Prepare as steaks,boneless sirlions,mock flank steak,mock london broil,whole sirlion roast,balltip as a butchers heart of beef,attached to tri tip and flapp of beef,trimming a roast seasoning a roast,grilling steaks,grilling london broil,baking a sirlion roast,cutting against the grain ,slicing cooked meat,telling when meat is med rare by touching palm, cutting fresh pineapple, grilling fresh pineapple,cooking baked potatoes,grilling baked potatoes. I am joined by Mike at Everyday BBQ for this episode as a special guest.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
chef Karl told me to be here he’s goingto teach me about ball tip and I’m hereand he’s not here Karl Karl where areyou chef Karl food whisperer taking themystery out of cooking hey Mike I’msorry I was taking a napyeah I’m I’m hold and things happenedbut anyway this is Mike from Mike’shaving a baby killed he’s helped me outI’ve been on his show of several timesand he’s here with me to learn aboutcutting and cooking ball tipped a balltip which is this this is a top side ofit is a inside round and you can usethat for steaks brochettes London broilanything and it’s very and explainsomething you cook there just like Iwatched a car sirloin steak most arejuices so we’re gonna get going and herewe go this is the broth tip no mattermost in the oven and we’re going toseason what my spiced brownie mix butyou can use any of your barbecue spicemixes garlic and fresh rosemary so we’llput on board here and this is my spicemix now I wash my hands and sanitizethem before I start because I amallergic to the gloves well plentyplenty spice now Karl this is gonna beseasoned up just like you would like aprime rib roast absolutely and I makethis a Bigfoot and the smells thatyou’re gonna get out of this it doessmell magnificent I can tell you thatway alright so now we’re gonna put thisis roasted garlic I know it looks like alot you can never have too much no nottoo muchand this is what rosemary looks likeunless you’re my neighbor whoMarie and I would not be hurt by joininga massage that and put it in the pan andMike if I can’t lift this into the ovenhere you don’t want to pop on the otherit’s 375 for about 25 20 25 minutesthat’s great first thing like it’s gonnashow you how to cut steaks and take aknife it’s cut a right to the girllet’s do that again let me let me washmy hands real quick okay just Hakeemsanitize I’m sorry though I’m sanitizedI’m gonna be cutting some steaks hereyes yeah well that’s good this has yousee a natural seam throw a hair just cutalong that seam this right here yep andthat’s gonna make two pieces and onepiece is wider so I’m gonna make likesirloin steaks and the other piece we’regoing to cut into steaks are gonna looklike fillets some restaurants say thisis our way of brief or odd that meansit’s a boneless piece of beef by all thesteak houses so Sarah beautiful I thinkwe got it right along the scene okaybeautifulam i taking that hard fat off in therewhere you going to trim that offthis is yep there you got itwe’re gonna key right there okay allright so just right here just take thatoffa little deeper here take a little matethat’s right the dogs will enjoy it I’mcheap and then take off I made off abouta chin down I’ll use that for brochettesbut not todaywhat are brochettes the lawsuit processare like shish kebobs meat on the stickyou put chicken pork or beef on on thestick and I’ll alternating with muchsmaller firms pineapple so cut thispiece right here right here yeahright throat well right there that isnow I wanna want to be saving that forwhere the boss said so chefs cards nowstart cutting through here and makinglike inch-and-a-half steaks okaystraight across the top here stay acrossthe ground and we’re just going tosolved a problem looking at marblingthen there’s that great yeah it’s reallynice and this you can see it actuallydoes look like a little bit like afillet and then one more steak and thelast piece with tip will say forbrochettesare we gonna fall and you can do sadthings the other same thing on the otheronenow here our grain is running this waylike so just like slightly yeah you canjust a slight angle not much okayit’s a plane and I know some people saywe’re close by as I say I break out my Ihave a live-action gloves so we’re goingsouth less about worth cleaning ourhands okay so Mike’s gonna put some saltand pepper on and that’s gonna be had aseparate love drizzle olive oil which Icould doing because it helps to growflare up sideways and it seals thesteaks the Braille is our mouth and it’sfar gonna be 450 500 degrees when we goout there well turn it down slightly butI like those six sir mistakes and thisis a nice black pepper how does thisthink you’re just trying to copno my gosh high-tech yeah I’m an idiotno no no no it’s hiked it’s all Carl’sgot all these fancy gadgets and Iapologizedon’t apologize for being cool Carl justsuck I like a lot of pepper is thatAlright oh I love pepper well yeah Mikeand I love cooking mike has a pit masterhere except he does a lot of crawlingand smoking rates and that’s gonna bewith that so one for the olive oil justpour a little bit goes all over the topof each then you can push down afterdoor that on the sticks if there tookthat they look to affect it’s just alittle more yeah I want it the flarethat’s nice that’s a nice oh my I didn’teven though I was Italian but I cookedheard a lot of telling chefs so that’swhy I got this one beautiful man yesit’s gonna be goodhow’s that that’s right I’m so what okayI ain’t going to claim them food whisperand I taught the food and you can’t showit sort of tell you if it’s freshif it’s high-fiber if it’s somebodytough and you can see it’s a beautifulmarbling and these steaks ba-blingmarbling so next time I’ll take the samepiece on the eat I’m going to cut itthroat if you see it excess of red MikeI went too deep always keep your hand ontopI have a little arthritis Ohand the reason why I call this aboutyour heart if you don’t see if you cutout this hard fat that looks a lot likea heart okay so one trim off this otherpiece of hard fat and the dogs as I saidare gonna be having a party later on andwe’re just gonna season these I’m sorryI’m not going to seasonally bye-bye ifyou can hold that for me and we’re goingto pour a lot of marinade over the topbut I want my finger sir what about hereyeah cutting bar there work marinadethis is a ginger sesame ginger got ahorns at know you could marinate thisovernight this is still gonna give someflavor to it and if you see those sesameseeds are like the container yep okay sojust to summarize here we’ve got threeof these going we’ve got one that we’vecut out of these beautiful steaks wehave one in the oven that’s being donelike a prime rib roast aisle and we’vegot this third one here that we’vesliced in half and we’re gonna bemarried how long we gonna leave thismarinating for well normally maybe 15 20MS about Fritos I want to hit them ontheir growth this is gonna caramelizeonto my meat so we’re still gonna getthe flavor and I’m gonna grow sopotatoes they’re already cooked in themicrowave just for a foot platepresentations so basically baked withdata in a microwave boil it you couldput salt on it and then you grill itfirst four or five minutes make sureit’s hot through how long would you putit in the microwave I put her in themicrowave for about eight minutes goodand like very important I pierced theskin on the potatoes because you don’twant to have them going wow I made amistake of putting them right on amicrowave more successful or importantthe microwave is all explored so thatwas a lesson well learned so I’m rightlet’s go outside let’s put up some steakpotato and London brown when we comeback in our vaulteq Rose should be aboutdone awesome let’s do it sorry thatmeans you could take them and that’s itwe’re going outside forgot something Ohput the sesame seeds on and hopefullysomeone will stay on and toast up alittle bit under girl thank God mykisser that smells really really goodokay oh that’s me I’m sorry I thought itwas my upper lip for a minute all rightwe’re ready to go outside Mike all rightok so we’re outside here I’m gonna beputting the steaks on first becausethey’re the thickest and they’re like Isaid these are like fillets sirloinwhile marblenow put to bake potatoes on just theshirt for a plate presentation and maybeMike and I on Ward will have them alittle bit but these are about a 10ounce boysnow the next thing we got because thishas got sesame hunter and a littleorange juice in it we’re gonna put thesenice way to cloud a Wonderbra you cancall it flank steakjust don’t call me late for dinner we’vegot a clean tray here for all the cookedfoodsalso egg and I want to put the weightright here it’s right off I alreadysmell Mike it smells great and the windsblowing that way so whoever yourneighborhood yeah I got a feeling thereI kind of feeling down over here yeah Iwant to give it a couple minutes on aflip everything and I’m turn the steaksand it kind of got some nice grill markson them how many takes on I just kind oftake those on side because we aren’tsanitary sanitation I have a sanitationlicense I also have our allergy licensewhich means I had a train notcontaminate peanuts and what other foodare any allergens alright we’re gonnajust take a peek at that stuff Mike andof course it wells itselfboy that smells good I guess I shouldhave put a little oil on the flank steakjust trying to get a nice char marks allaround these hereand that’s what happens when you don’twell your mate no it sucks all rightwell then I got this nice you can seethat it’s caramelizing already but wowthat smells good minutes this wholecooking time son take more than 8 to 10minutes yeah we’re gonna shoot for amedium rare medium now if somebody wantswell done sorry out now it’s been aboutso much maybe two and a half threeminutes we’re gonna turn this stop againand again we don’t want to overcook itactually this is a sight that’s not theway I want to turn it will want to cutthose triangles on okay this look nicefennel oh no I like the trick that yougave us about using the microwave atfirst with the potatoes if you’re nothurry and then finishing them outoh thank you because I terrorized yourbacon 45 minutes in the oven for sureyeah time everything is tough sometimesyes right at this time at that is stayit’ll make you can taste that like Ihope that’s not thathmm we’re gonna give it another coupleminutes I don’t want all of our cookiesmy finger just a thermometer and no dogsmell my finger okay saw anyway this isfinal simple we’re gonna have steakswhat a baked potato they’re gonna havethe one brawl or you could call it flanksteak because you got to cut it andangle what the grilled pineapple and Imean you can add a vegetable you can addrice yadda yadda I want to keep her plansimple okay what’s been another coupleminutes oh my I think we’re ready enoughtake a look at this nice color on thisnice I’ll let those and always let yourmeat rest after you cook raw sitargrowling nice char marks you can see thediamonds diamonds are squarescome back here you’re a scout andthere’s always a possibility that youmight burn your fingers so I’m pullingthese off hopefully medium-rarethe thicker ones might be a little moreon the rare side and then I’m gonna shutthe grill off and I’m gonna clean itlater always make sure you got a cleangrow and that’s it Mike what do youthink these smell absolutelyunbelievable it’s a little hot on thatside let me bring these in for a littleclose up here alright shut this off cutthe gas off all right well it’s time totake the roast airBalticgross out of the oven can you smell emright well this is the ball tip rose Isee it as like I did for armor it’sdelicious and Mike I bought these boltsacross at a star 16 pounds they’re about$61 5 pieces of wall tip like this if Iprobably make 30 steaks out of it sofour dollars are less per spekt that’sincredible yeah and and it smells reallygood and I can tell it’s tender I mean Ican’t wait for the taste test what quietwe let this workrest no I guess I didn’t well there s Iguess I’ll let it restcut the stakes firstsorry Mike I like to uh let’s take outone of the steaks now okay let’s trythis one right up here yes just put itdown yeah it goes like that and Miketaught me thisthat’s like that how nice Josie this iswhat are the jobsthis is can’t get much better than thatno I’m gonna put it on right but one ofour baked potatoes okayquite another steak on if you want ifyou kind of squeeze the baked potato yepno I didn’t tell what I was doing thisbut I got something so I take mushroomseverywhere slather on how’s that lookvery good I’ll put that hold it up andlook and that’s fresh rosemary garni andthat’s beautiful my potato didn’t openup all the way but I’m gonna tell youwhat there we go where are you okaywhateverthat’s how hard this is why tell mehashtag YouTube problems that soundsdeliciousOh incrediblegood job Carl you told Mike I think itwas me when I cut the steaks I thinkthat was the magic touch so what’s putthat in front and if you put the steaksback on that tray and Jack will grab thelet’s try itthat’s whew so this one here yeah therewe gooh yeah you always want to have yournice sharpen wipe the knife off from theback not the front unless you want tosee yeah well you knowso this is our Michael under borrow andyou want to cut it’s very similar to aflank steak you can see this marblesgot a little bit of fat why are weforgot Mike we’re gonna taste themscientistthat’s very filet mignon ishyeah and you can’t be that far flavorand look at all the tundra that is it’son a couple pieces definite slicedpineapple if you want that team songsand and if you want to make a littlesauce one more slide we’re just all makethe plateperfect and Mike if you’ll let up formake us there you go very very deliciouswe put a little gravy on if you want tomake a lot of carry their song good canBrady’s I know some people would hatethe second graders with or lavage orwith that you nailed this to this is aperfect medium-rare yeah it’s it justsmells absolutely delicious as somethingyeah it’s like I said economic tender soI’m gonna put this next step on thatside over there because now we’ve likethis rest a little bitwell this is a little rare for somepeople like I left it a little longer Ilet it sit a little bit longertry that mic or cheers everyonecherish I got a wipe my hands off yeahalmost a stop right mm-hmm[Music]and I feel like this cruel little bittype of another guy that’s absolutelydelicious Carl your rub is really comingthrough on that thank you it’s not endsout really really it’s not overpoweringnobody but it’s really really presentand and it’s just delicious I’m gonnahave to steal his rubber recipe anytimelike what can make it together one dayjust don’t tell anybody else or I haveto tell you it’s not just getting a micI don’t want to say that hold on one secI’m so sorryKanazawa looks excellentsmells glorious sorrow very nice that’sall for now and I don’t if I can makeenough room from put the plague here andwe’ll see you next time thank you forjoining me thank you for joining me andif you have any ideas these things Iwant to see let us know don’t forget towatch Mike’s everyday BB tiro and as Isaid I’m on I’m about six or seven ofthose shows and this is chef Carl withthe food Russ the food works we’resaying thank you so much goodbye