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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys hi we’re doing the Joe herewith Sin City chefs I am going to do myfirst youtube video show you guys how tomake some real good Armenian barbecuewith baby back ribs I’m gonna show youhow to clean the meat and how to seasonit properly so you have a nice goodcarving and flavor with your barbecue soI look for when I buy the meat is I lookto see if there’s any silver skin beforeI I take it out of the package I usuallywash the meat make sure it’s nice andclean there’s no issues with it I lookfor silver skin like this sometimes Iforget they don’t take it out all theway it’s kind of hard to chew this stuffso what you wanna do is you want to lookfor it and then start pulling it off andcut it so that it comes off so you couldjust slice it up or sometimes what youcan do is you can scrap a piece ofnapkin grab the silver skin with thatand you just pull it right off it justcomes right off the meat just like thatand then just guide it pull it and itjust goes right off it’s just like thatand then you get rid of that meat tellthe put this on so I could throw it awayyou want to mess up my counter too muchcheck the back see if there’s any silverskin which looks like there is some sojust start cutting it off and start itbut I have a piece of napkinsilver skin pull it off that bad see youdo with this seat there’s extra silverskin to pull off her backso much skin is very tough to chew sothat’s why you want to take them off asbest as you can so after you cook itit’s easier to choose all right pullthis up a little bit off the meat grabit and here we go just like that itcomes right off and this is very hard tochew so you don’t want that on your meatall right I’m just gonna cut them up sojust look for the bone depends on howthick you want your meat I don’t like tomake it more than two bones and I cut itagainst the second bone so I have a nicechunk like this all rightand then once they cut them off so I’mlooking for the second bone there’s thebone here there’s a second bone I cutthat[Music][Music]while some done putting it I will showyou how I season all right so guys I sawwas cutting as I realized I was cuttingthem a little bit too thick it feel likeit was gonna take a little longer tocooks because I’m thinking of puttingmeat potato wheat potatoes so it’s gonnagive a nice flavor to the potato he’slike cook it and my meat will cook alittle bit better if I have it to thinkit might not cook but they said it toactually bring you down to one boneinstead of having two bones and beingessentially a thicker piece like thiswhich you can but I think when I do itwith potato I want them to be separatedso I got one bone cut it right betweenthe two the meat and the bone got twopieces so essentially more pieces to eatactually so I cut them all ahead of timefor for the BBQ and they’ll be reallynice and ready to go so that’s the meatand next thing what I’m gonna do rightnow I just want to get my seasoningsready so I can season the meat all rightguys let’s flavor my meat let’s get ofstart with salt salt is essential toevery meat it really brings out theflavor so I’m gonna salt them reallynicely and you do it to your taste blackpepper let’s get the sprinkle side upall rightyget some black pepper on this nicelyalright I always like to use a lipopepper it’s a really good flavor thesecan be found in most Mediterraneanstores Armenian stores anywhere theysell seasonings that you know areparticular to a certain region so I goahead and season this up with a lot ofpaper it’s a really nice flavor Taylor alittle bit the kick spice to it which Ireally likeall right so this right here is calledsavory in English it is a really goodgood seasoning it is really highlyrecommended when we use it with meatslike pork when we do barbecue it reallyadds a nice flavor to it I highlyrecommend such as getting this andtrying this up so basically it’s a driedsavory had a similar taste like oreganobut it’s very different when you cook itit has a nice flavor choice to the meatso I’m going to crush it up in my headand basically go around the meat and putit all over the meat here and put alittle bit more here cuz I really likethe flavor of this all right just likethat maybe a little bit more and I thinkthat is I say our savory here all rightand then I like to add a little bit ofan isle olive oil which binds the dryseasonings and rub together with themeat and when you cook it it gives it anice barbecue flavor to it it is verydifferent than traditional Americanbarbecue with a barbecue sauce this is adry rub and it’s very different so I’mgonna have a little bit of ahere and I’ll mix the meat together whatI like to do is when I do marinate I’dlike to add onions to this as well soI’m gonna show you how I cut up theonion all right so half an onion cut itin half just normal truck and you justadd this to your meat all right allright I’m ready guys just gonna toss itall together here you get seasoning allaround the meat all over as you top it[Music]all right really nice all rightall right and then you’d let thismarinate what 15 to 30 minutes and thenyou’ll be ready to go on the fighterokay while I have the meat marinatinghere and sitting here waiting to becooked I got my potatoes all peeled andready to go basically take a mediumsized potato cut it in half I like tocut it when it’s the long way this wayso it’s nice and thinner on each sideyou will need a bead in the middle of italright and keep it in water becausepotatoes have starch and they like tooxygenate and in turn color so I keepingthe potatoes while I cut it and then I’mgoing to go ahead and get rid of thewater and I’m gonna marinate and showyou how i marinate all right so let’sget ready to marinate our potatoesseason it really nicely salt all rightpotatoes like salt so you can put alittle extra if you like black pepperall right we can add a little bit ofonion powder gives it a nice flavor toour potatoes a little color and I alwaysuse our level pepper it’s really goodyou could use cayenne pepper or any redpepper you like I like the flavor ofdelicate I brought water and I use it ina lot of my cookies so that now remembersavory that I use in the meat I’m gonnause this in my potatoes as well becauseit’s complimented Ricky wall and alsogives it a really nice flavor to thepotatoes as well[Music]so that’s that put some olive oil andthen mix it up now you can use avocadooil vegetable oil whatever oil you haveat home I like olive oil that’s what Ihave right now extra virgin olive oilregular olive oil they’re all good andjust put it over and just ready to mixit up toss it all right flavoring andseasonings got get all around thepotatoes all right the potatoes doesn’tneed a sit and marinate like the meattoo because the meat needs to suck inthe flavors and it tastes better overallpotatoes you can have the seasoningright just over it and all right that’sit that’s what it looks like guys andwhen I show you how to put on this gearin a minute okay all right let me showyou how to obscure this and then we’llgo outside and barbecue basically we’lldo this again[Music]meet Setoyou eat potato and so on and so forthjust like that all rightI want to finish the rest of this andI’m going to catch you guys outsidealright guys now that I got my fireready it’s a perfect temperature for themeat to be put on it I’m ready to gowith my baby back ribs[Music]all right get the rest of them all[Music][Music][Music]I’ll have this cook on one side flip himwhen it’s ready and then see whathappens all rightlook at the beautiful color on thisbridge man small and incredible and nota few more minutes it’ll be ready tocome out all right guys it’s justroughly about 20 minutes it looks likeit’s all ready to go I like the way itlooks the color looks perfectnice and well done ready to come up goahead and play them looks goodwhen I finished plating the rest of thisI’m going to see you it when I told upplated and I’d like to put a little bitof a sliced onion and parsley color andit looks more makes it more tasty youcan wrap it up in your bread and eat itand voila it’s all ready to go and thereyou have italright guys that’s my barbecue I hopeyou liked what you saw please subscribein life my channel and if there’sanything else you’d like me to makeplease let me know down in the commentsand hope to see you soon