do is we’re going to put atablespoon of butter in our pan I’m justgonna leave it here next to me I’m goingto chop up our scallions[Music]set those to the side now we’re going totake on our smoked pork chop I’m goingto take off some of the fat that ifyou’ve never had a smoked pork chopbefore it tastes just like ham I’m justgoing to chop this up and I don’t thinkI’m gonna use all I want the flavor butI don’t want to add an extra meatactually to my beans in a big quantityjust using this for flavor so the firstthing we’re gonna do is we want to takeour smoked pork chop add it to ourfrying pan with the onions and we’regonna go over to the stove and we’regonna cook this okay here we are at thestove we’re just gonna turn it on mediumlow I’m gonna wait for our butter tomeltto put the onions in the smoked porkchop now the next thing you’re going toneed is just your favorite to cut greenbeans now I drained mine and we’re gonnaput those into this pan as soon as weget the butter melted and a little bitof the pork flavor out of that smokedpork chop[Music]now if you’re going to be using bacon Iwould suggest one maybe two slices ofbacon per one can of beansnow I’m only using one can of beansbecause there’s only two of us that aregoing to be eating tonight and we’rejust gonna keep the beans until thebutter melts they should be keep itthrough by them and these will be done[Music]we don’t need any salt because thesmoked pork chop is plenty salty here itis everybody[Music]our barbecued pork chops our awesomegreen beans our twice-baked potatoes andour apple dessert I hope you willconsider subscribing and giving thisvideo a thumbs up until next time bye[Music]