BBQ Turkey Recipes

Two Brine smoked turkey breast on the Yoder Wichita offset smoker

We cooked two turkey breast on the Yoder Wichita offset smoker and made different brine to run a comparison for you. The brine had an amazing effect on both the flavor, moisture content, and texture after the cooking process was complete. Sassy liked one of the more than the other, and Todd had his favorite also. You’ll want to watch to the end to find out how surprisingly these two brine changed the whole profile of this smoked turkey.
Below are the recipes for the two brine.

Apple Cider Brine Recipe:
1. peel of two large oranges
2. Five cups of honey crisp apple cider
3. One cup brown sugar
4. 1/2 cup kosher salt
5. three Tbs tricolor peppercorns
6. three whole bay leaves
7. three chopped garlic cloves
8. three springs of fresh rosemary
9. enough water and cider mix to just cover the turkey. Refrigerate for 18 hours stirring now and then.

Cajun Brine Recipe:
1. 1/4 cup paprika
2. 1/4 cup Cajun spice
3. 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
4. one cup kosher salt
5. 1/2 cup brown sugar
6. three chopped garlic cloves
7. three whole bay leaves
8. 1/2 large onion
9. 1 tbs onion powder
10. 1 tbs garlic powder
Just like above mix water and ingredients to just cover turkey then refrigerate 18 hours stirring now and then.

Link to kitchen shears:

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Video Transcription

today we’re gonna show you how to make
two delicious turkey brines that we’regoing to be smoking later on on the
yoader wichita so stick aroundhey there welcome back to greenhorn
barbecue beer this is the channel thatshows you delicious backyard barbecue
recipes we take you on barbecue crawlsto some really interesting fun places
and we provide you guys recipes for youto try out so I picked up two butterball
bone-in turkey breasts about six orseven pounds of piece and the bride’s
that I prepared were an apple ciderbased brine and then a Cajun seasoned
brine which both are going to be equallydelicious nice and spicy on that yeah so
it’s gonna be it was like an 18 hourbrine all right so the day before we
prepared the brine and it’s importantthat you brine it overnight get enough
time for all all that brine to work itsway into the turkey and so what we did
is we prepared two pots that were largeenough to fit the turkey breast into we
filled them up with cold water and thensassy here did the seasoning for the
different brines my favorite wasactually the Cajun seasoning and you’ll
see that why at the end of the videowhen we taste them and show you the
texture and stuff like thatso after sassy prepared the Bryan’s then
it was just a matter of putting theturkey breast all the way into them and
topping them off with more water or inthe case of the apple cider juice yeah
you know you want to cover the entireturkey that’s very merge your turkey and
your brine and then we had I think youadded onions and cider onions bay leaves
orange peels peppercorn tricolorpeppercorn that’s a huge plus so the
full description and the recipe will bedown in
you know description and trust me thiswas delicious take it from me watch to
the end and you’ll see why so once we’vegot the brine fully submerged over both
the turkey breasts we went ahead andcovered them up and then you put them
right back in the refrigerator if youhave a cooler with ice you can do that
as well now it’s important to use a lotof spices that are aromatic so that you
get a lot of that nice flavor thatabsorbs overnight into the meat and and
so we brighten them for about 18 hoursand so the next day we went ahead and
pulled them out and we gave them a bathyeah when you pull them out wash off
that brine it’s done its job and nowthat Bryan is really just a waste
product throw it away there’s there’sreally nothing left in there that you
can use so throw away your brine safelyand responsibly then we want to rinse
off that turkey and this is a good timeto do any trimming and actually sassy
removed there it means she did anexcellent job on that and we had some
really sharp kitchen shears will leave alink to in the description where you can
get some of those kitchen shears solet’s ratata charata toronto kitchen
Cheersso while all this is going on I was
preparing the yoader Wichita offsetsmoker out in the backyard and we
decided to use was some Applewood theApplewood is a very light sweet wood is
great with Turkey I also use cherry thecherry will actually add a really nice
color color Oh like a mahogany kind ofcolor really really nice color so but to
heat up the yoader I actually used mycharcoal basket first and I didn’t want
to spend a lot of fuel from the woodsheating up the yoader well after we
cleaned up our turkey breasts and howdid it dry you want to dry it up real
good I gave them both a little butterBao yeah the secret to good crispy skin
is nice dry skin before you put it onthe smoker yeah so I gave it a little
butter bath and that kind ofit kind of coagulates and dries up
really fast when you put in it on theturkey and then I put on the occasion
Turkey I put some more occasionseasoning on that one and then on the
other turkey I just I put a use thatmutt honey money or money honey rub was
a call babe that’s okay honey honey willflash it appear on screen for you to
look at there’s a brief anyway it’s anexcellent rub and I used it on the cider
brined turkey and it was really goodcame out really really good so we got
them turkeys seasoned up and they wantedto go up with the turkey
low and slow sauce I was shooting for250 on the yoader
and and I wanted to bring up the turkeyreally slow now a lot of people will
cook turkeys in the oven at 375 or evenhotter really this is just all about
obtaining the right texture you’relooking for and I wanted low and slow so
we it was like between 225 and 250 forabout 5 hours you have to begin we put
them sassy here put them on pans onracks and we put a little bit apple
cider in the bottom of each pan withsome rosemary twigs with rosemary twigs
and some chicken broth on the bottom tokeep that moisture coming up and I
actually baste them with a honey andbutter yep so we went ahead and put it
on there then we put more cherry andapple wood on there really important
when you’re smoking with the woodburning offset smokers you want to make
sure that that smoke is bluenice and clear smoke you don’t want real
smoky so if it’s really smoky 4 youmight want to leave your smoking chamber
open for a while let it clear out firstthen you want to get to the right
temperature now our Yoder smoker has acouple different zones a little hotter
and little cooler depend on what’s whatend you’re on
so we rotated them twice so make sure ifyou’re cooking more than one turkey or
even just one turkey rotate it turn itonce in a while because you you have
heat coming from one end of your smokerand you can end up
burning one end of your bird and I guessanother thing – another good helpful tip
is you really you want to brine yourturkey if you’re gonna cook it on the
look on the yoader Wichita becausethat’s it’s got coals and you’ve got
wood in there and so it’s it’s constantit’s a constant
yeah the brine will definitely keep theturkey moisture yeah all right so after
a few basting –zz that we did we basteit every every couple hours we kind of
let the there wasn’t really much of abark it was more of a color and we let
that set up before we really got intobasting no we lost some of that
seasoning anyway off the skin but that’sgonna happen that’s okay so after about
five hours we finally took it off andthat’s a long time for turkey breast but
again we were going low and slow wewanted that brine to work and get a
chance to really infuse that smokedflavor in there that’s so good with that
cherry in Applewood they had a greatsmoke ring both of them mhm so we pulled
it out and did a little taste comparisonso my favorite was this apple cider
brine it just had for some reason itjust had a different texture
I could I could even see it when I cutit when I cut into it even though both
pieces of both breasts were just reallysuper juicy and moist I mean they
practically fell apart in your mouth butthe consistency of the other one I just
it’s just the flavor was just now thatcould be your cider
you know reacting with the protein alittle differently than just the plain
old Cajun seasoning my favorite was theCajun seasoning add a little bit more of
a bite to it the meat seemed a littlebit darker on the outside the skin a
little bit more crunch to it you know Ijust I liked it more just just to me had
a deeper richer flavor profile so it wasreally delicious yeah I basic both
turkeys with the same sauce so it wasthe butter and the honey and and then
was based in also with the juice thedrippings from underneath in the tray so
they came up excellent I recommend bothbrines
my favorite was the cider brain allright so I think we have it that’s a tie
she liked the apple cider I like theCajun seasoning well maybe we could do
our next turkey and make a cideroccasion crying so I like them both yeah
combine them you know honestly do whatyou like the flavor profiles that you
enjoy the mostput them in that brine even heat the
brine up you know a little blackbelttrick heat up the brine and a half level
pie stir it up and the heat of thatboiling will actually release a lot of
the oils and flavors are in a lot ofthose things such as the peppercorn
orange peel whatever you decide to usein there and then have a bucket of ice
waiting and then just dump the bucket ofice into it to cool it back down again
if you do this you can have a reallystrong brine for sure I think we didn’t
have to do it because we already hadsome ingredients that made it strong so
we skipped that step and plus we weregoing all night almost 24-hour brine so
but if you’re in a rushgo ahead heat up that brine and then
cool off with some ice and you’re gonnarelease a lot more intense flavors and
you won’t have to brine for quite aslong that’s right
well everyone I hope you enjoyed thisvideo thank you so much for joining us
we really appreciate ithit that like button subscribe if you
haven’t already and come back and see usoften for some more great delicious
we want to hear what your recipes forBrian and Turkey are so down in the
comments hit us upbe sure to tap that Bell so you don’t
miss a thing see you later

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