BBQ Chicken Recipes

Greek Grilled Chicken Wraps

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make Naan (flatbread), Tzatziki sauce, quick pickles, and a vibrant and delicious Greek grilled chicken.

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today we’re using chicken breasts forour grilled Greek chicken wraps with detiki sauce and to prep our chickenbreasts are gonna cut them down they’revery large in size and also if you’llsee it’s built kind of like a boxingglove and we want to make sure that thatthumb of the boxing glove has beentrimmed down so we’re just gonna takethat and there’s a little bit of abizarre tendon in here it doesn’t cookvery well we’re just gonna discard thatto the side a little bit of extra skinand we have no problem trimming that offand I think that’s pretty good to go allright so here’s the complicated part ofthis recipe for the grilled chickenwe’re going to cut this and a couple ofthin slicesso we’re going to start where thistriangle where the the tip of thetriangle is we’re going to make a cutand we’re gonna put our knife on thediagonal make a cut right here there’sit very slowly cut on the diagonal andso you’re getting a piece of chickenabout that size this not only helps usto marinade a very open cut and openfibers of the chicken breast it helps usmarinade but it also makes a thinnerslice of chicken and when it comes togrilling the hot fast method on thegrill is what we’re going to be using soif this is a very very large thick pieceof chicken like this we want to cut thatdown so it’s a little bit easier togrill really the same thing we’re justgonna slice into slices here and try tomaintain the thickness of the otherpieces againfor the comfortable grilling and then Ithink we should be okay to go I’m gonnakeep that as at this all rightand waiting me is a ziploc bag ourmarinade consists of a lot ofingredients and everything is designedto infuse the chicken with this gorgeousGreek sunny beautiful Mediterraneanflavor profile so we kind of go over onthe plate here we’ve got lemon zestwe have dill which is dried we havedried basil you can use fresh basil andfresh dill if you have them wonderful Idid not have fresh of either one ofthose I just use drawing I’ve got threelarge cloves of garlic that I slicedthen I have some salt cracked pepperI’ve wish to share sauce here in themiddle I have adobo seasoning and theadobo seasoning I love using is fromPenn zis I also had sumac which is abeautiful it’s a berry that is thisgorgeous gorgeous gorgeous red color andit doesn’t necessarily give off as muchcolor to the product that you’re cookingas it gives us this really sunny lemonycitrus bright flavor love adding sumacso if you’ve never used it before it’sdefinitely worth experimenting with andyou’ll also find that there’s a coupleof recipes I’ve already recorded thatsumac is in the recipe I’ve got freshchives you can use dried but I had freshand then I also have fresh oregano andthe regular that I have again it’s freshyou can also use dried then right here Ijust have some grapeseed oil so here’sthe magic of theit’s gonna take this bag with ourchicken pieces even our oil I wish toshare and very carefully we’re gonna addin all of those goodies and it may seemlike a lot of flavors going on and it isit’s definitely got a lot going on butit is 100% flavor our grilled chicken sobefore we give that a shush there’s thezest of one lemon but I also want to getthe juice from this as welland we’re just gonna put that directlyinto the bag I’m not concerned aboutseeds because once that lemon is insideand you’ve zipped up the bag give thewhole thing a really aggressive edgesand you’re just gonna move all yourspices and your chicken around and kindof take those lemon halves that you putin there and just switch it around andyou want this chicken to sit andmarinate overnight I love a good 12 houror overnight marinade you you I mean youcan absolutely make this marinade in themorning and your chicken can sit in itfor about six hours and you grill it atnight and it’s gonna be delicioushowever the best thing that you can dois just think one day ahead and do aquick overnight marinade and this puppyis gonna be delicious and good to goonto the grill for tomorrow night’sdinner and before I go to bed tonightI may just take the chicken give itanother good working grilland then pump it upside down just so anymeriting that was on top can go to thebottom if you forget that little stepnot a problem but make sure thatwhatever you’re doing you put yourchicken in a bag in a bowl or acontainer or something just in caseanything happens to damage the bag or ifthere’s a slowly you don’t have allthose chicken juices dripping into thebottom of your refrigerator so best if Ican tell you put in a container in thefridge overnight and you’re good to gocan’t wait to show you all the resultsof this what we have here are the threemain ingredients for what we call aquick pickleso we have our brine we have a red onionand we have a green pepper and all we’regoing to do is we’re gonna combine thosetogether into a quick pickle but firstlet’s prep our vegetables you don’t haveto get fancy with these you definitelywant these onions into manageable piecesokay you want very thin slices of onionso right here you can see I’ve got abeautiful bowl of red onions and thislittle kid’s gonna get on my last nerveswe’re just gonna cut him up just alittle bit further so here’s our bowl ofonions and we can put the pickle brinein here and it’s not really gonna bethat big of a deal but only problem isis that these kids get pretty strong sowe’re going to cover this with someboiling water and that boiling water isgoing to help kind of extract some ofthe strength of the sulfuric acid that’sin the onions and it’s gonna give a bitof a smoother calmer flavor to thepickles so we’re just putting someboiled water from a kettle and we’rejust going to let these soak for aboutten minutes and that’s really all itneeds and while these kids are soakingput that aside and we prepare my bellpeppers and the bell pepper doesn’t needto be soaked in hot water so there’smany ways to cut a bell pepper but Ilike to go from the bottom to the topand that way I can overweightthe seed pod all together take some ofthose thick veins out there so there’sour pile of bell peppers and again I’vealready done this outside of the view ofthe camera but it’s really simple I justtook a cup and a half of white vinegarand then I did a half a cup of water andI did three teaspoons of sugar and atablespoon of pickling spice and just alittle bit of my own rendition of apickling spice I just added in acardamom pod and it just gives thatbeautiful delicious kind of earthyflavor it’s got this little cool littleseeds inside and it just smellsincredible but it gives this beautifulextra boost of fragrance and flavor thatI I adore with these pickled onions so Iput this in the microwave altogether forabout two minutes till it kind of cameto that little bubbling simmer and thenI took it off the microwave and I’m justletting it sit here and I mean you canput it in the refrigerator and let itsit in the fridge or on the countertopbut I’m just letting it sit here sowhile I’m waiting for my red onions tocontinue to soak in this hot water andthen a few minutesonce that’s done soaking I’m gonna drainthem out into the sink and I’m going toadd all these together into a quart jarcontainer with a sealable lidyouwelcome everyone this is our next demowith chef Willis with us today andmyself chef J and we’re going to make agrilled Greek chicken wraps and there’sa couple components to the recipe andyou’ve already seen the recipe for thepickled onions and for the marinade forthe chicken which we’re going to grillin a little bit but first the mostimportant part of this recipe I thinkit’s most important for the recipebecause it’s the tip Tiki sauce and thesauce you’ve probably had at Greekrestaurants or you can see it purchasinggroceries and it never tastes as good aswhen you make it at home and so the mostimportant part is letting you all knowhow easy this recipe is and howaccessible it is and we really want youto try this at home and you can changeanything begin surround that you wantbut of course as always all the recipethey may be posted at the end of thevideo so we’ll kind of talk to you guysthrough some of the additions andsubtractions that you can make dependingon what you have ready and accessibleand available in your own kitchens sowe’re gonna get started chef Willis isgoing to take a cucumber and we’re usingEnglish cucumber which I prefer to useEnglish cucumbers with do you have apreference that’s wateryeah but less water than Englishcucumber so less water do in fact theseeds are smaller and it’s just it’s aless squeezing what you’re gonna seehere in a little bit but the basicprinciple behind it is get one largecucumber and you’re going to grate it ina box grater or if you’re super fancyand you have one of those foodprocessors that you can kind of rig itup and jit it through the machineawesome use that but the purpose is toget all of the cucumber grated and thenwe’re going to dry it out and the reasonwhy we’re going to dry it out is we wantto get this little amount of moisture aspossible into the sauce and that’sprobably like critical most criticalpart of restyou’re gonna greet it into the bowl intothe ball and a whilechef Willis is doing that you’ve gotsome fresh garlic and we need aboutthree cloves of garlic again if you lovegarlic you can use more and if you’re alittle Renaissance you can use garlic’sit’s an Italian Italian family and evenif you create your own garlic it hasthese amazing like fluffy horton hears awho just family know what the aliens areyou gonna see the theme song that’sreally cool and the flowers that comeoff of aliens it’s a kind of low-lyinggreens but then this stock is reallyhigh I like two feet three feet in thereand it has this kind of horton hears awho white or purple or pink just bigbushy flowers love the zhuzh referenceyou like a suitable referencealright one of the things that I’mreading right now while we’re sittingyou’re chatting is I’m just crushing thegarlic with my knife just makes iteasier to peel just make sure yourblades not curved up towards your handmake sure it’s we’re gonna also try tomake sure that we match down on thepaper towel with the English cucumber toget all the moisture out so it’s alittle bit it’s not a soupy tzatzikisauce you’re gonna end up seeing itlater like a day later is usually whenit shows up like in the fridge should bego to grabs on the top yeah if you guysdon’t have lens free to just go crazythat’s all wrong I am struggling withthese fresh garlic is like nature’ssuper glue and it just it makeseverything stick you so ever thathappens you don’t work I feel like I’mlike that cat put pause or like staticelectricity there’s of the let’s be verycareful cutting your garlic did you wantit minced which means really reallyreally small teeny tiny piecesgarlic except for just like in allfairness in this case we don’t want todo it because you don’t wanna leave itwas crushing it among the the kosher seasalt or extra salt in this at this pointsometimes your this all just kind ofsuper early how could it it is crazy tothink that the few ingredients that youhave here will make such an incrediblesauce because if you’re the one thatgoes out to the storedifferent uzuki sauces until you findthe right one once you make this youprobably never buy it again and itdoesn’t take that long really by thetime we’re done with this might be 15minutesI mean well you got through the garlicso I will say the one thing that I amparticular about is using fresh garlicthere’s the jar the glass jar was kindof pre-minced garlic in it yeah itreally does lack flavor if it’s bothonly thing you have well I would saywhat just double the amount of garlicyou’re gonna use because it really doeslack flavor it’s missing its own juicesfor a while and it just it’s not thebest so we have the benefit of having aherb garden in the back and so weactually have fresh chives and these aregarlic chives and the reason why thatcouple garlic chives is because theysmell really garlicky and we thought whynot leave every of chives that’s awesomeand dried chives too or easy andavailable in the grocery storeworst-case scenario you don’t have anychives just leave it off script I justwanna make sure this[Music]that’s what she good okay so here’s therest so now that all of your bonuses arebeen there everybody’s going to pulltogether and explain all the salt pepperoohsecret ingredient that’s right picklejuice and everybody has to go to UCright it doesn’t really go bad so itjust sits in the back your fridge youknow it sits back your fridge andthere’s like one jar with one pickle andI know why but no one eats the lastpickleoh I love pickles but it’s free there’slike the one pickle it’s like there areeverybody sounds I’ve been do they’vegot this one pick lemon lemon looks likeare you this is it just free guys butthen also will go out and purchase asecond jar pickleseven though we have a finished lastpickle no one ever finishes literally weneed to end up with like two jars ofpickle juice this is a great way to usethe juice though mm-hmm I use picklejuice we’ve had a couple of differentrecipes that we’ve done thatjust to add balance to a rich rich saucejust a little bit of pickle juice to itis perfect nice balance okay so hot messin the bowlI like lots of fun yeah so I had likeyou know a little bit one drastic offerwhich is fine like I said you can addand subtract a whole pond but it’s fineand then we’re gonna add all of ourcucumbers and there’s some strongerflavors in this sauce and that’scompletely fine it’s meant to hold upits mess up hold up against some of thestrong flavors that we have in thegrilled chicken very short please andgrab some spoons just taste it I’m gonnadon’t trust the recipe and you I lovethis recipe but come on like whatbusiness you haveyou like it cuz we got more sour creamyou sure you like the extra pickle dosomething so again do you want to try itbecause different brands products solike you wish you may be stronger thepickle juice is some kickin pickle juiceyeah my sauce yeah sauce with Chipotleand usually use what but as much as thecompany you would store brand with itthe next time you bought it and it wasjust it was a battle I don’t know why weuse during this cuz it’s nothing youjust did it it’s absolutely finishedthis is what it looks like it’s it’sjust gorgeous it’s gonna be amazing onmy raps okay so in a little bit we’regonna meet you by the grill and we’regonna start grilling our chickenyou want to explain what you just didfeel like I lost half my armors okay sowhat did you just do just for for folkswho are curious about the I didn’t seemyself on fire just lift the charcoalsgot everything nice and hot will kind oflet that charcoal smell get the heck outof there and then with uh some chickenon and get the chicken grill so we useda weed burner right to get the coalsgoing oh it’s charcoal lighter is itcharcoal I don’t know okay if you did itcooking with a weed burner you don’treally want to do that if you didn’thave a charcoal burner I’m using bunnyair quotes right now the bunny airquotes what would you suggest people doto get the coals going so I truly don’tlike I don’t like lighter fluid you wantanywhere near charcoals just cuz itleaves a really foul taste in your mouthchange the food I prefer to use achimney think about a chimney huhchimney stuff the bottom of it full ofnewspaper and then fill the rest of itfill the top of it with all yourcharcoal stick it on top of the grilllight it up for your charcoal in onceyour flames come all the way to thesurface and they stop smoking really badlittle key you drill up for a minute ortwo and you’re good to go and how do youknow when the turkle’s are raised in thechimney when the smoke stops okay smokestops I mean basically discharged allhere just get rid of all your newspaperfrom the inside pour it in the charcoalitself when it first lights I think hasa funky kind of a chemical I know notnecessarily a chemical snow it’s got afunky kind of a smell to it it’s why Ilike to let it burn in the grill for acouple minutes before I throw any meatin it but it also gives me a chance tolet the grill heat up and get hot andthen I clean the grill off from whatevergoing to the last time hmm I don’t haveleftover hamburger in my chicken mmmyummy isn’t his Greek hamburger chickenso if you didn’t have charcoal could youuse a gas grill for this recipe yesgasps girls a whole lot quicker I justdon’t I prefer the taste of the thecharcoal charcoal over the gas gasdoesn’t really leave a flavor to it asit cooks a lot faster I think it takesout a lot of takes a lot of the fun Ilike cooking so if you didn’t haveeither one of those what would the lastoption be yeah skillet skillet yeahabsolutelyskillet and also you can there’s alsowhat grill pans to get a cast iron grillpan the grill marks on if you want tothat where you just want to gocompletely in another direction and bakeyour chicken first you can bake yourchicken and slice it all up real niceanother way we’re gonna make it no goalwith a little bit of help we now have ahot zone and a little bit of a safetyzone over here so we’re gonna cook allthe chicken up over the hot coals and asthey get to a point where they’re almostdone I’ll go ahead and move them so whatare your thoughts on moving chickenaround when it’s on the grill it’s likeflipping it are you a multiple flippersyou put chicken ones Oakland they haveto flip it once per side sometimes thatdepends on how good or how bad I setupalso in the main reasons that reallydoesn’t look it’s sickening the one ofthe things that I had talked aboutearlier in the marinating video is theimportance of having thinly slicedchicken which just goes to benefit thegrilling as well makes everything fasterand even yes so just like one footversus multiple[Music]now what do you do if the chicken piestuckcook it move it to a corner and peoplewhat’s imputing 165 no services ahashtag better here I mean that’s a goodsign know if your own food makes youmiss you’re on the right trackyeahso this recipe that we are doing rightnow is a bit of a first for both of usit’ll be an experiment learn thistogether and I’m totally confident gonnabe amazingso what we’re doing is we’re actuallymaking flatbread also known as non andyou can buy this at the grocery storeand the reason why we use this recipewith the naan bread it is when you thinkof Greek food you think like pita thingslike that but the obnoxious thing inthis place is that they’re not justabout the pita is that one bite intothis gorgeous wrap and it just I meanit’s it’s everywhere the Peter just onceit gets that kind of moisture in it itjust all ground right apart oh yeah whenyou make the mistake of trying to likestuff in pita did you ruin it yeah it’sridiculous so over the years we’ve donethis recipe and we’ve figured that theflatbread that you can get the grocerystore is perfect and then also you canget non from the grocery store basicallyanywhere at this point in time I waslike grocery items come and no easy soyou can buy it but today we’re gonnamake our own and it’s a very easy recipeso we’ll see how this goes okay this isour first so we’ve got a half a cup ofbread flour or I’m sorry I apologize yougot one cup of bread flour and 1 cup ofregular flour we’ve got a little extraflour too here for dusting ourcountertop and then we have in this bowlwe have some milk and we have someyogurt andmix our dairy into our dry mixture andalso it should be set that in this aswell with the flour its salt baking sodaand baking powder no use for this recipeeven though there are non recipes thatcall for uses it’s basically virtuallyimpossible to find this point in time sowe thought why not make something alittle more accessible hopefully youguys have some of these at home so I’mgonna get a bead go ahead you just dropall those ingredients in this bowl andwe’re going to mix it up with the spoonand kind of see and also the great thingabout this recipe is a slightly kind oforganic its nature if you need to addsome more milk to this because it’s notcoming together we can once the doughcomes together into a bit of a ballwe’re gonna put it out onto the tablejust a little bit of extra flour so itdoesn’t stick and we’re just gonna put ajust a damp paper towel on top of it andjust let it rest just let it rest for 30minutes and the reason why you want thedough to rest is because you have builtup some gluten the protein that’s in theboot itself gets stronger and tougherand tougherit just becomes a nightmare to roll thatout you knowso yeah the easiest way to get extragooey dough off of your fingers is justput it into a little bit of flour andthen just rub it together and it justfalls right offit’s like magic I really like it youknow it’s my greatest tricks mat andwhen we do pie crusts at schoolwith the Baker’s the best trick for themis taking sugar and baking soda we addit to some oil just remember we have andbecause you’ll get like pie crustunderneath your cute cleans in yourfingers and so we do this like hand ruband we just do all that is good latheroh my gosh everyone is like I feel sosilky smooth and I’m like you just knowso it’s awesome cool this is beautifuland so what we’re gonna do is we’re justgonna take this and we’re just gonnapull it together into a dough you canuse this in a machine but it willoverwork the dough a bit because itisn’t it’s a bread it’s a flat bread sothe more gluten you start working insidethey’re just gonna get tougher andtougher you want these to be fairlytender flat bread is more fun whenyou’re kneading dough actually I’m gonnaget you to do that so the neat doughbasically you’re using just the softpart the fleshy part of your palm andyou just take from the middle on youpush it forward and then take yourfingers and roll it back and then youjust keep on turning it and my secondhand is there basically my thumb that’sjust kind of guiding it in half mm-hmyou just keep on doing that untilsmooth it’s a little craggy right nowbut we were a little bit smoother okayover here and you can’t damage the DaleI think some things I love about breadgel and teaching the students how tobake with bread is there something so Idon’t know archaic and satisfying aboutthe entire process really funit’s just satisfies a texturalsatisfying yeah thing yeah and if youneed to put some of your palm to littletricksit just helps I mean best one that partsabout baking in general it is just thelittle tips and tricks that we know thatare we don’t know that everyone elsedoesn’t know them so it’s kind of likeand then they’re like I wanna tease youyeah perfect actually looks really goodcan you feel it like kind of tight youknow mommy to the ground your handsyou’re gonna feel it and that’s thegreat benefit of using your hands versusthe machine is you can actually feelthat dough just start to tighten uptighten up tighten up and that’s notlike a gritty it’s like a very strongand silky the same time bread dough somuch fun awesomeand we basically create you buddy doneit basically create a belly button sokind of where all the seams are we justkind of put them together so he’s goingto put that into a bowl no ceremonywhatsoeverand we’re just gonna cover it with adamp paper towel we’re gonna let it restfor 30 minutes so wethat we’re ready to roll we’re gonnaprobably no no four pieces of that likefour sides about that bag yeah and we’regonna fry them up onto a flat priming soand then we’re gonna finish it with somegarlic and some butter because all rightwell we’ll see you guys a little bit soour dough has been resting for 30minutes just room temperature it’s myturn to worry about you know a hot warmdamp place so here is our dough so withour four pieces we’re just gonna takethese and you can see how there’s a bitof like a little bit more like I seeyour exterior almost flip it into acircle ish it’s not a phone and thepoint is not to poke any holes in it andwe’re also letting gravity help usstretch this out so you kind of yeahyou’re getting it perfectyeah and so instead of pulling it youdon’t want to pull it cuz that’s whenyou start getting the holes in it andrips and tears so you just kind ofsqueeze it and that grab your effortsokay I’m gonna take the rolling pin andjust like we’ve done with other videowith their cookies with their sugarcookies take the rolling pin to themiddle and you just put a little bitpressure forwards and backwards forwardsor backwards in the middle and then youturn it a quarter turn you just keep ongoing and the reason why we are turningthis around so number one we are makingsure that it’s never stuck to the tablebut also gluten is type of protein andso it actually connects almost like aspider web to itself and almost justlike human muscles if you work themuscle in one direction it gets strongerin that direction and so just strengththose ruminants the problem with doughlike this is that when it hits the heatit fits shrinks a little bit and it willkind of shrink in if we have stretchedor we’ve only rolled the dough in thisone direction just like this or justback and forth and we never turned it westrengthen the gluten in one directionand so it’s actually going to snap backand we’re going to get this very bizarreshape so if it shrinks a little bit Iwanted to equally shrink not shrink intothis kind of like rectangle and sothat’s one of those things just kind ofimportant weird we’re gonna fry them upright behind us in a second go ahead youwatch you I’ll prep these other twooh if it sticks like that we just gentlypulled up towards you okay knock off anyof the stick ohmsI always see pastry chefs pat downeverything though sprinkle some on topbut then they’ll pat with your hand andthey’re not doing that to flatten itthey’re doing it because you’ll be ableto see if it sticks to you this is thepoint in time we’re gonna cook our Joeso I have a B hereassisting we have taken this pan andjust you can use any kind of frying panthat you want as long as it’s shallowand you can kind of get in there we’regoing to make sure this pan is nice andhot and it is anyways so we’re gonnatake a paper towel if you have a brushyou can use a brush Hoover sneeze papertowel cos I don’t have a brush Arlenapastry chef on a brushes in kitchens butI’ve got a little bit of butter justsome melted butter is fineoil down we don’t want to deep-fry thesewe just want to get a nice good sheen ofoil yeah I’m gonna turn the heat offjust to make sure I think more buttersabsorbed into my paper towel andactually pan so here we are I’m gonnatake this okay so we’ve got a key downbelow and you’re gonna see on my stoveit’s actually risen up by a riserand that’s because we’re yougasps and the low on a gas unit isprobably equivalent to someone else’smedium and so you want to be carefulwith your heat you want to do a low heatand we can see this goes around on topof it in a second we’re going to get thecamera to move a little bit closer butyou’re gonna see little bubbles yeah andthat is a good size that’s a great sideand then once it comes off of the heatwe’re actually to take a little bit ofmelted butter and we’re just gonna wipesome of the butter on the top and thenwe’re gonna sprinkle a little bit of youcan do salt and pepper but we’re gonnado a little bit of seasoning calleddukkha which is a Turkish blend ofhazelnuts and fennel seeds and sesameseeds a little bit of salt a little bitof pepper and some coriander seeds aswell and so it’s already kind of apremade spice blend oh you know likethat ha ha that is gorgeous that worksreally well that’s excitingyouit is done so in order all thecomponents around the table we got alittle bit everything yeahso we’ve got our flatbread garlic mashthe garlic naan we have our tzatzikihave you even talked about oh yeahvisuals so the finished product this isthe finished pickles that we did earlierthat just sat in there for dinnerovernight these are the pickled redonions have you ever done with whiteonions no you can probably do that withwhite onions I’m not sure if I addedthat to the video before but I don’twant to be too picky on the onions butit’s just the green pepper is enough ofa twistyou’re like a green remember I love thegreen comb that use that a green pepperperson am i green peppers is none of mypickles what’s over here so what did youguys do with the chickens so we actuallycame off the grill we let them cool offa little bit let the juices kind ofreabsorb into the chicken breast piecesand then we squeeze a little bit of thethe lemon halves that we had you wouldput it million li on the grill and justabsolute come the caramelized grillflavor to the lemon and when they cameoff the grill we just squeezed some ofthat juice on there just as an actualboost of flavor and then you slice it upinto some thin slices so it really isn’tfor presentation purposes and yeah ifyou’re at home doing this with yourfamily the whole idea is a family mealat the end of the day so you’re gettingyour naan bread and you’re going to goahead and stack you’re checking aroundyou can pull it I mean if you wanna makeit attractive by all meanschicken look attractive this is the waythat we do thisso it’s rustic and it’s gorgeous anddelicious so right you’re starting up anon non and then I’m adding two Zeki andif you like to Z key you’re probablygonna use a ton if you don’t like to Zkey you use a little you gotta at leasttry it if you haven’t tried other if youthink you don’t like it in order to eatthis the right way youuse a tongue yes I find that typicallypeople will put a little bit kinda likethis little petite amount of Te sauceand then they load it up and they takeone bite and they just kind of come backand they’re going okay I know I wereusing it to see I got it now it’s waytoo thick to use as like a dip yeah soyeah you’re not gonna get a bowl yourbest bet is to put what you want in itand then stack your chicken get someonions squeeze a lemon we did forego thelettuce but you can put some shreddedlettuce really a little bit of a saladmix on top if you wish but we didn’t getyours this is good that’s – thank you Iworked really hard house lessons wedidn’t ever that your job – you can eatthem all right now I’m super excitedokay I didn’t put them at the top thatoh just just for you yeah we’re justkeeping it don’t worry about it I’m ahuge fan of extra feta – so like so likeAbby was saying do a little extra fetahave fun mmm yes please little squeezeof lemon I’m just a tall or a bigsqueeze lemons fine and that’s it sothis is your grilled Greek chicken toTiki wraps and it’s fantastic and it’sone of those teeth those meals thateveryone not only loves it but it isfull of flavor and when you think aboutit it’s actually quite nutritious if youdecide to take the naan or the flatbreadout of the equation you could put thison a bed of salad greens and just use it- Tiki as long as a salad dressing andyou can use itso protein-packed delicious amazing andfresh so thanks again to my assistant mychef is an Emmy and also to chef Willisthank you guys so much for coming againand for sharing this recipe we’vebounced this recipe back and forth forprobably two years nowthe green and the green peppers are thegreen peppers are my addition but we’vebounced this recipe back between ourfamilies for probably about two yearsnow and we love it and we hope you guysenjoy making this at home make sure thatyou’re cooking with your family makesure that your neighbors are fed andenjoy this time and we hope to see youguys with our next video have a greatday that’s a wrapyou

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