BBQ Sauce Recipes

Ginger’s Keto BBQ Sauce

YJarhead & Ginger’s Journey is a channel about our life in Okinawa, Japan, our weight loss with the keto & carnivore diet, and upcoming full time RV living & traveling. Scott & Allison live in Okinawa, Japan, where Scott works with the USMC. We have lived in Okinawa three times, for a total of over 13 years. Scott plans to return in August and we will be purchasing a 5th wheel and living full-time and traveling in North America.

In this video, Ginger shows you hot to make a keto/low carb vinegar based BBQ sauce. Stay tuned to the end for our to see our finished product and hilarious bloopers.

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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
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Video Transcription

hello and welcome to the first episodeof in the kitchen with ginger sponsoredby jarhead and gingers journey today I’mgoing to make you a keto barbecue sauceyou’ve hopefully seen our brisket recipethis is the sauce that I made to go withthat brisket we got a recipe fromsomebody that owns a barbecue restaurantand made it keto we added a few thingsand I think it’s delicious you’ll haveto give it a try some come on let’s getstarted[Music][Music][Applause]okay we’re going to start with one cupof apple cider vinegar make sure to usethe apple cider vinegar that has the themother like Bragg’s apple cider vinegarorganic is the one that I choose to useand I don’t shake it make sure to shakeit I had some from a previous bottle hadto run get a new bottle so here is onecup of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar pourit into the saucepan yep one tablespoonof crushed red peppers you can use moreor less to your taste but this doesn’treally make it spicy one tablespoon andI like to just throw things in so I tookme awhile to make this video because Ihad to perfect the measurements 2tablespoons of ketchup so if your ketoyou can use any kind of sugar-freeketchup just make sure you check theingredients because they like to sneakstuff in or you can watch my hitoketchup video that uses muck fruitssweetener or actually I think swervebrown sugar replacement it’s a recruitall so we’re going to use 2 tablespoonsof ketchupthing though next we’re going to use onecup of bone drop stay tuned for a recipeon gingers homemade bone broth the nextingredient is 1/2 tablespoon of drymustard and then to make it a littlespicy I’m going to use 1 tablespoonwhich I’ve lost oh here it is I use itfor the ketchup 1 tablespoon of TexasPete hot sauce OOPthere you go and so we’re gonna bringthat to a boil we’re gonna mix it up andbring it to a boil over here to thestove okay so I have this on I’m gonnaturn it to medium and our stove isreally wonky so I don’t have to adjustit a lot it’s government-issued and theburner gets real hot they came out fixit and didn’t help at all and I’m goingto slosh things all over the kitchenjust so just because I can so I’m justgonna mix it up I’m going to bring it toa boil and then turn it down let itsimmer just a bit and then we’ll add thelast step[Music]okay so it has come to a boil and now Iam going to simmer it just for maybe twominutes just allow the flavors to mix inokay so this summer in about two minutesso now the last step is to add in theswerve brown sugar this is it we retraceall zero carbs zero sugars and the brownsugar just gives it a better or more ofa barbecue sauce flavor I think you canuse other sweeteners so just if yourketo just use for calculations you canfind on the web about how much of eachsweetener to substitute for the other sofor this I use one half teaspoon andit’ll dissolve in there rather quickly Ican turn the heat off now if you wouldlike your sauce a little thickeryou may simmer it longer or boil it alittle longer but their sauce issupposed to be thin it’s a Carolina typesauce vinegar saucealso if you don’t want the that muchvinegar flavor you can add more bonebroth or if you don’t have a bone brothyou could just use vinegar just leaveout the bedrock or use beef broth okaynow it’s ready to for a taste super hotso I’m just gonna yeah just that muchthat’s goodcan’t wait to try it on the brisketthat’s coming up in a minute so before Ibring out that beautiful brisket andshow you the finished product my sauce Iwant to tell you that I made a bigmistake in calculating or adding the hotsauce it was supposed to be one teaspoonof pest Texas Pete’s hot sauce and I put1 tablespoon so make a note of that alsoif you’d like written instructions Iwill either ask you to ask me in thecomment about the written instructionsand the nutritional information thehitos the macros and all that theneither comment or a mic just add it inhere somewhere but now it is time tobring out the brisket we have the videofeaturing Scott making this beautifulbrisket and it doesn’t need sauce it’sdeliciously smoky but and I wash thespoon after I tasted it here is thefinished product of the sauce and thebrisket so I like tall jarhead in hereto help me taste it and hopefullythere’s a furnace mouth off he’s used tospicier foods I am well over our headokay here we go I like I like a littlebit spicier than she does anyway so yeahthat’s why you married it right Ned Idon’t know about that I got a storyabout that I’ll tell you laterI actually I’d like it a little bitbetter than the last batch you make witha little bit more a little bit of extraspiciness well like I said I do like ita little more spicy than she does so soa teaspoon or in the tablespoon doesn’tmake a big difference with hot sauce sojust added it accordingly maybe startwith a teaspoon and then you can alwaysadd more and so be sure to like hit thatthumbs up and subscribe tell yourfriends about our channel especially themilitary veterans we’re going to bedoing a lot to support them with acharity event coming up soon so that’sall for now on this episode of in thekitchen with ginger and as always thanksfor coming and we’ll see you next timeon jarhead and gingers journey bye byehello and welcome to the first episodeof in the kitchen with gender bender[Laughter]so I hope that you’ve enjoyed this nopeso I will post the don’t quit whiningwhat are you whining aboutget out okay so we’re about to try thebarbecue sauce with the wrist bitnezam brisketjargon it makes a good ol brisket

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