??Tool Thyme ?Tuesday Episode #133 Turkey Burgers!
I was hoping to grill these Turkey Burgers outside, but the weather did not cooperate! So I switched to the Grill Pan!
Here are the tools I used:
Non Stick Grill Pan
Grill Press
Recipe for the Turkey burgers is really easy:
1# Ground Turkey
1/2 c bread crumbs (I used GF Panko)
1 egg
1 T rub of your choice (I like chipotle, Smoky BBQ, Chili-Lime, Buffalo)
Mix and make into 4 patties.
Pre-heat the grill pan with the press in it over med-high heat for 5 minutes.
Add the burgers and put the press on top. Cook for 5 minutes on the first side and 2-3 minutes on the second side. Enjoy!
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
we’re live yes we’re live hello it’sSara stove top coming to you live frommy kitchen this is episode 133 of totaltime Tuesday a little bit early I’mmaking dinner and I just wanted to sharewith you what I’m making so I was goingto be barbecuing outside on the grilland the weather is not cooperating withme so we’re coming to you live from mykitchen and we’re going to do some tooltime Tuesday turkey burgers so I forgotto bring out my of course mic so I wasgonna grill here so here we go oh you’llnotice it doesn’t have a handle wellI’ve got the handle right here all Ihave to do is add it to it just pressthe button see the button up therebutton pull back and stick it on herethere we go so I’m gonna set this toheating up while we are making up mydress I’m just a regular person there wego okay so I’m gonna put that on about amedium to medium-high low heat or tomean high heat and let that heat up forabout five minutes and you’ll noticeover behind my shoulder there rightthere whoops there is my air fryer andso it’s on roast and and roasting somesweet potato fries so about 20 minutesit’s at 375 is the roasting temperatureand about halfway through it’s going tobeep at me and tell me to switch theshelves and I’ll try and show you thattoo cuz we probably will still beworking on it um need to get one moreitem I clearly was not quite as ready asI thought I was my mixin chop my one ofmy favorite tools in my kitchen so we’regonna take apound of turkey ground turkey oh can youhear thatthat was the halfway mark let’s bringyou over so you can see here it is okaythis maybe we can get to see no I meanI’m just gonna take my little mini Rickmy mini oven mitts and I’m gonna switchthe shelves so I’ve got one in thebottom shelf and you can see how lovelythose look just switch it with thewhat’s on the top shop and I actuallymight put it on the middle shelf insteadof up so high because I don’t want it toget overdone and then it just goes backon easy peasygreat so easyall right so we’re back over here movingaround and we’ve got things heating upover here and now I am going to turndown the camera so you can see what I’mdoing with the with the turkey so I’vegot my Nixon chop I’m just gonna kind ofgrind up the turkey a little bit and Ihave my panko Kronus I’m using and I usethe kind that I use about 1/2 a cupmaybe a little bit less for this um Iused to find about our gluten freebecause my husband is rude and free he’sactually wheat free but that pretty muchcovers it and then I’ve got some spicenow you can use any of our spice rubs Ihappen to have some Buffalo where I’veleft over I wish we still made it cuzit’s one of my favorites on a hot day itwas it needed a little pounding so I umI just flattened it with my with my meattenderizer and then I’m just gonna movethis together I love the flavor thebuffalo rug but I also some of my otherPiper’s favorite flavors especially forTurkey which is you know really istastelessin my opinion I do like the klutzy whatelse do I like oh I like um Chipotle RobI love the barbecue smoky barbecueyes smoky barbecue rub that’s also goodin burgers and of course these thingsyou can use any rub in there that youlike into Italian I’m going to add anegg to kind of bind it all together aswell and then once it all up and thenwe’re going to lose I have a little funthing that helps make this around Iactually probably should be using aspoon as opposed to sometimes you haveto change in beat change your my handsare clean by the way sometimes you dohave to change your implements half waythrough so let’s do that nice woodenspoon here and that’s perfect staff thatdoes the trick bird for that I do lovethe mixin chaplain I am making a groundmeat in the air like a meat sauce ortacos to cook with it’s really goodthat’s heating up nicely here’s my umthis is the book that goes with mycooking my air fryer it’s a cookingguide tells me how long to cook thingswhich is really useful it’s really um soI was gonna cook these on the grill butthe weather is not cooperating machineso we’re going to do it inside and I’vegot a burger cross and it also makessliders but I’m gonna make the burgersighs so I have to take out the insertand we’ve just turn the camera down soyou can see that so these guys are readytake that out and see it just pops rightout and the nice thing is that the presshas the slider side and thento turn it over and this is the Berberside it fits in there notice that itwill make a little dimple in the burgerand then the bottom part is made ofsilicone so you can pop them out now Ido recommend that you put some you putsome oil in them because otherwisethey’re gonna get stuck inside so I’vegot a little bit of avocado oil here puta little bit in and I’m going to smushthat around then we’re gonna take someof this lovely mixture here and a littlebit on this side toothere we go and we just squish it downand look at that look at how easy thatis and it does make a little dimplebecause when you cook burgers they tendto pucker up and they kind of get big inthe middle and this helps to keep them alittle bit smaller so I’m gonna putthese on oh I got this over here I’mgonna put these on my little cutting mathere let me show you how it comes outthere we goso you it’s all smushed in it’s all inone size and then I just smush it outand there you go perfect burgers solet’s get the rest of these done andthis is a pound so I should make aboutfour let’s do this again you get alittle bit thicker there we go so Iwould love to know what you like toflavor your burgers with because I thinkthat this that is the key to making agood hamburger is having a good flavorin it so that’s kind of the answer toboring dinner right is having somethingthat come out something that will beflavorful for your family right put alittle bit more in here oh and how’sthis come herehis biscuit he just had dinner so he’sgoing to have to wait just a secondwhile we finish this up okay Hobbs andthen we’ll be ready to give you yourbiscuit he’s such a dependable guy asfar as reminding me to do biscuits therewe goand we got one more so perfect poundthis one’s gonna be a little bit lateroh well that’s okay all right he’swaiting waiting now I cannot steercomments right now but I will definitelygo and check them whoa there’s nothingmaybe we should do just make this into aslider let’s do thatthe nice thing about this is it’s veryflexible so let’s make this into aslider cuz I made the other ones alittle bit there we go okay what do youthink of that pretty coolmake this one into a slider what’ll bethe petite one and I’m coming up here wegoso it’s gonna be bigger but holler so itmight take a little longer to cookthrough we’ll have to see when moms areyou ready for your biscuit my friend canyou see I’m waiting so patiently sitokay you’re not quite on camera therebud but we will get you on cue okay Imight over here okaycan you turn this way there you go goodboy okay that was Hobbsnow I’m not he just loves to to get hislet’s see if there’s anything in thechat any live comments and little peopleyou knowokay see you might be on the other oneoh well um okay so let’s put these inthe the pan is hot enough now thankgoodness so let’s put it in the pan andI’m gonna toss this down here so you cansee there we go okay so this is great soyou don’t need to oil the pan but I willput a little bit of oil in the middlehere in our oil these guys a little bitthe reason output oil in the pan isbecause it ends up being in the littlewells of it and those wells don’t reallyyou know it doesn’t really do much forus so um I’m gonna take this off rightnow it’s not that hot because there’sbeen a lot of heat coming airflowthrough I’m just gonna put these on andI don’t want it to stick to the topeating that’s why oil them I think I’llbe fine on the bottom but last one therewe go and then we’ll put this back onand so what ends up happening is thiswill help heat the and help them startcooking from the top as well as thebottom so that’s sort of a nice nice wayto that’s a nice way for them to get getcookingso let’s leave those for about we’regonna do like five minutes and then putmy timer on so I don’t forget and I willprobably be able to show you flippingthem but I’m not gonna let make youstand here and wait for them to cookcompletely so let’s see let’s take alook at what’s in the what’s in theairfryer so you notice that your fryerjust shut offit beeps at you when it’s done and itgives you like thirty seconds to getover there and then it completely turnsoff so I’m gonna actually turn somelights on here so it’s a little biteasier to see okayoh these look good let’s seehere we go so it’s I call it my easybake oven because it’s just so easy touseand it’s got handles on the base so Ican actually turn it so that you can seeit a little bit better and I can open itup there we goand here oh pardon me I had to sneezeand here’s some I should be done yeahthey’re done that’s one set and then theother side change here so these aregonna go and I guess I need to get holdand Hobbes they’re not for you you knowHobbes would love it if I only cook forhim I think okay so here we go so thisis tool time Tuesday coming to you alittle bit early and the oat by the waythese can go in the dishwasher lovelysweet potato fries they’re kind of likesteak fry type style so pretty good I’mgonna check out to see if there’s anyI’m gonna turn off the video on here andI’m gonna go to the other cameras holdon one second okay okay can you hear meyounow you can hear me okay sometimes ittakes a little while let’s check to seeif there’s a little commas okay so um weare and total time Tuesday if you needto reach me here is how to find me thisis my website this is sorry about theHangul oh okay there we goso my website is www.pevs.com so easy toremember all right so we’ve got about aminute and a half and I’m going toswitch back to the other camera I justwant to make sure that I didn’t miss anycomments okay so let’s see video back onhello oops customers learning there’s somuch to dookay so that’s on that’s on you shouldbe able to hear me I hope and I’ll findout if you can’t so let’s go back overhere and take a look at our what we’resupposed to be our barbecued buffaloburgers well they’re actually notbuffalo burgers the buffalo rub in theburgers but they’re turkey burgersunfortunately it didn’t work out thatway to go on to make them on the grillso we’re doing them in the grill pan solet’s get a take a look you’ll know thatyour burgers or any meat is ready whenit easily can be released from the panlet’s turn the camera down here andwe’ll see now I probably do need a Iprobably do need something to okay sothat’s the burger press this is castiron and this one at this pan is ournon-stick pans so it should be prettyeasy to move light nice thing about thenonstick not only only looks not only isit nonstick but it also in dishwashersink and you can use metal utensils onit so it has so many great options foryouso here are my four Turkey burgers andI’m just gonna put this the press backon and that’s really going to take justabout another probably two to threeminutes and I’m gonna start that I’vegot a salad ready for dinner and thosedelicious-looking which is sort of knowwhich is looking um sweet potatoes friesand that’s gonna be our dinner fortonight so I really thank you forjoining me tonight on on tool timeTuesday sorryearly maybe I’ll do a watch party lateron so that you guys can all you know bebeyond at the regular time hold on overhere still getting used to doing twocameras it’s not always so easy what Ido appreciate you joining me um no no noyou’ve got left side very very noisyokay there we go that’s better okaysometimes I forget to mute one of themics thank you for joining me on tooltime Tuesday this has been Sarahstovetop coming to you live from mykitchen naturally do it all this way andhope that you are having a great eveningI’d love to know if you liked this videoand please feel free to share it if youenjoyed it and you think someone elsemight and you can reach me on my mywebsite WWF is slash Sarasota send me amessage through there or on FacebookSarah stovetop that’s my business pageso nice to be with you have a greatevening and we will see you next week ontool time Tuesday we’re going to bedoing grilling all month so hopefullywe’ll be able to grow next time thanksfor joining me buh-bye