This is how to make juicy Chicken Tenders Grilled on a skillet! No dry chicken here lol! Enjoy!! #chicken #cooking
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello and welcome my fellow operativesmy name is Toph Taylor and I’ve got mythird episode cook you with tat todayI’m gonna show you something simplemight not show you the whole meal butI’ll show you how to cook chickentenders on a skillet grill grill alittle anything that it’s not gonna befries so I’m gonna be banked it’s justgonna be grilled on a skillet my wayreal simple so the first thing you wantto do is you get you about a pound ofchick okay so why not okay I’m justmaking some simple chicken tenders I gotthese from the local meat store all I dois i season them with salt and pepperand this Creole a seasoningit’s Creole a seasoning is awesome andyou want to do it on both sides flipthem over season the same way salt andpepperI already got these set up and you gotem laid down here on the cutting boardand on some parchment paper now I’vebeen let these sit out here’s a keything about cooking chicken tenders youwant to let them or chicken for thatmatter on a skillet leave them out atleast 20 minutes to get room temperaturedon’t take them directly from the iceboxor the fridge and just start cookingthem in the skillet because if you dothat then they’re gonna burn you evercook that chicken and so he’s got thatlittle that big char on top or it’s realdry what I’m going to show you is how tomake the juiciest chicken tender youever had a Polish so I got my chickentenders seasoned up I’m gonna cook aboutthree at a time I got six right here soI can do two batches but this is thebest way to cook it and I promise you ifyou do it exactly the way I tell you todo ityou’re not gonna complain in yourcookingthis every time at least I would hope sounless you like dried chicken so thesehave been sitting out for a little about20 minutes or so while I was cleaningand doing things I had to do I let thesesit out now if I were to work with itthey’ll the piece of pipe okay so I gotmy chicken tenders set out there allseason they can sit down what you wantto do is make them flat we want to makethe plans that helps them cook a littlebit quicker and a little bit more evencut strip paper on top then go ahead goto your chicken tenders and just pressdown a little bit you could use a rolleryou could use a cup a bottle I just liketo use a little bit they’re not gonna bepaying in they’re just going to beflatter than what they’re going backchicken dinner is like I said you coulddo this with however much meat you wantthis is just about camping chicken I gotthe best place to get this chicken bythe way it’s Mike’s meat market no nospots or to them nothing I’m just sayingI get all my meat from them right heremussel shells they’re awesome so that’swhere salt Christians just put a littlepressure they put water to I could crushthese and they be it’s nasty you don’twant them a little bit they don’t be alittle fat that’s normallittle pressure huh well in the meantimewell that’s been sitting i got a pan upand I got it at about medium high heatso I’m ironed up number one being thelowest nine being the highest I got minebetween the sixthe Senate did this is what you want tofry with this is for frying and tastingthis is my pump and extra light tastingall the while even know if I’m sayingthat right but it’s for frying andbaking this is some good stuff all rightI got these down now this was very keyvery important you want to set yourtimer as soon as it hits the pan forfour minutesI’ll tell you why in just a second okayso I got those nice and flat I got mypans nice and hot put you a little dabon the wall in just enough roll thataround beautiful now grab the chickenlaid away from you never just flap downlay away fromnow here’s the biggest 12 people at Ijust lay them down on set Cheetarainstantly four minutes four minutesdon’t touch him most people with a suityou throw the chicken into the skilletyou feel that you have to miss with himyou don’t have to mess with his the busthat she should dodon’t touch it touch it peritoneumanything let me put this plate to theside and you’re probably sitting therewondering well tap what are we gonnahave with uh with our chicken tonight Iwas really just going to show you thechicken but I’m gonna make this but noone I made this quinella the other nightwhen I had that Selden that she saw memake and now that this isn’t a fox thisis a frozen and this is rosemary andolive oil we’re gonna try this today andsee how it is I might make it while thiscooks but we’ll do thatyou can add knotted up all the world andit might burn it but it’s not going to afunction that’s if you’re moving itaround cost like you sitting in here andyou’re poking it try to move it becauseyou think it’s not cooking trust me it’snot just stick this is a nonstickskillet pan but make sure you get one ofthose if you don’t have and all of thosewait see we got two minutes just alittle bit I’ll show you the first threeand then I’ll do the after this isdeliciousso to make this Cronulla blend whilethat cooks a little bit longer it wantsme to us or the microwave border to thestovetop in a medium saucepan which Igot right here I want to bring thechrono of brown rice blend and onetablespoon of oil of olive oil and 1 and3/4 cups of water to a boil turn heat toa medium boil and I had contents ofseasoning packet and mix well boiledgently for 14 to 17 minutes or untilwater is absorbed stirring occasionallycover remove from heat let stand for 5minutes fluff with a fork before servingsounds pretty simple chart and what it’sdoing it’s good to get a nice littlesear on we don’t want to chart seriousthe local worldhello[Music][Applause]and make a little extra juiceyou have too much[Applause][Music][Applause]yupthat’s a serie of chars golden-browncrust whichwell that does thatwe’re gonna open this bad boy upsee what we got so here’s the seasoningpacket we don’t need thatbut worldwide[Applause][Music]and I say thatwe’re gonna set this to a boil so farabout eightwhat else didn’t say guys bring Pinellabrown rice wind what tablespoon of oliveoil and 1/2 3/4 cup of water put that inthere and we’re going to get ourselvesnow if you’re worried about the oilfurnace one thing you can do to keep theoil from burning if you’re worried aboutit you just don’t like that you can addbutter to a little bit of butter to itas you have a little cut like this ofbutter to it that keeps the oil fromburning and the oil keeps the motorcompartment versus I only do this whenI’m flippingwe’ve already flipped it right this iswhat I like to add my butterdo not this is completely optional wedid not have to addbut again this is my take on the realeither so far[Applause]so we’re gonna bring this to a boilturn heat to a medium boil not to bringthis to a boil firstwell that goes to a while then we’regoing to do a medium boil and add theseasoning to it mix it well and thenboil gently for 14 to 17 minutes nowI’ll take a picture and show you thatlater these are about[Applause]now[Applause]see thisyeah[Applause]have it firstly you can flip them overlay them down however you wantnow this is the most important part alot of people don’t get this I’m gonnalet them sit in that oil for I’m doingthat just because that extra Houston nowhere’s the biggest thing some peoplemake the biggest mistake so I got thatcooking still do not cut into itset the five-minute timer five minutesbecause the juices that subside thatchicken tender or still boiling andthey’re still cooking on the inside andit’s going to make it juicy what driesit out is if you cut it instantly if youlet all those juices seep out it’s justgoing to dry up and then you have drychicken taste you let it sit for fiveminutesso the juices keep that flavor[Music][Music]nonstick skilletwe’re right back herethen I let it get warm again small brushshe will be coming to a wall so now wewant to gently boiler now since it’sboilingat the seasoning packet to itmake sure you mix itthat’s what it saysyou can add a little extra seasoning ifyou want to it this is rosemary andolive oil me and of course I put myteaspoon of olive oil and it’s mixedwe’re going to go to a gym gentle boilthe gentle boil is instead of being onhigh we went down to about a medium heatwe can hide thesewell my chickens sit right there my panwait for it to warm up it’s getting warmwhen it gets warm we’re going to cookour mixed seathis Capri only season is the best ofall you need is salt pepper in this Ipromise you that is all that you needthis exact one tastes awesomehands huhit’s all walletremember when I can add butter to flipit I’m showing this one more time beforethis is over nowmy troubles smoke comes up in the holeyou always use the other things peoplealways ask me why do you wait till thepans hot they put the oil in it youdon’t want to put your oil in with thepans cold because when that pans heatingup your cooking that oil and it’s gonnaget hot you’re gonna button that oilbefore you put you mean it always heatyour pan up first then put oil in thenput your meeting way away from mewe’re wayremember that time after thosethat’s all that we do let that sit thereand this go take a little bit longer forthe rice and I don’t want y’all to haveto sit there and wait on me but I hopethat you all enjoyed this actually nohow about let it go few more minutesit’s done[Music]focus wouldsome of you might know me that watchthis and you’ve eaten my food and youknow I’ve got a passion for this cookingthat’s why I’m doing it this is purethis video is made purely due requestwhat you guys want me to show you thenext video you want me to show yousomething the bank let me know thatsounded video I made was for my limitbut the next one I want to do if I doanother stone this video will be forlike crispy soon that tastes a lotbetter personally to me and I will showthat in a video of the future but when Ishow that that depends on you guys ifyou want me to make a certain type ofcooking video you let me show you someof my pasta dishes on that commentsection below hopefully I won’t do it towhere their kids the kids YouTube willmake it to our decision then down atfirst video I apologizeso jelly boiledstaring occasionally cover and removefrom heatso we’ll be doing this for another[Music]twelve minutesstared occasionally put this Rieslingslight smells dude does this quit noarise this is it your trip advice youlook up for knowing actually reallybeside the point this these are the dumpchicken centers as you can see to juicea little bitthat’s juices it’s not badso you guys are done in the mouth it’sbeen about five minutes poeple go aheadI’m gonna cut this bad boy everyoneshow you how juicy that issee thatstill sweatI hate beeras the listI will see you all in the next videothank you so much for stopping by and ifyou can have this of a totally gift tocome on by next time you don’t want tohear you and I’ll make some for you guyswe’ll see you down the road