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Review: Costco Pit Smoked Brisket Sliders Kit – TVWB –

Chris Allingham, publisher of The Virtual Weber Bullet website, reviews Costco’s Pit Smoked Brisket Slider Kit, just starting to appear at select Costco locations nationwide. Do these sliders get a thumbs up or thumbs down? Watch to find out! Click “SHOW MORE” for links and info.


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[Music]hey it’s Chris Allingham with the virtueof whatever bullet with the review ofCostco’s Pitt smoked brisket sliders kitI learned about the slider kit on thevirtual Weber bulletin board one of ourmembers bought Carell posted a link toan article on the dalish websitementioning that they had spotted thiskit at a Costco on the East Coastthat it’s limited availability androlling out to more and more stores overtime started I guess at the end ofOctober I went down on Halloween and Ifound the kid at my Costco here in SanJose on great Oaks Boulevard it sellsfor $6.99 a pound it’s solved by thepoundit has a three-day expiration date on itso they want you to eat this fairlyquickly after you buy it it contains apile of brisket on the left end a stackof nine King’s Hawaiian sweet rolls inthe middle and then it’s got a smallerpile of cabbage shredded cabbage andcarrots on the right end and then twocontainers one is coleslaw dressing andthe other is barbecue sauce thisparticular package weighs two point twonine pounds and the total cost wassixteen dollars and one cent theinstructions say to mix the barbecuesauce and the beef together and heat toI believe that says 165 degreesFahrenheit it’s a very small type mixbroccoli slaw they call it a broccolislaw I don’t really see this as havingany broccoli in it whatsoevermix broccoli slaw with coleslaw dressingslice rolls in half top buns with beefand slaw as desired so now I’ve removedthe lid if you get a closer look at thecontents here on the left end you cansee the brisket it’s in fairly largechunks very thick chunks it wouldn’t bethe way I would slice it but there is afair amount of it you can see the nineKings rolls in the middle here’s thepackage of barbecue sauce and coleslawand there’s the pile of undressed slaw Iagain don’t see any broccoli in thatslaw but actually now that I lookcloser I think I do see some broccoli inthere little tiny shreds so I standcorrected now I’m going to take eachitem out of the tray and weigh itseparately to find out how much brisketwe’re getting how much slaw we’re givinghow much bread are getting in this totalof two point two nine pounds okay here’sthe weight of the brisket it’s fifteenpoint six ounces so it’s just shy of onepound of meat and here are those nineKings rolls nine point six ounces fornine rolls the broccoli slaw ways andeven four ounces the coleslaw dressingweighs three point three ounces andthat’s but not least the barbecue sauceweighs four point three ounces okay so afew thoughts after taking those weightsmy weights added up to two point threepounds packet to weight was two pointtwo nine pounds so we’re right on inthat regard that also means that you’repaying at error weight that means you’renot paying for the weight of the heavyplastic packaging you’re paying just forthe food so that’s a good thing secondlythere are nine rolls in the package sohow many servings are we talking abouthere well as an appetizer it’s one toone so you’d have nine servings as anappetizer for hungry guys I would sayprobably three sliders per person soyou’re looking at three servings out ofthis package of nine and four four orfive servings you’re looking at you knowsome people having to some people havingone you could stretch it a little bitfurther maybe to four or five servingsper package depending upon the makeup ofyour guest list finally as to thecoleslaw there wasn’t even four ouncesof slaw in this package clearly that isnot meant to be a side dish it’s meantto be mixed up with the slaw dressingand then used really as a topping oneach of the nine sliders okay wellhere’s where the rubber meets the road Iam going to heat up the meat and mix itwith the sauce will mix the dressingwith the coleslaw we’ll make a fewsliders and we’ll give them a try I’llbe right backall right welcome back we’ve got ourspread here we’ve got our sauce andwarmed brisketwe’ve got our coleslaw and we’ve got ourKing swine rolls I have heated this upin the microwave gently on power levelthree or four for several minutes inorder to get it just warmed throughI did add all the sauce to the meat assuggested in the instructions I have onepiece right here that I have not saucedand I’m just going to try it justwithout sauce to see what that’s likeit’s fairly tender does not fall aparttender and I get some pepper a littlebit of heat on that very little bit ofsmoke this appeared to be a smoke ringhas some nice bark on the outside not abad piece of brisket for something astore-bought one just comment about theway the sauce and the dressing werepackaged in this product I couldn’t getthe little covers off those packets byhand I think they’re supposed to tearoff Howdy’s them knife to cut them offso you may find the same thing if youbuy this very difficult to get thosecovers off but once I did though mix allthe sauce into the brisket heat that upmixed all the sauce into the coleslawstirred that together now I’m not acoleslaw guy so I brought in my wifeMrs T vwb who is a certified barbecuejudge KCBS she knows her way aroundbarbecue and around barbecue side dishesshe tasted the coleslaw she said that itwas creamy and tangy strong vinegar noteand a little bit of spice to it I lookedup the ingredients I don’t see exactlywhat the spice would be they don’tdisclose their I tasted just thedressing itself it is a mayonnaise bestdressing mayonnaise-based dressing isvery creamy I don’t like to put slaw onmy brisket sandwiches nor does my wifeso we’ll be doing that today got a rollhere which I have cutnow the brisket comes in as you saw inthe Burley privateer large chunks I’mnot sure what they’re thinking in termsof how you’re gonna build a sandwich outof a huge chunk I did go through beforeI heated this up and I tore some of thelarge pieces of fat out does you get ridof those and you know the weight of meatand the number of rolls gives you about1 and 3/4 ounces per sandwich so there’sa little sandwich right there we’ll geta close-up of one of these in just asecond you will notice that the brisketmuch of it is cut with the grain whichwould not be common but my guess is thatfor processing and a commercial productlike this there are some reasons whythey ended up doing it that way it doesprevent the brisket from breaking downinto little bits and pieces as itstransported and then stirred in themicrowave what the sauce is so on helpsto keep it together into larger pieceshaving said that of course the largerpieces that are cut with the grain doeat a little more tough than the piecesthat are cut across the grain so there’sone of the sandwiches let’s give it atryyou know the meat eats pretty tenderI’m actually not that’s heated up itseemed like it might be a bit firm whenI was handling it earlier but you warmit up it does soften up as I said it’snot fall apart tender it was not rightover course I used all the sauce I thinkit’s just a pretty good amount of sauceon the meat it’s not overtly saucedyou could certainly serve without thesauce of the sauce on the side orsubstitute your own sauce but this ispretty good it’s got a little bit ofvinegar to it it’s not already sweet notoverly powerful overwhelmingI don’t get strong smoke flavor thoughespecially after he’s been sauced Ithink it’s pretty typical of acommercial barbecue product but you knowthat’s not a bad brisket slider forsomething you just buy off the shelf atCostco I’m pretty impressed with thatI’m gonna give the brisket sandwich athumbs up the coleslaw we’re gonna giveit a thumbs up although we’re not gonnaeat it on here because that’s not how wedo it our household but my wife saidpretty good call slawshe definitely would eat that separatelyand she’ll probably end up doing thatwell that concludes my review ofCostco’s Pit smoked brisket slider kit Iwill give it a thumbs up you might wantto give it a try if you’re wanting somebrisket you’re gonna pinch you don’twant to cook a whole one yourself don’thave any pack away in the freezer it’snot as good as you’re gonna make at homebut it’s not half bad I give it a thumbsup thanks for watching my review Iappreciate it I appreciate watching allmy videos if you would like andsubscribe it helps other people findthem and trying to build up myviewership so I appreciate that verymuch if you would like and subscribe anduntil next time take care everybodybye-bye[Music]

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