#keto #ketorecipes #steakbites #CoopCanCook
For the printable full recipe and ingredient list: http://coopcancook.com/steak-bites-recipe/
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello my cookies today we are going tobe making these buttery garlic steakbites let’s cook of course we’re goingto need some steak I’m using sirloin youcan use your favorite cut just make surethat it has a lot of nice marbling thatwill make it extra tender and give usthat good flavor here I’m cutting itinto bite-sized pieces I like to goabout a half inch per little chunk tossthem into a bowl and I’m gonna add insome soy sauce some Worcestershire insome garlic powder and onion powderwe’re also gonna add a little bit ofsalt keep in mind that soy sauce hassalt so not too much and some freshlycracked black pepper now give that all agood toss to coat now I’m heating oliveoil in my cast-iron skillet I have itset on high and I’m going to allow it toheat until it starts to smoke like thisthat will take about a minute then I’mgonna add in my steak bites I’m beingvery careful not to add in any of thatseasoning liquid because we want to geta good sear on these guys also don’tovercrowd your pan if you have to dothis in batches do it in batches you seehow I have space in between each steakbite that’s what we want and we alsodon’t want to move it we want to let itsear for one minute I’m doing one minuteper sidethat will cook the steak bites to mediumwell if you want to go well-done I don’tknow why y’all are childish and want toovercook the steak but whatever do twominutes per side but just know it won’tbe as juicy it’ll be a little dry butthat’s your business after that firstminute now I can go ahead and startflipping them over and if you see wehave that nice Brown sear char lookingstuff that’s what we want we did itright when you have that go ahead andflip the rest over and let it go for onemore minute when that minute is up goahead and throw in some butter and nowyou can stir it around a little bit tocoat the bites in that butter when thebutter melts go ahead take them out andset it asideokay we don’t want to leave all thatgood flavor in the skillet so I’mthrowing in some morebutter some crushed or pureed garlic andI’m gonna saute for a few seconds don’tburn it and the rest of that liquid inthe seasoning bowl just gonna pour thatin there to deglaze all of that flavoroff the bottom of the skillet give it astir turn off the heat and then we canpour that buttery garlicky goodness ontop of our steak bites and cookies thatis it the recipe link will be down therein the description box thank you guys somuch for watching if you enjoyed thisgive me a thumbs up until next time Igotta eat be blessed