BBQ Chicken Recipes

Raspberry Balsamic Glazed Chicken Wings and Peach Bruschetta on the grill!

Great day for grilling and a great day with some family! Pulled out both grills and knocked out a ton of chicken wings. Started with a grilled peach and cream cheese bruschetta. Then we hit the grill again for some raspberry balsamic glaze wings. Started them on direct heat and then moved them over to indirect heat. Owen had a special treat with his own personal ribeye steak. The sauce on the faces tells you it turned out perfect!

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Video Transcription

Owens doing some cooking this morningnow I’m just microwaved bacon that’syour Foreman cookie you gotta figure outwhat we’re gonna cook it in look likeit’s gonna be a nice day outside I thinkwe’re gonna be some barbecue figure itout a little bit well it’s definitely anice day out today so just got back fromthe grocery store gonna start gettingsome of this stuff ready for the meetinthe barbecue tonight just gonna do somewings I got some drumsticks and we’regonna do a peach bruschetta which isbasically gonna be some grilled peachesthat kind of releases the sweetness thatsugar and them is gonna have somecarmelization to it a cream cheesespread over the toasted baguette andwell this should be pretty easy also sothis whole meal other than just throwingthe wings on the grill shouldn’t be toocomplicated we just have to make a ruband a glaze which I’ll show you guys theingredients and it’s the trick to doingthese wings or any type of chicken orwell a lot of the things on the grilldoes you have to be able to have an areaon your grill where you have direct heatmeaning like the flame or the coals orright underneath the meat and then youhave an indirect heat which is you havea portion of your grill or charcoalgrill that’s not on so that way youdon’t have a direct flame or somethingunderneath it that way you can cook themeat all the way through and you don’thave that charred outside with the rawinside middle I know we’ve all had thatchicken where you’ve gone to cut into itit looks good on the outside and it’sall pink and everybody’s looking at youandI thought it was all done so that’s howwe’re gonna take care of those wingstonight and as you can see it’sdefinitely a very nice soundthere’s busy busy busy so we’ll getstarted a little bit[Music]just finishing up at the grocery storeand I was thinking about the things thatI’d had to get and then of course almostforgot something I needed some fennelseed so I had to go back I was in thecheckout line it’s like every time Icome to the grocery store I alwaysalmost forget something and had to goback into the store make do without itso what can you do[Music]all we did was just toss these wingswith the dry rub that we made you sawthe ingredients for making sureeverything is all coated and then we’regonna be putting that barbecue sauce onit later but this is what they look likewith just a rub on I’m gonna go aheadand get the barbecues ready I’m doingquite a few wings today so I got thinkI’m gonna have to use the gas grill andthe charcoal grill which is new thisyear I got one of those weber kettlegrill so just using just using one ofthose chimney fire starters so I couldget the coals going and if you haven’tseen one before that’s what it lookslikeso we’re gonna go ahead and get thosecharcoals going so I can get that niceand hot and I think what I’m going to dois go ahead and sear them on there andthen move them over to the gas grill andput it in indirect heat there no look atthatalcohol begin the grill on Owens havingOwens happy because he’s getting a steaktonight[Music]tear what you say about the bruschetta[Music][Music][Music][Music]stay it up[Music][Music][Music]frozen those good browser it’s alwaysgood when you got sauce on the faceOhOh[Music]

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