BBQ Beef Recipes

Ninja Grill Perfect: ✪✡☛ Sweet Spicy Beef Jerky Recipe ☚✡✪~~~!!!

One recipe that I love to do and one food I love to make has been Sweet Spicy Beef Jerky Recipe. Until this year I have been limited in using my oven. One of my favorite Christmas gifts – EVER – is the new Ninja Grill & most of the great accessories that were a additional purchase, but well worth it. The Ninja grill comes with a very good cookbook with excellent recipes. I was given another cookbook with much more detailed and a lot more recipes. You do not need a Ninja grill or dehydrator to make great beef jerky. You can apply these direction and use your oven.

First I purchased really good sirloin steak strips. I marinated my sirloin steak using 3 of my Cajun/Blackening seasoning & Capt. Morgan spice rum marinate. I put the steak strips in a baggy in the fridge for 48 hours. Then cut the steak strips in 1 inch pieces. You need the stainless steel racks (Ninja accessory). Place your steak strips end to end covering the racks. I had 1 1/4 lb of steak & 3 racks that interlock on top of each other. I have used Jack Daniels to make beef jerky in the past. That bourbon does give you some really great beef jerky.

There is a Dehydrate Chart in the back of the cookbook that comes with the Ninja grill. It list the temp. of 150 times 5-7 hours. I found this to be way to much time. I checked and removed my steak strips after just 3 hours. If I had done 4-7 hours more I would have had petrified rock hard meat. So check what you are cooking or in this case dehydrating on regular intervals. Over the years I have created my own cookbook with hundreds of detailed recipes that I have come up with. From different meats, many vegetables, breads, desserts and specialty items like Beef Jerky.

I have made 2 ribeye steaks, french fries & veggies in the Ninja grill. All have come out done to perfection. The ribeye steaks had the grill marks as if I had cooked them outside on my grill, the steaks were done to Med. well as I like, they were juicy and taste better than any steak house I could have gone to. The reason why is that my steaks were seasoned the way that like them. With Cajun & blackening seasoning. Along with black pepper & garlic.

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Video Transcription

attend to your friends I’m doing todayI’m gonna make use of my ninja bootygrill it’s much more than a grill todayI am going to use a dehydrator I ammaking some spicy beef jerky I’ve gottwo racks already done I’m preparing thetop third rack and I’m going to put itin at 150 degrees for about five to sixseven hours let’s get this goingI am now preparing my beef jerky it’sbeen rung as you can see for anotherfive hours 51 minutes I’ll check italong the way it’s running at 150degrees this I’ve used this as the grillpart now I’m using the dehydrator allexperiment with all the functions but Ijust want you to know this is farsuperior than any gas or charcoal grillI made a steak on here that came out asgood if not better than any restaurantsteak and it was the way I wanted it itwas marinated the way I want that I didthe fries and other vegetables with itthis thing is great far better than anykind of grilling outside this has beengoing for not quite three hours and Ijust took a little bite it’s gettingthere it’s pretty much done I just tooka piece like this I made this spicy andsweet so it has a real good flavor to itnot a heavy spicy flavor nice chew andwe’re going to go for maybe another 4550minutes and I think it’ll be donethere’s the completed beef jerky I didjust over a pound like a pound and aquarter and these are the dehydratorracks they just they slide in real easyand actually these were not hot to thetouch when I took them out I wascautious and then just start pulling thebeef jerky off and you just wash thesein a dishwasher or sent they’re ready togo again but there it is right thereand I’ve tried probably seven or eightnine pieces man it’s goodbest beef jerkey don’t buy it anymoremake it yourself get you off food ninjathis is a great little piece ofequipment to have in your kitchen I loveit I’m up keep using it and use it foreverything I can possibly think of youhave a nice day I hope you enjoy thisrecipe

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