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Video Transcription
[Applause][Music]make sure you like share and subscribeyou guys like eating chicken and cornand eggsI am super-dee-duper tired yeah I’vebeen working working working working butI got the coldest water bottle in thebuilding if you want free shipping allyou gotta do is say what a break waterwater water water water break now I’mgonna say grace let me get it in tell meFather name is Jesus we thank you forthis food that we’re about to receivein Jesus name we pray amen yea I am homeGUI so I got some corn economy do athumbnail because my husband’s don’t getme if I die I got chicken I just grilledchicken y’all from the grill my husbandBBQ so so chicken eggs and corn and mystomach growlin got my team I startrobbing cuz I am homemm-hmm your shape is good Carlmy husband reeled it hmm on the reallast night look let me write a new I’massuming they’re waiting on the mouthsaw the mouse season it right now youhome have you anyway yeah I got to cameoshut upfirst I gotta go to Queens legs hairy’all she sells hair they sell all typesof hair body way Brazilian curly silkystraight and much more I’m just tell youwhat she do you can guys will go checkher Instagram her ID I’m gonna leave medown description box below so you gocheck it out and you get better bad passit off if you do use be okay35% off if you use that man she sellmicrobeads ponytails I gotta debrisbecause he offers a lot take is in gluehair growth oils for natural hair soshe’s going after hair to wholesalepackaging starter kits they have lashesX control I tips and uses and all thatgoosebut y’all so go dance and head over toher page like I said she get you get 35%off you know when I’m saying go check itout and then I got barista babe she hasa channel hmm y’all know how I’m no nameits Wayne anyone but we should make havea channel and yeah when that breaks ourbarista barista they I didn’t knowbarista was a person that make coffee Ihad to look it up anyways she is aStarbucks barista barista she used to bea chef as well a barista a person thatmakes coffee I didn’t know that’s whatit was called a person that makes coffeedrinks and then she’s also she’s gonnabe the starting it to move on she doesblogs and different things like that shehas a great personality she’s been doingthis for a minute and she’s a lot of useof her her Starbucks videos I don’t knowI mean I don’t think she we’re stillworking there now but still she used togive her she got quite a bit of use fromthat excuse me y’all but anyways gocheck her outi’ma leave her link and description boxbelow as well mmm I don’t plan tocomment y’all see you’re gonna beremindedthis cornoh no it’s mine I sold it it’s so sweethmm and perfectly made anyways I’d liketo say thank y’all for all y’all mmm-hmmsalute Jack wrote me I have an amazingamount of y’all supporters they wrote mevery sweet letters dams and everythingand I appreciate it so muchthis is why I can keep doing this what Ido y’all make it easy for me mm-hmm allmy supporters I’ll make this hot let mesee how would I make this hot with withthis have you ever seen its own friedchili paste put that in there makes ithotterwhoo buddy buddy buddy buddy buddywhat people are willy-nillyI set up that’s a stone so open you cansee it next time yeah some home so longsterling open do you know the name butyou go by smoke people out knock themoff I can go down to the mall tomorrowbut even just no place is more morepeople out some amassed up you know Iactually get out once they open it upand it came out okay well you know aparcel are you supposed to be like 25%over something like thisyeah it’s weird you got to be able tosocial distance so mmm so banking onlythat’s funny people in store right wegot it open us up today well yesterdayhe’s like restaurants and retail storesand stuff mmm open know us today the 12mister that that’s what many much thisvideo for nowtomorrow me see always think about thatyeah she’s so on that I just don’t he’sthinking about it I’ll be thinking allright here in a role we like uh fly liveis last night how would you AllyI gonna be overweight mm-hmm yeahforever L will be over with oh that’s aball my faith all right do you eatenyeah good come on it’s messy anywaythat’s all I love it and I got alove-hate relationship with core myteeth you mean call me pop corn on topI’m doing this I miss their movies youknow so many things that you you knowyou take for granted you look at theback of the rack like you just stopthinking about mey’all gonna take enough regret it I knowthat’s a lot of ground buzz when Iwouldn’t be able to do nothing not benumbers like whoa this is yeah you knowit’s a lot you don’t think about thisstuff yo hoping what you can cope withit’s like assuming a lot of this placethat you went to the mall and everythingit may it’s not that bad because ittakes a lot of off you know it’s like astress reliever to me yeah like youdon’t know real knows that likeintertwines with you your well-beingyou don’t say it’s like it’s crazy likebeing cooped up you just oh no you don’thave that same feeling even when you gooutside it’s cool cuz it’s you know theyou get the nice Sun and everything butit’s like oh you know your Sunday that’sit keep happy like a pop every way yougot it we were looking pop I can’t getaway from you too pops cuz my hair istomato all right man if y’all saw me oncamera right now y’all be like y’allthat are over 35 will be thinking thatis Teen Wolf all over againbb2 yes yes it’s bad out hereyeah him in there with the hot messmm-hmm we stock up on a wig yeah we gotthat option I’m still tilting my headlong enough to braid up to do somethingtwist asunder it’s like an inch long upherewe made nylon off your finger somebodycan break that so I cut the beard grewback wanna buy itwhy why why but bread okay I have themsend me a white thing a white containercuz they have what am I gonna writewrong yeah but a pink one okay so tellthem go Sydney send me a thing because Ican’t switch I don’t want switch outyour heart oh that’s good yeah yeah yeahyeah no I want the blue one I’m not theWhite House yes we do baby I seized mywoody y’all oh you know how to explainto y’all about the brand deal why I nolonger I’ll be asking why do I have toexplain myself in that video come babybecause she’s playing sit down me beinga brand and how other brands look atthat is Russo you been seeing callingout your room that’s how your characterdidn’t act you can’t just let it on seejust think of any just just think of anysports star that was accused ofsomething that they didn’t do and lookat all the sponsorships they lost allthe fallout from the accusation and alsoand then when it turns out that theydidn’t do nothing that’s yeah yeahyou’re right this timeno yeah I’m saying it’s just it’s allabout your brand is the image by whichpeople search for you and want to dobusiness with youright your online presence who you arewhen they’re actually casting a net tofind a company to do work for them toadvertise for them to promote for themand when they’re going out and theylooking in their searches and they seeoh this common here this comment therethis that you know it’s almost like okayit gives them pause well really should Ido business with that right it’s nodifferent than what we do right now okaywhat do we do well we want to go get outof service or somethingwe don’t homeadvisor we on Yelp we allGoogle looking at reviews we all Angie’sList trying to figure out is this personwork the monies and I’m paying for themor do they have negative reviews that’strue that’s what the branding is allabout the whole point of branding is foryou to build something that makes astatement about who you are and what yourepresent and then if somebody if peopleattack that uh and just ignorantly andyou don’t say anything about it thenthat becomes what you’re known for an inand then what you’ve known for in socialcircles you know I’m saying mm-hmmit’s not until you actually saysomething that set the record straightright that you also get an opportunitybecause a once on the internet is alwaysout on internet but when that brain isshopping they want enter that they maysee a but then they see the response toa mm-hmmcase in point well you go and you see aservice that you want up you wanna hirea company to do right and you see theirreviews and then you will see rarely Imight add because it’s tough to keep upbut companies that actually go in andthey’ll respond to the review hey I’msorry you had this experience this iswhat we’re willing to do for you andthey put all that in there why did it dothat because they know people are goingto that review section and looking upthings and then they also give them anopportunity to see the Republic what youdid to either fix it or or say that itwasn’t true and correct the record rightyes what it’s all about yeah it’s abrand we do all the time we’ll seethat’s why we say yeah could another lieyeah I was saying yeah I shouldn’t havesaid nothing I should have just kept itat in people gonna talk but you gottaunderstanddifferent now for me I am a brand andit’s I have to roll totally different Iknow a lot y’all don’t get it and don’tunderstand what a brand means but I haveto if somebody said attacking mycharacter and calling me a scammer orcalling me a monster or I’m stealingmoney and this copa90 I’m not evil andthis I have to correct that I literallyhave to correct that because I can losemoney or people saying oh I’m gonna workwant to work with nobody like her she’sthat this necklace they shot theinternet you have sponsorships branddeals that’s how you get in contact withus cuz they look at our footage they gothrough our channel they sue who we areabout they in our comments so and alittle stuff about you talking about youknow if you don’t talk about the parentsstuff like the dang don’t mic hear aboutthat but when you actually caught youknow assassinating character and peopledoing videos I wanted that’s when itgets deep and then on top of that youknow people that are shopping you yourbrand yep there’s a certain price thatyour brand gets right for example you goto Walmart you go pick up a pair ofshoes they Walmart shoes a lot of whothey may buy it at Walmart shoes Walmartshoes go for a certain price you go tothe foot action Foot Locker or champs orwhatever you go pick up a pair of NikeAir Jordan LeBron James or whateverthose brands go for a different pricemm-hmm they’re at a higher price herebecause of the brand mm-hmm and that’sthat’s your brand you have to protectyour brand because your brand is yourlivelihood right and the better you knowyour brand is seen the more you actuallymake mm-hmm you know what I mean it’sreal simple business simple business andthis is all B’s it’s all business whenit comes to the brand I hope youunderstand what come from this like thatgirl from on let’s go up in the teacherscanner who’s her name and herdaughter’s head out on businesssome sponsors they all pull it outabout their college they painted doorslo ha oh yeahfor full house yeah Lori Loughlinmmm-hmm how don’t have YouTube channeloh yeah she blocks off yeah she lost allher makeup deal my sponsors she had adeal with Sephora Sephora they’ll pullback so quick from you and waiting Iheard that’s one saying it happens sooften with people yes that Brando’s willcancel you in a Santa heartbeat theydon’t care they don’t want to hear itthey don’t want to be associate with adon’t want they brain associated withthat he’ll have to be you don’t have tobe true right they just at the momentthey have a new one things sort out theycan’t rock with you something they nevercome back down oh yeah because it youknow your negative image it’s hard evenwhen you get exonerated sometimes evenwhen you get proven right you knowpeople stuff happen to people namedyears later they get exonerated in youbut the moment you hit the internet youmight see one story about exonerationthan 50 stories about the mess that’show it is you know why because only ifpeople don’t like the same stories aboutthe exoneration they’ll say oh one storytwo stories a pop up about that but whenthe mess happens you get the originalstory about the mess and then you getall these other people making storiesand making videos about the mess and sothe the mess videos is proliferatingacross the internet but the truth videosis if you get one mm-hmbusiness be nice heylia’s y’all butthat’s why I have to ask them to besmile I’m just responding to my peoplethat support me and was like I knowy’all y’all right y’all completely rightlookoh my god got somebody for real yeah wehave so much positive feedback is crazyyeah I’ll tell you if it wasn’t forcertain segments that keep us going oncertain people I said go on and keep andkeep pumping positive energy and loveinto you you know you you will give upyou would have to you know it’s just itwould be worth it the love is what keepsit being work that you know I’m sayingthat people that give you positiveenergy is what keeps you going and makesit worth continuing to do mm-hmmthat’s how y’all oh yeah but anywaysy’all yeah Belov me support a shot shoton the other piece come on up is itHarlan totallyI was hungry their legs their legs themthe old legsokay they’d always seen ladies I wouldthink they would be a lot bigger thanthat not what a TiVo chichi Wawa alittle puppy what was that what why whyoh you know what yeah see I don’t neversee no animals around us it’s not gonnalove animals it’s because we loveanimals yeah we love animals I loveanimals so much that I don’t want to getany of them because I don’t I don’t wantto neglect them in any way you know theman I wouldn’t want to leave in my sidecuz I don’t want him in the houseand all this other stuff so I wouldn’twant to have a my side in the coldeither so I wouldn’t do that I’m justnot like that then we travel so muchthey would constantly be in a daycarethey don’t need a cared or whateverwhatever you know I’m saying or stayingwith people that I don’t know gonna takecare of my it’s not it’s smart abouthaving here it is like having kids andpeople love their pets so much that theyare like family they become like familyyou leave your family which is anybodyknow you know that’s why we do itas much as our kids have big us over theyears y’all can’t have dogs there’senough because you know what well youknow the other one you know Jim rightand you know the Devin big hot dog willheat up his dog we’ve got the war whiletalk to them dogs back because hecouldn’t take it like you know it’s agood thought it’s so much worse a goodthought especially when you go up onyour friend’s house and they got one andit’s so cute I had one growing up I hada dog one I had cats growing up you knowI’m saying I had it it’s worked I knownot working is and nine times out of tenthe kids are you buying it forand gonna be worth they not gonnawalking they not gonna pick up the youknow they got naked I’m gonna walkbehind him and I’ll say because we doingsome food right now they’re not gonnawalk behind it right you know maybe I’llgo clean up after all that nine and thenthe if you what else is it that that wasanybody if you go out of town so I knowhe gotta find somebody to watch the dogso much too much honestlyobviously for real y’all if we weren’tempty nesters we would not be doing allthis traveling that we do it would be alot harder what we had young kids don’tkids had to be in school because we havethe ability being empty nesters to do itthat we do it we can do it and you knowwhat when you get to that stage of lifewhere you can do it have fun do yourback does this you know it’s poncho youknow work sometimes but it’s still funbut it’s also fun being at home but thisright here gives a new meaning to beingat home this quarantine yet this ageit’s just like being at home Oh steroidsfor real house arrestit’s like being on hospital like thatlike somebody told you you’ll have towrestle in place you can go toto the church for no church well yeah Iknow that was just making example like Iknow he can’t go check oh yeah likenormally ya know yeah because we youknow we used to do Minister prettyprison industry we would have he’s madethat clear halfway house in church for along time and we would have I used tohelp run a part of that and we wouldhave folks that come from halfway housesthat would come to the church and theywere only released on Sundays to come tochurch and whoever was the minister incharge of the service at the time or theprogram would have to sign off that theywhen they’re signing attendance formsthat if you go back and they knew thatthey came to church yeah you know butthat’s what yeah yeah yeah I’m doney’all I’m done I’ve done a shopping if Ieat all that been working y’all you andthank y’allnow people have to our girl Vinny getshout outs on my channel y’all I got alot of people to do mm-hmmI mean shout out a lot can’t meal I gotlike 45 cameo yeah forty camel fortyforty cameos yeah it’s a lot of cameosso these are my name’s y’all see myname’s y’all see my name he’s the namesI gotta go through and I’m only doingtwo shoutouts a day and this is theother page and I haven’t wrote this pageyet so these are the pages I’ll try todo it in order and just put their namesright here and then put a put it wet dayI’m gonna shot what video I shot themout on and so those who did have a gangon shout out yet it’s coming it’s gonnatake like two to the release for me toget to everybody I’m only gonna do twobit to people people are bit purse topeople a video because either one childto be able to get the proper shine and Idon’t want to over saturate my videowith shout out shout out shout out andeveryone go somebody shout out I ain’tgoing to nobody trying so I’ll just dotwo people nothing that’s alrightbecause you know it’ll give you a fairchance and I want to be yeah like I saidI need to be shot five y’all everyone’stime cuz I think that’s unfair Iwouldn’t want that would youI mean I want to mimic me I would wantthat though anyways so y’all thank youthank you for all your has reached out Ireally like I said mmm and join thesedoing these on cameos because I mean I’mI’m really really getting to know a lotof people and I was like wow our peopleperson I really by nature I am a peoplepersonI love people you know the differentvariety of people and theirpersonalities and who they are and whatyou find out you know everybody has adifferent way of doing things and isjust so much you can learn from otherpeople you know understand that you havenot grew up with life or we’d have adifferent environment yeah I just likeit and I’m getting meet mazing coupleshusband and why teens and that beautifulbeautiful families like really bite goodwholesome found these great fathersgreat wise and you know they newlywedsor in love or been highschoolsweetheartsgrandma school sweethearts or whateverit’s just been an amazing time I’ll justJoe I’m just loving it for now but it’sjust it’s taking away a lot of my uh outof timeyeah that was gonna be open up in yeahyeah I know what I’m trying to do I’mgonna go on a vacation I am going tomaybe Hawaii no why is that heyquarantine okay huh a quarantine thisbecause they cannot see now don’t meananythingabout Hawaii the next month or two twomonths no yeah we’ll see how things openupyou know people open it slower thanothers and it’s gonna take a time forthe economy get back to where it isright it ain’t gonna all be like hey Iwas thinking all the way on the way backfrom wherever you get 40 seconds 40seconds that’s what I was thinking ifyou have business a restaurant businessit was doing really well and you had toclose it and you got down to your lastdime just trying to make bills and allthe other stuff where do you get moneyto start your business back up by yourinventory buy your food buy your stuff Idon’t know I feel so bad for yourbusinesses when I say I feel bad feelhorrible you see these people all thesepeople on TV and in the newspaper or onsocial media saying how I can’t surviveor they didn’t lost their whole businessdidn’t work so hard for business ownersare very very hard workers y’allespecially small business owners it’svery very hard to run a business and soI just pray today just get restoredyou know restoration of a business andstuff but y’all on that know I’m aboutto go I made this 30 minutes I have alot of work to do and your girl rightnow I need a napa tea now okay I amexhaustedwhen I tell you I been up the sistersthis morning doing cameos I’ve been upsince 2:00 a.m.what’s that probably nine I’ve been upsince am down and it’s way in theevening now way way in the evening sirI’m tired I didn’t get a full shiftanyways don’t need the light commentsubscribe share this video anyoneeveryone let me know to girls on thetime I’ll see you guys tomorrow withanother video I love you guys so so somuch Duncan’s they say they book Pizzabooze little head we don’t need to gocheck out those channels y’all the IGChina was queens slays hair I believe itlink down below that’s IG and then I getbarista BAE[Music][Music]make sure you like share and subscribe[Music]three times make sure you like share andsubscribe