BBQ Pork Recipes

Pork Ribs Recipe on The Weber Kettle | Famous Dave’s BBQ

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Video Transcription

so welcome to my youtube channel youguys seen the thumbnail you know whatyou’re watching you know what we’redoing so quick to you video be kind oflong for me for cook anyways quick cookon the weber kettle there’s some ribsFamous Dave’s rib rub and then alsoobviously in the thumbnail Famous Dave’shot and sassy so get you in here realquick so you can put mustard or anythingno means that you want but as a binderbut I’m not going to everybody’s seenpeople take off the membrane soobviously this is a quick cook on thekettleonce it quick cook a cook on the kettletoday and this is just my famous daysrib rub and what I’m not going to do isrub it into the meat[Music]then right before I put these on that’swhat I’m going to put my little salt andpepper on there so I got that all theway open for nowdon’t even been inside down the wholetimehaving the thermometer flipped aroundyou guys might not be able to see thatwell but I can’t obviously from my anglebut it was reading like they’re like 350so I went like quarter cocked it youknow the top and even the bottom so nowit’s reading like 300 I know you can’tsee from your perspective so we are anhour and I still go on about 300 degreestrying to do this one-handed all I wantto do flip these aroundclose up the lid for another a little Idid water it down a little bit[Music][Laughter]all the way open[Music][Music]there[Music]whoa mister facecam guy[Music][Music]

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