BBQ Pork Recipes

Country Style Pork Ribs ~ Ninja Foodi 360 Meal

Perfectly cooked country style ribs with a mustard based bbq sauce that pairs perfectly with “baked” potatoes and veggies for a complete 360 meal ready and on the table in no time at all.

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hi there and welcome to the saltedpepper where we cook for real life usingreal food and we keep it real simple andtoday I’m going to show you how to makea very easy 360 meal using some bonelesscountry style pork ribs some russetpotatoes we’re also gonna add somevegetables in a little bit later butthey are still in the freezer becauseyou want them to be frozen until thetime we put them into the pot and we’regonna do this with a Carolina stylebarbecue sauce now this recipe is onethat Jeff whipped up years ago and it’sone of his absolute favorites and itgoes perfectly with these pork ribs sowe’re gonna a sauce made first and I’mgonna use the ninja fruity hot coldblender to do this but you don’t have tohave the blender you could use the ninjafoodie the inner pot you could use alittle pot on the stove however you wantto do it it’s gonna be fine it’s areally quick and easy and delicious BBQsauceso the first thing I’m gonna add intothe blender is 1/3 of a cup of applecider vinegar and we’re gonna pour thatin whenever I’m using the blender foranything that’s gonna become like athicker sauce I always like to put thethin liquids down first it seems to do abetter job when you do it that waythen I have 1 tablespoon of just plainwater we’re gonna add that in and nowfor the mustard this is a mustard basedsauce we’re gonna put in 1/3 of justplain yellow mustarda quarter cup of white sugar one and ahalf tablespoons of brown sugar oneteaspoon of soy sauce and then our spiceblend which is a half of a teaspoon ofsea salt fine grind a half of a teaspoonof regular black table pepper 1/8 of ateaspoon of cayenne of course you canalways omit that if you don’t want yoursauce to be spicy and then onetablespoon of chili powder and that isit we’re gonna add that into the blenderright you want to get your lid on andsecured and then we will turn theblender on and we’re gonna go to cookand I’m gonna go to medium heatwell what I’m gonna do first is go aheadand pulse a couple times just to mixeverything and that’s it and now we willjust let this cook on medium for about15 minutes or so and then we will turnit off or we can turn it to the low andkeep it warm if you prefer a warmbarbecue sauce but I usually turn it offand then pour it out of the blender andlet it sit at room temperature until I’mready to a sauce up the ribs all rightnow for the ribs so these are bolascountry style pork ribs now you can alsoget them with the bone in the recipewould work exactly the same but wepicked up these they were so deliciouswhen I tested this recipe I really likedthe way the boneless works out so if youcan find them get those all right so nowlet’s go over our spice blend that we’regonna rub on to our pork ribs what Ihave here is one tablespoon of salt thatsea salt fine grind I have onetablespoon of sugar one tablespoon ofbrown sugar one tablespoon of cumin onetablespoon of chili powder onetablespoon of black pepper a half of atablespoon of cayennetwo tablespoons of paprika and a half ofthe tablespoon of celery salt and thisrub is absolutely delicious so I do hopeyou give it a try all right so let’s goahead and dump all that into a littlebit bigger bowl so I can mix it upreally well and then we’re gonna get itrubbed on to the spirits and if youdon’t want your rub to be spicy you canomit that cayenne pepper or you candecrease the amount or if you like itreally spicy you can increase it I alsouse smoked paprika instead of regularpaprika in this recipe but both willwork just fine so don’t worry about thatwhatever you have is perfectly fine Ijust thought since we’re not smokingthese because we can’t do that in theninja foodie that I would add a littlebit of smoked flavor and you smokedpaprika all right so I’m just gonna takesome out here because I’m not gonna useit all I don’t want to go you know Idon’t want to dig in there with my handsand then rub this all over so becausewe’re not gonna use it off so rub it allover the meat and you want to do thisbefore you pressure cook which issomething that I see people ask about alot is why would you put the dry spiceson before you pressure cook when you’regonna be in this moist cookingenvironment well it does still stay onthe meat believe it or not I do thiswith ribs and I’ve done it with the porkand other types of meat like brisketbefore so really you do want to seasonbefore you go under pressurewe can also season afterwards before weair crust if we need to I haven’t neededto though usually I’ll just put thesauce on and do a little bit of aircrisping at the endso probably I will end up using abouthalf of this so like I said if you justwant enough just for this recipe and youdon’t want to store any extra cut it alldown in half and you will be fine it’ssmells so good I love the seasoning rubthis is not one we used at therestaurant this is one that Jeff sort ofcame up with because he likes theCarolina style he likes the vinegar themustard base types of sauces more than Ido I’m I’m more the sweet and spicyKansas City style barbecueall right now you can also do this aheadof time so rub them and then put them inthe refrigerator overnight and thatreally does help you know get thatseasoning really in there but it’s notnecessary I haven’t done it during thetesting and it’s been delicious allright so I’m gonna clean up a little bitthen we’re gonna get our 360 meal intothe Ninja frutti to cook it’s gonna gounder pressure for 22 minutes all rightnow one of the best things about this360 meal is guess what you don’t needany accessories except what came with aninja foodie so that’s kind of excitingbecause I know I’m always cooking with abunch of different accessories and thenit’s hard if you don’t have them orcan’t find them but the only thing we’regoing to use is the basket for this so Ihave the basket already in the diffuserlegs are on so for the thin liquid I’mgonna use beer I’m gonna use eightounces of beer any kind is fine if youlike to drink it it’s gonna be fine inthis recipe but you don’t have to useany beer either you could use water youcould use chicken stock beef stockwhatever you want is perfectly fine butI’m gonna use eight ounces of beer andthat’s gonna be our thin liquid allright so now to get the ribs in thebasket so what I’m gonna do here is putthem along the side we want to leave thecenter open because we need to put thepotatoes in there so I’m gonna put thatlike that sort of stagger them aroundhere all right that looks good okay solet me clean my cutting board and thenI’m gonna show you how to get thevegetables ready to go in and go underpressure because we can’t just dump themin like they are they’re gonna overcookso we need to we need to put them intosome foil packets so that they do notget too mushy all right so I’m gonna beusing some aluminum foil in this recipeI know people a lot of people do notlike to use it in their cooking Itotally understand that then this recipeprobably isn’t going to be for youbecause I cannot figure out another wayto protect the vegetables and thepotatoes from overin the 22 minutes of pressure-cook timethe potatoes will probably be okay butthe vegetable Sophie if you wanted tomake this and skip the foil you wouldwant to steam your vegetables separatelybecause they are gonna overcook ifthey’re not wrapped in the foil allright so what I do for this type tastesjust a little bit of the foil one of thepotatoes put a little bit of olive oilon it and a little bit of salt and thenI just wrap it up and we’re gonna fitthose in here I’m gonna do that for allfour of themthese are russet potatoes I guess Ishould have said that you could probablyuse any type of potato though that youlike just as long as they’re smallbecause they all need to fit in therethis is a dinner for four all rightthere we go now we need to get ourvegetables into a packet for thevegetables you need to do this threetimes that much you went through layersof foil now I’m not using the heavy-dutyso if you hadn’t heavy-duty aluminumfoil you probably get away with truthwith just two layers what I found is thethree layers really protected all thevegetables and they did not overcookbelieve it or not it was incredible sohappy so what I have here is four cupsof vegetables you don’t have to use thatmany you could use more if you wanted ifas long as they’re gonna fit you can usethem and I used a Normandy blend frozenvegetables that has nice big chunks thiswould not work as well with smallerpieces of vegetables so like even stringbeans I think might have a hard timealthough if you want to use fresh stringbeans I think you could do that withthis recipe without any issue honestlynow you could do one or two things andI’ve done it both ways so it’s really upto youyou can add in some oil or add in butteror you could use salt you could use someof the seasoning rub that we used on theporkthat’s delicious for now I’m just gonnakeep it very very simpleI’m gonna put some butter in here and alittle bit of salt you can always saltafter the fact so you don’t even have todo any of this you can just wrap yourvegetables up then I take some I’m doingone at a time and I’ll tell you why justin case there’s a spot that isn’tcompletely covered I can flip this overand you can see I want it to be sort offlat and round I’m trying to gauge soit’s going to be about the size of thebasket so it sits right on top so thatwe can get our pressure lid on and nothave any issuessure that everything is nice tightly allright there we gonow we can set this right on top nowremember it is perfectly fine if it isabove the pot a little bit as long as wearen’t impeding the back end here we’regonna be fine the pressure lid is goingto fit on just fine and come to pressurejust fine and it looks like we are goodto go here so we’re gonna put thepressure lid on now I’m using the sixand a half quart so if you had the 8quart and we’re gonna do this recipeyou’re gonna have more room obviouslythan I do all right we’re gonna go tothe seal position turn that into foodieon go to pressure high is what we wantand we want to take it for 22 minutesand go ahead and hit the start buttonwe’re gonna pressure cook on high for 22minutes and then we’re gonna do a5-minute natural release that’s all youneed with these ribs and then we willget the ribs basted with the barbecuesauce and we will air fry them for a fewminutesall right so it took the pot about 11minutes for the red pin in the back topop up and then another few minutes forthe countdown to start so the total timeto pressure until the countdown startedwas about 16 minutes then we pressurecooked for 22 minutes on high we did a5-minute natural release and now I’mgoing to manually release the remainingsauce all right so the red pin hasdepressed that means we can open up thelid do that away from you because it isa steamy pot right now and we can liftout our vegetables[Music]but those over here doubt our potatoesthose pork ribs look good and you cansee all the seasoning stayed right whereit needed to be so we’re gonna take allthat out now I’m gonna change thisaround a little bit and put them in asingle layer if they break up do notworry about that at all so I’m justgonna get these into this basket youdon’t even need to dump the liquidthere’s not enough there to worry aboutso I’m just gonna base these with somebarbecue sauce so I’m gonna pour some ofthis barbecue sauce and it is reallythickened up nicely it’s been sittinghere for I guess about 30 minutes andI’m pouring this in because I’m gonnakeep going back and forth and eventhough the ribs are completely cookedwe’re gonna serve that on the side forpeople who want you know extra sauce soI just like to pour some in here andwe’re gonna baste it on they smell sogood all right that looks good now let’sgo ahead and use the air crispingfunction tender crisp I guess how ninjafoodie calls it we’re gonna go ahead andgo up to the 400 and we don’t need to do20 minutes 5 minutes should be just fineall right so while those are aircrisping what we can do is either openup our potatoes and start to put somebutter and salt on them or we could eventake the ribs out when they’re done andput these in to get a little crisp onthe skin if we wanted to I’m not gonnaworry about that though what I do wantto check is just to see how ourvegetables Bairdcuz that’s the trickiest part honestlyit’s just getting these completely doneto where they are until they’re notoverdone now I’ll wrap these back up tokeep them hot and so we’re ready but ohnope they look good they look good onething I did not mention in the verybeginning is that I also used somecarrots that are just raw carrots and Icut them in in like thirds and I usedtwo carrots in here along with thebroccoli and the cauliflower justbecause even though this mix comes withcarrots it’s not a huge fan of the onesthat are in the mix so the so I addedsome extra carrots but it looksabsolutely beautiful this is when youwould want to add more butter if youwanted add some salt some pepper or evensome of that rub but I’m not gonna leaveI’m not gonna use anything because wehave a little bit of butter on therealready and that’s gonna be just finefor me I’m gonna close those up theylook perfect so they are not overcookedwhich is amazing considering how longthey went under pressure for and that isbecause they were protected in the threelayers of foil and then the potatoesthey look great too they really do theyare hotall right they’re perfectso now if you were serving this fordinner obviously I would keep thesewrapped until you’re just about to platethe ribs up but I’m gonna go ahead andget them unwrapped now so I can startputting them on the plate so you can seehow everything looks if you wanted toserve it you know all together for afamily dinner it looks really prettythe other thing you could do with thesepotatoes is chop them up a little bitand you could roast them after the ribsare done you know that would be greattoo so they’re gonna be nice and softbut they’re not gonna they’re not likecoming apart you know how sometimes whenyou overcook potatoes they start tosplit well that didn’t happen becausewe’ve protected them a little bit withour oil and as soon as I can figure outwhat the alternative to foil is trust meI will let you guys know all right looksgood very very good then you could alsocoat them with a little butter if youwanted you could you could even mashthem up I mean you can do anything withthem right now any kind of preparationyou want yeah I’m gonna go ahead I thinkwe’re getting yep we’re getting down tothe last little minute here so I’m gonnago ahead and plate up the vegetablesyeah you could put them in a bowl if youpreferalright looks great so excited alrightlet’s take a peek we’ve got twentyseconds leftoh my gosh they look amazing now youcould base them again you could golonger it would be fine but I don’tthink they need to they look gorgeous sothis is such an easy dinner to puttogether I absolutely love itand if you were doing low-carb forgetthe potatoes double up on the vegetablespick something else besides the potatoesthat’s the beauty of a 360 meal is youdon’t have to use all the components butyou’re still going to be able to get themeal cooked the way that you want youcould also substitute the sugar that’sin the barbecue sauce for a sugarsubstitute and that would be fine allright we are done now I’m gonna putthese beauties right on the plate I lovethat they’re gonna be so tender and sodelicious I can tell they are perfectlycooked gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous infact that one’s that one’s so wellcooked it’s kind of starting to fallapart but that’s okaylook at that dinner for four done lessthan an hour start to finish everythingcooked in the ninja foodie and no extraaccessories I think this is definitely awin alright so what I’m gonna do is justput a little bit of this barbecue sauceon the top here Wowisn’t that gorgeousgorgeous gorgeous gorgeous oh I’m soexcitedall right now of course I’m gonna make aplate and give it a tasteall right so my final little touchbefore I would serve this would be tojust brush the skin of the potato just alittle bit with oil or butter would bedelicious and then put just a little bitof a coarse sea salt on top totallyoptional but number one I think it’s sobeautiful to serve it that way I justlove the way it looks and it’ll give youa little bit of crunch when you eat yourpotato in case you didn’t want to aircrisp them like I didn’t do okay solet’s get to plating and tasting ourdelicious pork country rib 360 meal I’mgonna take the potato and a little pieceof the pork you see it just pulls rightoff there it’s so tender oh my goshlove that I’m gonna get a carrot pieceof cauliflower and a piece of broccolinow I usually like my vegetables alittle bit on the firmer side but youknow when we do it this way if they area little softer than I would preferordinarily but I found them to bedelicious so I think you’re gonna enjoythem as well all right now a little bitmore of that sauce because I just loveitperfect all right here we goall right so let’s taste the carrotfirst it looks really good okay so thisisn’t definitely not overdone mmmperfect texture mmm Kyle that’s sodelicious I know that seems crazy I’m soexcited over carrot but I like a carrotto be perfectly cooked not too mushy nottoo hard there’s just this flavor thatcomes out when they’re perfectly cookedand these are perfectly cookedall right the frozen cauliflower mmmokay that’s really good to know I’m alittle bit surprised about that the lasttime I tested this recipe thecauliflower was a little bit softer butmmm so goodmmm-hmm the broccoli little softer thanthe cauliflower but still delicioushonestly delicious okay potato this isperfect I mean absolutely perfect like Ican tell it is not mushy or overcookedit is perfectly cooked oh wow mmm withthat little bit of salt on the outsideand the olive oil you don’t even needbutter that is really good okaythe star of the show the pork ribs let’sget here they’re perfectly cooked I cantell now if you want to join or fallapart you could go a little bit longerbut don’t go too much longer because ifyou go too much longer you’re gonna endup overcooking everything else so maybe23 24 minutes would be about itWow hmm oh my goodness[Music]hmm you cannot beat the flavor of datesI mean I love pork spareribs I like babyback ribs I like the st. louis-cut ribsbut there is something about thesecountry-style pork ribs that are just sofantastic and so easy to cookoh absolutely love them I hope you enjoythis 360 meal remember you can change itup double the vegetables forget thevegetables double the potatoes you coulddouble the meat but then you’re gonnarun out of room for some other stuff butif you wanted to make just a whole potof the barbecue pork ribs you could dothat you could still use the same timinghere so if you just wanted to do sixpounds instead of three pounds becausethat’s what I have here about threepounds of the pork country-style ribsyou give to six pounds in here same cooktime same technique you just wouldn’thave enough room to add all the otherstuff unless you have the 8 quart andyou might be able to add in a fewpotatoes and a few vegetables I am soexcited about these 360 meals I lovecreating the recipes for them they are alittle challenging which I love and Ilove the flavor combinations that I cancome up with so I’m definitely gonnakeep doing this for you guys I knowyou’re asking for them and I’m gonnakeep doing different variations of 360meals if you have an idea you cancertainly leave me a comment let me knowwhat three ingredients would you like tosee put together in the ninja foodie fora 360 meal

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