Okay guys! So today I am going show you how to make this super delicious one bowl BBQ sauce. This barbecue sauce is so simple that even a toddler could make it (and she did!). It requires only a few ingredients and it’s SO GOOD!
This sauce is perfect for Father’s Day, Christmas, Birthdays and more but can even be made as a treat for yourself. Perfect on chicken and ribs, the whole family will love it!
Get the full recipe and free printables at https://thegoodwivesblog.com/homemade-bbq-sauce/
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Happy making!
#fathersday #father #bbq #sauce #gifts #gift #barbecue #yummy #easy #simple #dad #perfect #thegoodwivesblog #bbqsauce #barbecuesauce #homemadegifts #cookingwithtoddlers #thegoodwivesblog #reallifehappeningher #familycooking #cookingwithkids #homemadeBBQsauce #grilling
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]welcome back to my channel I’m Lila fromThe Good Wife blog and this is BrooklynBrooklyn can you say hello hello andtoday we’re going to be making someFather’s Day barbecue sauce it’s supereasy just a few ingredients that youprobably already have and I’m also goingto link these cute little tags in thedescription so you print those andyou’ll be ready to go and brothers gethelp because it’s for her daddy you’regonna make some sauce for daddy lookyeah okay so I’ll just go ahead and tellyou what we have here okay so we haveone and a half cups of ketchup 1/4 cupof brown sugar 3 tablespoons of HP steaksauce 2 tablespoons of apple cidervinegar and a teaspoon of salt pepperand garlic powder daddy some sauce yesokay should we add our ketchup okaylet’s add our ketchup okay stir thataround then we’ll add our brown sugarand you add that in put it in the bowloh good job then we’re gonna add our HPsauce put it in[Music]oh yes in our apple cider vinegar andour seasoningsokay Brooklyn give that a really goodstir we’re gonna mix it around all areyou tasting itBrooklynso I have a mason jar here it’s 500milliliters and that’s the perfect sizefor the sauce as you can see and so Ihave Rivera here and Rivera actuallyinvented this sauce kindergarten he hada great recipe that we played aroundwith and he gave it to his dad and whatDad think yeah he loved it so we’regonna bottle that up just show you howeasy it is[Music]this is what it will look like when it’sdone super cube the tags will be in thedescription you can just print them offon cardstock I love themthey say Father’s Day BBQ sauce madewith love you can also make this foranything I take out the Father’s Day andadd Merry Christmashappy birthday whatever it is you wantthis sauce is perfect for a gift for anyoccasion or even just having in thefridge for your barbecues of this summeryou’ll love itour family approves I will linkeverything into this description and ifyou like it give it a thumbs upsubscribe to our Channel ok see ya[Music]you