BBQ Beef Recipes

How to Grill the Perfect Steak | Weber Genesis II Gas Grill | BBQGuys Recipe

In this video, I walk you through how to grill the perfect steak on your gas grill using the classic steakhouse method. This process will give you a great crust & a really juicy steak. We grill up this bone-in Ribeye on the Weber Genesis II Special Edition Gas Grill.
Printable Recipe Here:

Shop the Weber Genesis II Gas Grill Here:

Thanks to Iverstine Farms for the beautiful steak!

Featuring: Randy Watson
Filmed/Produced by: Paris Frederick
Filmed by: Blaine Boudreaux

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

Hey I’m Randy with BBQGuys.Today I’m going to show you how to cook
the perfect steak.Now this method can be applied to basically
any gas grill, but for this video I’m usingmy Weber Genesis II Special Edition.Let’s get to it!Now I’ll mainly be using the sear zone on
the right side of this grill, but it’s agood idea to get the whole grill hot, so cold
grids don’t take away from that valuableheat.Go ahead and close the lid so we retain as
much heat as possible.We want this thing scream’n hot to get a
good sear.I picked up this beautiful bone in ribeye
from my favorite local butcher shop, IverstineFarms.Ribeye is easily my favorite cut due to the
fat content, which makes for a juicy steak.Before grilling, make sure you let your steak
sit out for about 30 minutes to get the chilloff of it.For the seasoning, simplicity is best.I really want to taste the beef itself.But, you’ll want to go a bit heavy on the
kosher salt & black pepper.. because likein true steakhouses this steak will be dunked
in clarified butter before hitting the grill..a slight bit of the seasoning may fall off,
don’t sweat that.Make sure to season the whole steak.. even
the sides.And give it a good pat down, so we hold on
to as much seasoning as possible.Now just form it back up, the best ya can
so it stays nice and uniform.Once your grill has gotten as hot as it’s
gonna get..It’s time to get this bad boy on the grill.I like to keep the dunking dish close to the
grill, so i’m not making too much of a messand losing all that good butter coating.Oh yeah.. that’s the searing sound we are
looking for!This is about an inch and a half thick steak,
giving it some good weight of it’s own tohelp it lay flat for good grid contact.But I also like to give it a couple light
presses with my tongs just to make sure.After about two minutes, go ahead and crosshatch
your steak.I like to make my diamonds by turning at a
45 degree angle.Let it cruise for another two minutes on this
side.If you like your steaks on the medium – medium
rare side, try to avoid thin cuts.With a steak this thick, you have plenty of
time to get some good caramelization, withouthaving to worry about overcooking.Oh yeah, nice crust!Because we coated it so well in butter, we
achieved some good color..even between thegrill grates.As you would expect, same thing on the second
side.. two minutes – then crosshatch.Bringing us to about 4 minutes on each side
for searing.To help us get closer to our target doneness,
and to prevent the steak from burning..I like to move it over low heat on the left,
while keeping the burners on the right stillset to high.Let it cruise with the lid closed for the
rest of the cook.I’m shooting for medium rare – I’ll pull
it somewhere between 120 & 125.My favorite method to check for doneness is
to get a feel for the firmness of the steak.For medium rare, it will still have a good
amount of give..It will be more firm the closer you get to
mid well & well done.And like all meat, you’ll want it to rest
before slicing.I recommend about 10 minutes.Alright, let’s see what we got.Perfect!That’s what it’s all about.Time to give it a shot.That’s good.Nice crust and perfect medium rare.. ribeye
is definitely my favorite cut.Thanks for watching today guys, be sure to
subscribe to our youtube channel for moregreat content, and remember at
we smoke the competition.

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