Demonstration of How to make chicken wings At home. Enjoy!
You can easily make this amazing at home.
#Grilledchicken #chickenwings #serhatdogramaci
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Video Transcription
all right grilled chicken wings amazingdish stewed wings goes in or made tomatopaste yogurt olive oil spices it’s gonnabe time black pepper cumin saltright we’re gonna mix it very well Isuggest you marinate it for 12 to 24hourstry not to expand it a lot further thana day because it has their product andits chicken but if you trust that it’sfresh you can go to 48 hours right in ahot skillet we’re gonna sear ourchickens have to hear the drizzle youput it down if you don’t I can I get agood sear and since it has a thickcoating and I get harder sear itlaughter is serious very well shut itdown keep it on low heat for ten minutesand your juicy chicken wings are readylet’s plate