Instant Pot Super Bowl BBQ pork ribs.Be Super Bowl ready with this easy delicious recipe that’s everyone will LOVE!
Pork loin back ribs 2.5 lbs
1/3 cup bbq sauce
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup brown sugar
Splash of dried minced onion
Add the bbq sauce, honey, brown sugar, and minced onion to a bowl and mix together. Next, take your ribs and rinse them under water. Now, place them on a plate or platter and rub in the marinade sauce to them. Front and back. Once that is done add them to your instant pot. Now add 8-9 cups of water to the instant pot. Place the top on and set it to Seal. Now set it to the meat/stew setting for 40 min on high pressure. When the 40 min are done, place them on a baking sheet. They will be fall apart tender so if they fall apart, just place them in the baking sheet the way they would if they came out in 1 piece. Next, add your favorite bbq sauce to them. Then add a little seasoning salt. Place them in the oven on Broil for a few minutes to get them nice and crispy. Once they are nice and crispy, taken them out and serve!!! Happy Eatz Everyone!!
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hello my favorite foodies welcome backto my channel today we’ll be makinginstant pot pork ribs they are fall offthe bone they’re deliciousfor this Super Bowl Sunday let’s getstarted let’s start by making themarinade we’ll start off with 1/3 cupbrown sugar then we’ll need 1/3 cup ofbarbecue sauce it can be any brand thatyou like that’s your favorite now I’llgo ahead and add in some dried mincedonion next is 1/3 cup honey now give ita good mix now go ahead and rinse offyour ribs now I like to add seasoningsalt you can add just regular salt ifyou like now we’re ready to put themarinade on the meatshe’s come to visit me she saidnext we’re going to go ahead and set theribs into the instant pot I like to addall of the marinade to the meat into theinstant potnext I add water I add about eight tonine cups of water just to fill it upabout half wayshey we’re ready to put the top on sealit and we will set it to the meat stewoption for 40 minutes on high pressurethe 40 minutes is up go ahead and ventit okay once it’s bent it go ahead andopen it up and we want to place it on abaking sheet with foil now the meat isgoing to be very very tender so it’sgoing to fall into three pieces here soI just grab the first piece out and thenjust place it on the rack on the centerjust the way it would if it came out inone pieceokay now we’re ready just to put someextra barbecue sauce on top and I justuse the regular barbecue sauce from thebottle you can use any kind that’s yourfavorite okay at this point I like toadd a little bit more johnny’s seasoningsalt or you can just use regular salt ifyou’d like and next we will put it inthe oven on broil on low or you can putit on high broil just make sure you’rekeeping an eye on it so it doesn’t gettoo crispy all right so it’s been a fewminutes on broil and they are all donethese ribs are so tender and sodelicious they will be a hit this SuperBowl Sunday you’ll have to definitelygive this recipe a try it’s so easy theycook so well in the instant pot if youlike this video give it a thumbs up ifyou want to see more delicious recipeslike this subscribe to my channelhappy eats everyone[Music]