It’s BBQ season! I’m sharing one of my favorite BBQ sauces made with honey. 1 onion chopped, saute in 1 tsp. grapeseed oil. Add 4 minced cloves of garlic. Stir. Add 1-1/2 c. pitted cherries. Stir in 2 TBSP chili powder, 1 tsp. paprika, 1 tsp. red pepper flakes, 1 3/4 c. crushed tomatoes, 1/2 c. fresh sqeezed OJ, 3 TBSP apple cider vinegar, 1/2 c. ketchup, 2-3 TBSP liquid smoke, 2 TBSP Cox’s Honey. Boil 5-10 minutes. Put in blender-blend until smooth. Cool. Refrigerate 2 weeks or place in freezer. It’s tangy, sweet, spicy and thick! What more could you ask for to partner with summer grillin’? Daughter of a successful beekeeper, Virginia grew up working the bees, packaging honey and helping her dad make deliveries in Southeast Idaho and parts of Utah. In 1978, she reigned as Idaho’s first Honey Queen. She has spent her life educating others about the uses of honey, beeswax and byproducts. She enjoys developing and experimented with honey-infused recipes. A relatively new hobby includes using social media and her YouTube channel to teach others how to store honey, cook with it, use it in health and beauty products, and many other domestic uses. After moving to the Las Vegas Valley in 2001, she continued as a distributor for her family’s Idaho farm-fresh creamed and liquid honey. Check it out at her website:
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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]the motion[Music]hi it’s Bonnie Queen here and it’scoming up to be grilling season so Ithought I would share with you what aremy favorite all-time barbecue saucesthat I make I made this the first timebecause I had two whole bunch ofcherries left over and I was looking upsome recipes I thought I’m gonna dohoney with that before I knew it kind ofcame up with this this is my jar Ialways keep it in its seems like it’salways empty cuz we use it a lot we doour barbecue yay so we had a barbecuethis Memorial weekend we have charitiesalso from our local here in those daysof call farm-fresh Las Vegas isn’tcherries this week pick some of those upfresh I’ll have to pick these so whatyou need to get is grapeseed oil hassome garlic on hand got a medium onionsome oranges that you can juice justabout half a cup which took about fourof these small ones we need a large whatit might be close it up chili powderpaprika and red crushed likes crushedTomatoes apple cider vinegarliquid smoke ketchup and of course Cox’shoney it seems like a lot of ingredientsbut it goes really fast so first I’mgonna do is show you how I did thee howI do this I’m gonna chop up my onion andGrill it in I’m gonna grill it justsaute and saute it in 1 TSP of grapeseedoil make sure you say the right word Ialways leave that guy flupper thesethings so that’s the first thing we do Iforget that sauteed it’s almosttranslucent I’m gonna add the garlic[Music]okay so it calls for about one and ahalf you could use one cup two and ahalf cups of cherries and I looked upall these methods because I don’t have acherry pitter and came down to mosteveryone voted that just your good oldbum getting them picked out works allthe way I think the straw looks prettyclose to working so you can do the strawor you could doI’ll paperclip and there was a knife wecrushed it but I was kind of a hurry touse my hands[Music]all right so I’m going to turn on myburner and I’m going to put one teaspoonat the grapeseed oil in herethat’s all it takes you’re gonna sautethe onions one medium onion and then wewill actually turns a little bittranslucent or sauteing I will add thegarlic Donette[Music]so I’ve been cooking it it’s turningtrenchless you can see that I’m going toadd four cloves of garlic into this andthen just a little bit with thatstirring itand I’m going to add the cherries I didwash the board I know super thick noshe’s crossed ten contaminating no Ididn’t watch sports so you put this inhere and I’m going to actually mix it inshow you what it looks like right thereand I’m going to cover it for threeminutes then three minutes that wascovered with tough-looking now I’m goingto add all the rest of the ingredientsso you have a half a cup of fresh bothorange juice and mix all the spicestogether two tablespoons of chili powderone teaspoon of paprika and one teaspoonof the red pepper flakes that’s going intherethree tablespoons of apple cider vinegarhalf a cup of ketchup and threetablespoons well you can but two tothree tablespoons of the liquid smokeI like the Hickory flavors and we hadthat but it can of crushed Tomatoes justa small can[Music]and then of course our veryinvestigation is Cox’s honey you’regonna add three to three tablespoons ofthe Coxes honey now something about thehoney make sure that you have a littlebit of liquid that you run through yourmeasuring cup so it’ll be easier or yourmeasuring spoon to measure it’s for theslurps just right out now honeyis it sweet access at differentsomething’s like too hot if you havesauce there’s an insistent kind of hitthere then you add a sweetener so honeywill actually kind of make it build up alittle bit that’s a lot so you can lookat this and I’m going to bring it to aboil for five to ten minutes[Music]ten minutes and then I put it in theblender I’m gonna blend it up until it’sas smooth as I’d like it if I want itthicker I’m gonna put it back and simmerfor 30 to 40 minutes then you let itcool down before you put in therefrigerator if I have anything besidesmy favorite container left over and Iput it in the freezer[Music]if I want thicker than all said course Ipoured in here and I laughs cool andover freezer it lasts about two weeksin the refrigerator[Music]did you find the be childrenThank You Jennifer for getting us toshave downso if you liked this video and you havemore sauces coming up this summerbecause it’s a grill and some everybodyneeds to get out have some fun times formore a weekend to like four that’scoming up Father’s Day there’s so muchgoing on so be sure to like it andsubscribe to it and share it with otherpeople check me out on FacebookInstagram and I put the recipe below andalso on my Pinterest board Twitter theretooof a sweet day[Music][Music][Music]this is why you save containers storage[Music]