You could make barbecue sauce with items that you probably already have in your cupboard. Making your own barbecue sauce allows you to control the ingredients and cut out the preservatives.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi I’m Jennifer and today I’m makingbarbecue sauce we’re having ribs andcoleslaw for dinner tonight and Irealized we didn’t have any barbecue andI know I shared the recipe with youonline but it’s something about seeingsomebody else do it that makes yourealize hey that’s not hard I can dothat too so in my batter mixture Bowlthis is my favorite for mixing becauseof the pour spouts it also comes with anice cover but it’s big enough where Icould mix my ingredients withoutslopping it over the sides I have oneand a half cups of ketchup and I have3/4 of a cup of brown sugar so now I’mgoing to add white vinegar 1/2 1/2 a cupof white vinegar now what i’m doing hereis my ketchup bottle was having a hardtime emptying it out completely and ididn’t want to waste any so I’m pouringmy vinegar into my ketchup bottle andthen I shake it so this was aningredient I was gonna put in thebarbecue sauce anyways but now I’mmaking sure that I make the most of theketchup that I have this is simply HeinzI haven’t learned to make my own ketchupyet I did research it but honestly Idon’t I don’t have the green thumb thatI wish I did so I can’t grow my owntomatoes yet but this is the next bestthing to making my own ketchup becauseit doesn’t have high fructose corn syrupin it it’s just simply Heinz of courseit’s the one that doesn’t go on salevery often but when it does I grab itquickly so I have one and a half cups ofketchup 3/4 of a cup of brown sugar halfa cup of white vinegar and now I need1/2 a cup of honeynow honey’s kind of funny because it’sliquid so it seems like you wouldmeasure it liquid but you could alsomeasure it solid I’m just gonna measureit solid todaymake it easier actually I changed mymindI’m gonna do a half a cup on the solidside it’d be much easier to push it outversus scooping it this is a local honeytapas and Canaveral groves I like to uselocal honey because one you’resupporting the mom-and-pop places twoit’s healthier for you it’s better forallergies so I have a half a cup ofbrown or sorry honeythis makes quite a bit of barbecue saucebut that’s okay because Steve eats it onjust about everything so what I do iswhen it’s finished I’ll put it in therefrigerator and let it sit for a couplehours to develop the flavors togetherand then I just store it in a mason jarin the fridge and so that way it’s aquick grab whenever we need itbarbecue emergencies you never knowwhat’s gonna happen so soy sauce thisparticular I didn’t have soy sauce Ihave Liquid aminos which is a naturalsoy sauce alternative but you can usewhatever you have on hand third of a cup[Applause]when I was a kid my friend Becky and Iused to go into the refrigerator andthrow some ingredients together and seewhat happened and most times it was kindof like a who can gross the other personout the most but we’ve grown up sincethen so now when I do throw thingstogether it actually tastes good butit’s kind of funny how you look back andyou wonder hmm find only known then whatI know now so I have one and a halfteaspoons of ground ginger these are theadjustable spoon sets one teaspoon ofsaltthree quarters of a teaspoon of groundmustard the other one smaller half ateaspoon of garlic powdera quarter teaspoon of pepper honey sothen I take my whisk but that’s itthat’s all it takes it’s all stuff thatI had on hand anyways and I talked toyour alternative and I’ll let this sitin their fridge for a little bitdinner’s not gonna be for a few morehours but thanks for joining me and Ihope to see you soon if you give thismoment you can check out my Facebookpage called food and friends withJennifer Miele that’s me and make it agreat day do the best you can with whatyou have thanks for coming by