We show you how to make easy and delicious 3-ingredient wings in the oven in just one hour using our Santa Maria-style seasoning and Hog Wild BBQ sauce. No frying or messy cleanup. They’re crispy, savory, and have a comfortable sweet-heat that doesn’t burn your mouth and taste buds. They’re great as an appetizer, meal, or a snack and incredibly inexpensive to make. Enjoy!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys it’s Mike here with Californiarancher and I’m thrilled to be back inthe kitchen with you today I’m going toshow you one of our big game specialtiesSanta Maria wings oven roasted andtossed with our hog wild habanerobarbecue sauce it only requires threeingredients one hour in the oven andtastes absolutely delicious you’re gonnalove it and you’re gonna barely have tolift a finger to make it let’s getstarted here we’re all ready to make ourwings I’ve got the oven preheated to 400degrees with convection got our SantaMaria seasoning our delicious hog wildhabanero barbecue sauce that we’re goingto finish the wings with at the endwe’ve got our prepackaged wings a partypack from foster farms think we got themat Costco we got a little bit of oliveoil then we’re going to drizzle in thepan here a rimmed small baking sheethopefully it’ll help them not stick toomuch but if they stick it’s just moreflavor let’s go ahead and cut open ourwings we like to wear gloves on ourhandling poultry and other proteins it’sjust a little bit cleaner and you don’tconstantly have to go back and forth andwash your hands let’s get them in thereyou want everybody get on out of thereand I usually keep my right hand cleanand my left one touching the protein allright let’s toss them up a little bitget some oil on all of them that’ll alsohelp the seasoning stick there we’ve gotour flagships Santa Maria seasoningblend of some herbs garlic pepper alittle bit of onion it’s a greatall-around blend and we’re gonna put agenerous supply on there it’s not toosalty of a blend but you can put as muchon as you like I put a little bit moreonthat looks like it’s just about enoughnow all we have to do is go over to ourpreheated oven 400 degrees and we’regonna set them in there we don’t have toturn them we don’t have to toss themwe’re gonna set it in there and cookthem for exactly one hour this is such ano-brainer recipe it’s so easy anddelicious they’re gonna be crunchy andjuicy at the end all right the hour flewby and now it’s time to get back to workand have some delicious wings we cancall this a dry run for Sunday when thebig game is played we can take a lot ofcredit for this nice easy dish thatwe’re preparing and there they are niceand crunchy they’re not fried and itlooks like they might have stuck alittle bit yep they did just a littlebit but that is the flavor on thebottoms it’s an extra little bit ofcrunch on there I’m gonna free them allup there and then we’re gonna meet themover to finish it off you got to givethe sauce a try if you haven’t tried ityet it’s got a nice level of heat but itdoesn’t kill your palate we’re nottrying to make the hottest sauce outthere we just like to like somethingwith a little bit of kick and we love totaste the flavor of habanero put on asmuch as you like we like a nice glazebut not too much people can always addmore if they likeand now we’re going to toss them arounda little bit to get them somewhat evenlycoated there we go there we go let’s geta plate out play them up no food stylinghere the food speaks for itself can’twait to dig into these nice glazed nicecrunch and most importantly easy to makeso there you have it you’re all set forthe big day and the big game until nexttime enjoy the big game