BBQ Pork Recipes

Cooking With Craig BBQ Pork Ribs in a Pressure Cooker

Cooking With Craig
BBQ Pork Ribs
in a Pressure Cooker

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Video Transcription

stay tuned until the end of this videoto find out how you can win some greatprizes and welcome to another episode ofcooking with Craistoday we’re going to be making baby backribs the pork variety and first of alllet’s start off with a dry rub then it’sall going to go into my pressure cookerand then we’ll make the sauce alrightlet’s get down into making this our dryrubalright tell you what the ingredientsyou need okay to start with this driverI have a bowl okay so there’s my bowlwe’re going to put in here we need toput just smoked paprika 2 teaspoons 1teaspoon of mustard kinas style 2teaspoons of oregano 2 teaspoons ofstage 2 teaspoons of chili and 2teaspoons of rosemary leaves 2tablespoons of salt now we just need togive this a stirlet’s see that’s looking pretty good nowI’ve got that place aside what we needto do now is grab your ribs I’ve got myboard here month and my bowl now thesehave been sitting about room temperaturefor the last about 10 10 15 minutes justto bring them out of being totallyfrozen put these on my board alrighttime to grab the rough I have a littleis good to the outside just massage itin all rightclick the modelyou know it’s best to use up all of therum because it don’t that doesn’t keepvery well because of all the differenttypes of spice and so use it a lotRama Dean pretend you’re a SwedishMasoud and you’re massaging your patenta year our clients make it all nicethere we go now what I’m gonna do is I’mgonna grab a knife and I’m gonna cutthese into threesyou can’t cut them into fours if youlike but I’m gonna do lots of threes onthese one two threecut okay so we’re going to let those sitfor about five minutes while we get ourpressure cooker ready to start cookingall right let’s set up for the secondpart all right well that’s resting Ihave the pressure cooker here I’ll thenit stopped getting this heal up becauseon a ground side of these and what Ineed to do in here is I need to add someoil just a dash of oil come back whenthis is needed up all right so that’snow heated up it’s time to put these inon the curve side down just to give thema little bit of a brown now rememberdon’t crowd the pan just a couple inhere at a time but find that sign[Music]all right so they’re all being brownednow so they’re smelling amazing now whatwe need to do is we need to deglaze thebottom of the pan and add same time acup of beef stock go make sure you getall the nice crusty bits off the bottomthat have just stuck there because ofthe UH or some seasoning that we’ve justrubbed on all of those ribs or I add inone diced onion add in one bay leafputting the trivet in the bottom makingsure that none of the ribs will betouching that liquid now I’m going toadd in probably another half cup ofwater into this actually only a quartera cup add in these yeah okay if theystack on top of each other all right nowwhat we’re gonna do is we’re going toclose this up and we’re gonna cook itfor 35 minutes all right come back whenthis is ready all right so this is beenresting for about 25 minutes now it’llbe a little bit of pressure but not verymuch of it now what we need to do istake the top off and down so you need toget these out and put them aside to restso that we can make the sauce or icecareful that you don’t make them fallapart completely because they are verytender Joe now we take out our trivettake out bay leaf grab a spatula makesure nothing’s stuck to the bottom whatwe’re gonna do with this is we’re gonnaturn the heat back on and we’re gonnastart adding the sauce ingredients tothisokay so first we need a cup of barbecueoh sorry of tomato sauce two tablespoonsonly be given 3 black three of goldensyrup 1 tablespoon of apple cidervinegar small thing of tomato paste andlast but not least the all AustralianVegemite now we’re going to use 1tablespoon of thatalright what we’re to do is gonna letthis simmer I’m gonna time-lapse thisbit and when we reduce this sauce downby about a third of what it is[Music]this has been bubbling away it’s nowended that can come down to a nice thickconsistency stir up the bottom you knowwhat I’m gonna do is I’m gonna put in myribs cook them for about another fiveminutes and get them all nicely coatedyou know awesome sauceall right we’ll be back in five minutesokay Google stop timer all right sothat’s now been five minutes time toturn this thing off and get our wits nowthey are bubbling away so nicely have asqueeze of those all right time to dishthese up yeah all I think there’s justenough for two people in this in thislot as a meal I don’t think it’s enoughreally for three people so if you’regonna do this you’re gonna need to get alot more ribs if you’re gonna be cookingfor more than two people now it’s alwaysa good idea to have a little bit ofsalad and you know usually when you havea nice barbecue style pork rib you wantsome other sellers to go with it a bitof coleslaw is usually good have babybeen apart to sell it to and that’s howeasy it is to cook baby back spare ribsall these style with Vegemite my secretingredients was Vegemite in my sauce[Music]remember if you’re sitting in a theme orlike in his videos make sure you miss abeat thumbs up don’t forget it fewcomments questions on yeah things youwant us to try and cook well even in thecomments field below and if you haven’talready hit that subscribe button andget notified monitor who these cookiewith Craig segments my daily vlogsnobody’s one car maintenance you name itI film it it ends up on YouTube so hitthat subscribe button and then til nexttime see you next video[Music]awesome you stuck around to the end ofthe video just to find out the secretcode word for today’s videotoday’s secret code word is gingerbreadmake sure you put that in the commentsfield below and you could be in the drawto win a youtuber and sticker make sureyou get those comments in the fieldbelow before Saturday at 12 noon a strayan Eastern Standard Time gotta be in itto win it

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