BBQ Beef Recipes





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hey this is Ben here we areyesterday I said the can is alright guyswelcome back to our guys for you andtoday we will be having our beef backribs versus our style pork ribs and umwe got a little bit of corn and broccoliwith some cheese on that same whetheryou’re new here or whether you’ve beenhere before we just like say welcomewelcome welcome if you haven’t alreadygo ahead and hit the subscribe buttonhit that notification bar beside it soyou know every time we post a video andgive this video a big we’re gonna praythen blown get in this time buddies inyour name we pray amenhey man you had to hold it out I’vebeen cooking these things with some owlsmy mouth is watering you see the sweaton see the sweat on my brow I am justlike so I’m starting off one of thesethese are beef and they have th and theyboth up but they both have none now youtalk about my elbow being up late butyou could have went for that alright sothey both have a sweet baby Ray’s onthem they’re just two different saucesthis one has the hickory and brown sugarsauce and have the sweet you know Dannyby now that’s why I say dirty at thebeginning so I’m not a broccoli probablyis an infant order drinking of a littlebroccoli I don’t look that great[Music]broccoli takes a tumble what is like butwhat it lacks in looks funflavor yeah I didn’t really like toomany vegetables at all when I was ill Istill know um I just um be forced to eatgreen beans I was like my least favoritevegetable and my Vermont cooking whitewith every meal I’d be sitting at thetable she would not let me leave until Iate themsometimes it was she didn t wanna eatwith two mice and I’d be sitting out Idid being stopped at hardhead and stupidthat’s what kids do I didn’t sufferthose two bites but I just be like youknow I gotta eat it we’ve got potatoesand smoking me in there if you miss mewe eat like a J is like money elbows doclose I’m trying to excuse me get yourelbow over here whatever you touching mehmm she touchy feely but she’ll I couldbe on a little bit she’s right LSE notabout Oh AJ get off me you just so closeyou just you just so close to me I don’tknow why you you miss them at dinnerI’m not anybody mess your dinner but youbaby you are you areoh go for this weren’t youoh my god I can’t pick it up do you seethat you guys did you see that you guyswe playing like that let me get a betterpiece of itoh that bomb came right nowI think[Music][Music]got even biggerah yeah I promise I’m gonna tell thestory soon huh right now I’m tellingdown baby these people don’t want tohear your excuses baby say this withsomebody who cares baby hey babe she’dbe just making up excuses but she ain’tgot no story that story away[Music]do what grab a napkin can you see I’mtrying to be nice Ohnasty about him anyway let me start mystory thumb mm-hmm when I was watching Ilove Lisa Michelle show she was talkingabout how one day she walked outside andher car was gone and she was asking likewhat would you do and she said somethingabout um flavor east was saying one dayshe walked down and like parts of hercar was missing which reminded me aboutthe time somebody broke in my cards so Ihung like a note to Owenwell it went off on name they could Ihad that man take it I’ll break thatthing anyway so my senior year ofcollege and people have been breakingthat we live the school was right backum community a community okay somecommunity you tried it David the peoplefrom the community have been breaking inthe cars like all the years of mycollege life so my senior I finally moveacross the street which is like rightbeside the community but it was the doorthat was there and in the back of mymind somebody’s car had just got brokeninto the week before it happened to meand in my mind was like girl you don’tmanage I’m singing you ain’t nobodybroke your car yet um one morning forsome reason I left my phone in the car Idon’t know and I that was in my friendsfrom my third floor I’m like I’m notgoing down there get that phony sorry Imessed up on in there we were comingdown for church then in the morning andI just stood there in front of my carnow my friend jazzy was like what areyou doing like if I’m looking crazy andI was going like I did this I noticedwhen I ain’t go cuz I don’t have timefor dudes like I’m already almost latefor church I don’t have time and sowindow I won’t even think about thephone so we clean the glass out and Iwent to the campus police at OU dealingsI was like I said I go to church becauseI had already call my mama whatever so Icouldn’t glass out honeylook here I hate blowing in a windowhome in the car he’s banged and stole myphone see look what he wanted to signschool but I didn’t know Danny at thetimeso around this time I I was aware ofbreaking instead of having her on campusbecause one of my friends is affectedand I also know how it is to be lots offun like I couldn’t make it on my phoneI couldn’t Danny’s from the area so wellI mean how some five hours away so ifthere was me I’d I think I woulda lostmy homecome up on me she’s like did you leavein a car here we go yesOh Daniel ba ba ba ba say it’s good funwhatever I was without a phone for liketwo three days of things but anyway so Iget back home window fix or whatever andtake a break really weird outfits ineverything I get back to my dorm roomwhen I’m like oh yeah I don’t think atthe time it was called Samsung whatevernow good thing like a cloud or somethingfor Samsung miss was calmI don’t know it was called but get backthere but it was something I thinkVerizon him some I’m not the guy who gotmy phone oh look at this thing okaypieces of my heart is she talking mylet’s pull up she’s been feeling uh Isaid ma’am I don’t know this man Dannyshe said you gotta be bad a plan anyonebody better no don’t notice Roche hefrom the community to the communitywe’re okay this community is forI mean this roaches from the communitysitting there Sam oh I’m calmso I’m fine you know you’re talkingabout this is hot and I’m like blah blahblah you got my phone give it a bitanyway Hey and even block me oh my phoneyou live in your life you sure I do yeahbut you’re leading them on phones incollege or don’t now I do not I get itout cuz now for yeah and I mean I eventook the picture to our campus policeand they didn’t even get a lot go findhim because this happened on our campusI can’t believe as we said in one of ourother videos you strike no other way toput oh now you talk to Hardy building itbackover time Nick Roach stole my dad Iwrote stole my girlwell I don’t reach my hem it yep this ismy last bite right I probably I got itcorn and I’m finishing Tracy we completeyour town we might have well no becausewe would have had ate all of this is onebetween I don’t mean no harm but uhdon’t worry about it all right cool soonce again we want to thank you guys forjoining us today as I said it before ifyou haven’t already go ahead and hit thesubscribe button we really really wouldlove to have you as far as that’s partof our family um you gotta stay tunedwhat a poem on our community post we’reactually trying to come up with the nameto call all of our followers slashsubscribers you know we wanna really uhname you guys make you feel specialbecause you’re specialespecially us and without you guys wewouldn’t be able to do this so um wereally really appreciate that and like Isaid before[Music]are you in the[Music]

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