Today video, I will show you how to make Special Banana Grill with Sweet Coconut Sauce step by step for beginner. Easy technique, but amazing result. I hope you like my video and give it a try at home. Leave me comment if you have any question about my video or baking in general. I will try my best to answer all of your questions, and if any of your questions, I couldn’t answer it myself, I will ask the professional chef I knew for further informations.
Please keep in mind that I am not a professional baker, and I only had some experienced in baking and desert industry. I hope you don’t mind if I couldn’t answer all of your questions.
Thank you so much for watching my video and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for a lot of more great videos about baking and dessert.
1. Banana: 10pcs
2.Coconut meat: 100g
3. Jackfruit: 50g
4. Coconut milk (sweet sauce): 300g
5. Water (sweet sauce): 150ml
6. Salt (sweet sauce): 5g
7. Sugar (sweet sauce): 200g
8. Palm sugar (sweet sauce): 50g
9. Coconut milk (salty sauce): 100ml
10 Corn flour (sweet. sauce): 5g
11. Salt (salty sauce): 5g
12. Spring onion: 20g
Grill: 200 Degree Celsius
Checking time (adding sweet sauce): 20 minutes
Total grill time: 40 minuts
Bella from Home Kitchen
Original of the video here
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