The thing about how to videos is, the title gives much of the information away. This video is no exception. In this video, I cook beef short ribs in my smoker. What I don’t say in the title is, these were shared with a mate. What a twist!
While you may already know how to do this, I may shine a light on something you may not have thought to do already.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I’m Tyrone like his shoelaces you’reTyrone today how to turn this uncookedbeef ribs into this cooked beef ribs I’mcooking this for a mate who lives justdown the road and they were mostimpressed because the bone pulled rightout first thing you want to do is makesure you’ve got a clean cookingenvironment open up the pack and trimoff the fat cap your rub doesn’t reallystick to the fat cap so get it gone oneend you’ll notice is better than theother end is thicker meat and the otherend has a vein of chunky fat runningthrough it but there’s plenty of intermuscular fat throughout the entire rackso get rid of fat cap there are manyways of doing this cutting up a tab andtaking off a section or a little bitquicker stand it up and cheat slice nowthere are benefits of doing it eitherway standing it up takes off more meatunless you’re really good I want to makeyou feel better about yourself so I’mtaking off a little bit of meat withthis as well these will end up as tenderbaby daddies so leave the membrane onthe back because this might be the onlything holding it together at the endthen what you want to do is grab yourveggie might yeah you wouldn’t hear thatsaid in an American accent learningsomething already Vegemite is a lightlysalty but thick yeast stock less is morespread it so thin that it slightlyBrowns the surface of you mate that willthen help the next spices attached tothe meet those next spices in this casebeing salt pepper paprika and garlicpowder with the salt and pepper crackthat fresh over the top it doesn’t needto be super fine in facta little bit crunch is not a bad thingat all with the paprika and garlicpowder the way that I tend to keep iteven is to use a tea strainer to helpspread it that way you can get a niceeven coat everywhere across the topbecause you can so clearly see where youhaven’t haven’t gotten using thisstrainer as a good way to go back inpatchy gaps as well one noticeableabsence is any chili based spices orheat of that kind I’m looking for a matewho was sweating from a store-boughtmild salsa on their tacos and that wasthe only spice so they can’t handle muchmore than just this little bit ofpaprika leave it for long enough for thespices to be absorbed for me I didn’twant to do this in the morning so Ithrew it in the fridge overnight andtook it out in the morning I took it outboth of the packet and to my smoker Iwould much rather take it out of thepacket than leave it with that niceindustrial plasticky taste I’ve got mysmoker consistently at about a hundredand twenty degrees Celsius or 250 F atthe thermometer on the lid and thisgives me about 105 or 220 at the heightof the grill yes that is quite adiscrepancy the temperature shouldreally join a union and demand equalityall throughout as the hard taskmasterthat I am though I’ve I fighttemperature for much less thanunionizing I’ve got my smoker burningwith both river red gum and a littleTazz oak both the prevalent localhardwoods that google asumi are safe forfoodthat being said to make my smoker burncleaner i cha the wood I’m using firstyou can see the angry white smokepluming off the top you don’t want toeat that and burning it off is a goodway to get rid of it without making asmoked hotterhotter fires have greater combustionmeaning less smoke also control yourtemperature using fuel rather thanairflow smoke is just like Vegemite youwant just enough to see that it is thereanymore and it’s all you’ll taste whenyou’re almost ready to put a log on putit on the side of your firebox that yourfire isn’t to heat it up you always wantone loggers coals one log being burntand one log warming up right this isabout six hours in everything’s lookinggood turn to wrap if you know how tomake a beef broth or stock brilliant ifyou don’t subscribe I’ll make a video onthat laterclip your alfoil down to a choppingboard and it’s time to wrap well I dohave a black person name I can assureyou it’s not that kind of wrap there’sall sorts of debates about what youshould use to wrap your ribs or even ifyou should wrap your ribs I’m using ourfoil because it’s what’s availablebecause I’ve used it once on now stuckwith it for the rest of time and my egowon’t let me change ever this is thepower of online forums make a littleBowl around your ribs and spoon in aladle full of hot beef stock then wrapit tightlyyou’re not boiling these ribs you don’tneed more than about a ladle full thenback on the grill for about three morehours which means nine hours in totalalso make sure your water pan is fullnow that it’s wrapped your meats notgonna be absorbing any more smokeso you don’t need to use pre charredwood only make sure you still have aconsistent temperaturethree hours later take your ribs oftenthrow them into a coolerdon’t you dare cut themnow the internal temperature is about 95degrees Celsius and water at that tempis looking to get the heck out of thereit’s like an angry lady any excuse andit’s not gonna stick around she it’s notgonna stick around eat the waters lookyou get what I’m sayingif you cut into it now you’re gonna havedry leather ribs take the cooler to theback of your motorbike make sure it’sfirmly fastened you don’t want thatcoming off the back at 100 miles an hourthen the ever-important step boop akookaburra on the beak and head off toyour mates place to share as I saidthese are cooked for a mate these spentroughly two and a half hours in the airski slowly coming down in temperatureand slowly not letting the moistureescape how good is Lane filtering I likethat Lane filtering is legal motorbikesare way more fun than any other vehicleon the road believe you me I haven’ttried every other vehicle on the road umforgot where I was going with that butas I said cooking for a mate driving outto their place yeah get a load of localtraffic Oh huh right now that I’m heretake the cooler inside this step isfairly self-explanatory time to take alookyep that look like ribs time to cut themopen perhaps a touch overdone stillmoist juicy barky smoky and as promisedthese are tender baby daddies there weresome pretty amazing sights to go withthecooked by my maiden is white well mymates wife she’s also my mate and theseribs were thoroughly enjoyed by all Imean just look at them how can you notenjoy beef ribs one of my sisters is avegan she doesn’t enjoy beef ribs it’sokay I’m not allergic to tofu but I justchoose to not eat it you tell me who’smissing out no really YouTubeprioritizes the content of those whohave more comments so you tell me who’smissing out in the comments down belowback to the current topic though thebone pulled right out it didn’t fall outit had to be pulled or dragged kickingand screaming like someone watching thisvideo towards the subscribe button wellthat’s how I imagined it but for realthere’s plenty of cool stuff upcoming Ireckon my next video will be on pulledpork and I like to think I can give youa few tips a modern twist on flavouringand cooking barbecued pork just like Ilike to think I gave you some tips inthis video so come back and maybe learnsomething new again next time