Barbecue Beef Ribs
Yum Yum Rub(Beef and great Steak Rub!)
2 tablespoons Salt
1 tablespoon Paprika
1/2 tablespoon Black pepper, course is better
3/4 teaspoon Onion powder
3/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon Cayenne pepper(optional)
1/4 teaspoon Coriander
1/4 teaspoon Turmeric
Mix together and use on any beef.
Makes about 1/4 cup.
Please note: be very careful when removing the membrane off the ribs. It would be easy to cut yourself with the knife.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello and welcome to guy with too muchtime and today we’re gonna makebarbecued beef ribs and I got to tellyou even looking at these right nowafter the fact I can remember just howgood these turned out and how good daystasted it was truly truly amazingespecially if you like barbecue so we’regonna start it we’re gonna start bymaking a rub a yum-yum rub which is 2tablespoons of salt 1 tablespoon ofpaprika 1/2 tablespoon of black peppercourse is better 3/4 teaspoon of onionpowder 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4teaspoon cayenne pepper which I didn’tadd because my wife doesn’t like spice1/4 teaspoon of coriander and 1/4teaspoon a tumeric I’ll include therecipe down below so don’t worry abouttrying to write that downand here’s just how quickly it is to getthis really quick and mixed up now I dorecommend making smaller batches withfresher ingredients it will make adifference and again the coarse blackpepper would make a bigger difference orbeer a splash and you can add a littlebit more a little bit less of thingsthat you like maybe you like onionsmaybe you like garlic powder or moremaybe even like the cayenne pepperyou’ll really like that bite I wouldtell you experiment to see what you likeand how you like it and yes obviouslyuse whatever type of Bowl you’re goingto want to use for mixing these thingstogether I prefer the metal ones becausewell they don’t break again I’m justusing a fork to get all this mixedtogether and you do want to make sureit’s nice to combine because you knowyou’ve got different densities there sosome things are gonna want to float tothe bottoms under the top so youdefinitely get that you know mix fromthe bottom side crazy next I’m going todo is get out our package of ribs unpackthem and you’re gonna want to well wellfirst let them rest a little bit andjust take in the glory then you’re gonnago ahead and trim off the excess fat offthe top this one will even have a wholelot then you’re gonna flip it over andyou’re gonna have to remove the membranefrom the bottom of this meat you need todo this if you don’t do it you’ll justend up with a chewy messwith pork ribs this comes off a loteasier no two ways about that with thebeef ribs I ended up using a knife to atleast get it started and this was hardto pull off and it it definitely tooksome time that I had the best methodwhere I’d pull up a little bit and justsort of work it all the way down littleby little I tried to take off too muchat a time it would just tear and it madeit all that much more difficult to getas much as I needed to get off of thethe ribs as I needed to because it’sjust you’ll end up with inedible ribs ifyou don’t take that membrane off youneed to do it it’s it’s not optional itreally isn’t so you get that off ofthere and I’ll show you what that lookslike before before you it was reallykind of opaque and just really tough soright here we see that I’ve really gotthat nice and cleaned up all the waydown then we’re going to cover thiswhole thing with this yum yum rub by theway yup member of is actually a beef ruband you wouldn’t want to put this onlike a pork but since we’re also dealingwith a barbecue here I’m gonna go aheadand put on a tablespoon of brown sugaron top of my ribs because brown sugarand even vinegar will go really nicelywith with barbecue so I go ahead and Iput that rub on there then obviously Igot to go ahead and start massaging thatyou know that rub that brown sugar allround this beef because we’re gonna becooking this slow and low for quite sometime and we’ll make sure those flavorsget really into the meat here and Iswear to you that as you’re doing thisyou almost want to eat this we’re allbecause of how good it smells because itjust it’s just a wonderful hearty beefand barbecue and all the the herbs andthe seasonings that just comes righttogether now to help to make sure thateverything’s going to work out here weneed to surround the whole thing withaluminum foil two layers shiny side outwe’re gonna reflect some of the heat soit’s nice even heat all over the placenow let’s put that down we’re gonna putthe bone side down forgonna carefully fold these up the reasonI say carefully is because well believeit or not since you’re gonna be cookingthis in your oven for quite some time itwill actually have a tendency to want tostick to that aluminum foil so don’t puton too too tight you know some peoplelike to put on super tight but they’reprobably doing like a a marinade and Ithink I probably works out better I’mputting our piece of aluminum foil toptrying to make sure that this is niceand airtight and I’m gonna cook this at255 degrees which gets my oven between250 and well 260 degrees I’m gonna cookthat for about four and a half hoursfive hours whatever seems gonna workbest for and a half hours of the firsttime I took a look at it and I only putit in there bone side down I nevertouched it and looked at this is thefirst time I looked at it and what I’mlooking to see when I open this I’d becareful you’re hoping it’s gonna be hotas I want to see the meat coming awayfrom the bones a bit I want to be ableto see that’s exactly what I see thebones coming away where the meat was alittle thinner and definitely see itnice look at that collar elation justlook at how good that looks but believeit or not we’re not done yetwe’re actually go out to the grill andI’m gonna get that about 450 degrees andyou gotta be really careful you pickthese up because they’re gonna want tofall apart so make sure you get yourwhatever you’re gonna do make sure yougrab it all the way underneath becauseit will just fall apart on you if youdon’t anything you don’t have a grip onit will want to fall off and be awarethat since it’s covered in grease it’sgonna probably fire up on you nextyou’re going to take your barbecue sauceand you are just gonna dump that onthere and then of course you know spreadit around now you’re gonna close yourlid after you do this kind of firm it upthis this does a couple things youactually want to caramelize some of thesugars that are in that barbecue sauceand what I mean by that is it willactually bring the sugars kind of to thetop it just really makes the completesthe whole meal they’re gonna close thatlid and once the rib the barbecue sauceon the ribs starts to bubble a bit ohgod take a little piece off there tooI have to I don’t want to but I have tonow once you get the barbecue sauce kindof bubbling a little bit on this guesswhat it’s done okay be careful take thatoff there OOP lost a piece of rib thereand I guess I’ll just have to remind ittaste test and you know I don’t want todo these things but I have to do thesethings well if you enjoyed this videoplease subscribe if you have anycomments please comment down below ifyou’d like to see me do anything specialalso please comment down below guy withtoo much time signing out