BBQ Chicken Recipes

Easy Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Wings

Crispy Oven-Baked Chicken Wings – EASY ‘no recipe’ recipe!

No need for oil-frying or an air-fryer or a bbq grill!
I LOVE deep fried crispy chicken wings and I crave it at least once or twice a month! Based on trial and error as well as searching for online tips for years, I’ve finally made the perfect batch of crispy oven-baked chicken wings! Except, I forgot to film it! So I made another batch today but I wanted to experiment using potato flour instead for a gluten-free version. The result came out just as yummy but with a light crispness texture.

Still good and crispy tho! So I hope you guys try this out. If you do, let me know in the comments below!

• 2-3lbs of chicken wings (I had a total of 27 pieces)
Brand used: Costco’s Kirkland @CostcoCanada
• 1/4 – 1/3 cup of flour (all-purpose, potato, or baking powder works too)
Brand used: Bob’s Red Mill Stone Ground Potato Flour @therealbobsredmill
• 1 teaspoon of garlic powder (or more if you like it more garlicky)
Brand used: Great Value from Walmart @WalmartCanada
• Salt & Pepper (about 1 teaspoon of each or to taste)
Brand used: Costco’s Kirkland
• Optional: if you have other spices you’d like to add (like Cayenne or Paprika) feel free to include it in the mix!

• 1-2 baking sheets

• Parchment paper

• Neutral oil (optional)

• Measuring cups and spoons
• 1 large bowl (to place wings in)
• 1 medium bowl (to make your blend)

• Preheat oven to 425F
• Place parchment paper on the baking sheet(s)
• Use a paper towel to dry the wings (an important step to ensure the wings are dry!)
• Put the towel-dried wings aside in a bowl/plate
• Mix the flour, garlic powder, salt, and pepper in a medium-large bowl or in a large Ziploc/plastic food bag
• Coat the wings in the bowl (or place 4-5 wings inside the bag, seal, and shake it)
• Take the coated wings out and place it the parchment paper baking sheet
• Place in the oven and set to 40 minutes bake (I don’t usually flip my wings, but if you want to you can do 30 minutes, flip, then bake another 10 minutes)

• When done, remove from the oven and let it cool 5 minutes before plating

♡ MUSIC ♡ YouTube Audio Library

Intro: Mr. Sunny Face – Wayne Jones

Body: Delta – Track Tribe

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hey everyone welcome back to my channelhey Lisa I am back in my kitchen todayand I will be showing you a no reciperecipe for chicken wings that I like todo now these are oven baked but it comesout like deep-fried chicken wings it’ssuper crispy last time I made this Iused just regular all-purpose flour as abatter this time I’m actually going totry a good free version by using potatoflourand again basic ingredients that younormally will have in your pantry sopotato flour or if not you can useall-purpose flour or I think I’ve alsoseen your recipe out there using bakingpowder so you can try that as well todayI’m gonna experiment using potato flourand hopefully it comes out just ascrispy so we’ll see this is my firsttime using it so you’re gonna be doingthis experiment with me and I lovegarlic so I’m going to be adding somedried garlic powder as well and justsalt and pepper so I have my chickenwings you already know I actually driedthem with paper towel it’s actuallyreally important to dry it I think thatI should really helps to make it crispyand what you’ll need is parchment paperand a baking sheet so I have about 25-30wings so I actually need one really bigone and I just have a small one so weboth it will see if I can fit it all inat one baking sheet or notand another maybe small to me a sizebowl where we’ll mix all the dryingredients it’s gonna be kind of likeif you guys isn’t you know about mid 90syou know the chicken fake powder so it’skind of like the same idea if you wantyou can put it in a ziplock bag and thenshake it in there but trying to you knowreduce plastic use as much as possibleso I’m just gonna use it in this bowland let’s get started[Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]do something thank you for watching[Music]

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