Hello and welcome to my channel! My name is Andrea and I’m so happy you are stopping by here! My husband Jan and I live in Prague, Czech Republic. I work from home so all my videos are home-related, cooking and lifestyle! I love cooking and preparing, delicious yet cheap dinner ideas, with ingredients you can find almost anywhere! I also do grocery hauls to show you what I buy each week… I know how hard is to get organized in the cooking/eating part of life, so I hope my videos can help you out! I hope you will stick around and subscribe for more videos like this!!
– Christmas Market in Prague
– 1 Ludmila Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIMzgPo_8tI&t=1s
– 2 Old Town Square Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sj_07Unp5s&t=177s
– A day in the life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVdfNA8ipUY&t=1s
– What’s for dinner playlist https://www.youtube.com/user/atalibrandi90/playlists?view_as=subscriber
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Instagram: @atalibrandi
Facebook: Andrea Alibrandi Kvapil
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello youtubers and welcome to a newvideo for the past 14 so in today’svideo I bring you three new recipes foryou to try also next still say I’m gonnapublish a Christmas market video anotherone for Dresden Germany you voted on myInstagram that by the way I’m gonnaleave it here so you can follow me youvote it there I asked you if you wantedme to do another Christmas video since Ialready did two Christmas videos forChristmas markets here in Prague andthis one is gonna be in dress in Germanyso stay tuned for that is coming up nextnext Tuesdayso that was it let’s start with videoester chicken salad you will need onebig chicken breast olive oil twotablespoons of pesto sauce salt one bagof salad two slices of cheese 1/2 a cupof olives salad dressing the first stepis to cut our chicken breasts intobite-size pieces I didn’t use chickenbreasts but by size chicken pieces thatI had already in the fridge[Music]add some olive oil to a frying pan andadd your chicken now I’m adding the twospoons of pesto sauce cook it until thechicken is fully cooked I added a pinchof salt in a bowl add a handful of saladmix you can use any brand or type youlike I even added some baby chard I hadon hand now I’m breaking down one sliceof cheese per plate you can substitutethese for shredded cheese if you likeadd a handful of olives to each plateplace the pesto chicken on top andfinally add some salad dressing you canuse olive oil vinegar and salt or anItalian dressing like a music or even ahoney mustard dressing will work enjoymac and blue cheese with broccoliyou will need pasta 3 cups of milk 2tablespoons of flour 1 and 1/2 cups ofblue cheese 2 tablespoons of butter saltand pepper 1 cup of shredded cheese 2cups of broccoli first of all you willcut the broccoli florets into smallbite-sized piecesthen we will cut our blue cheese intosmall cubes so it can melt faster usethe full 1.5 cups I use a big glass andI had to add more after allin a saucepan we will melt 2 tablespoonsof butter meanwhile we will turn on ourbroiler in the oven so we can heat upnow that our butter has melted we’readding 2 spoons of flour cook it allvery well to create a room 3 cups ofmilk I added one cup at a timeour water is boiling so let’s add somesalt that’s super important and now ourmacarons to our sauce we will add somesalt and back[Music]and finally we will turn it off and addour blue cheese this is the consistencywe’re looking forfour minutes before our pasta is readywe will add the broccoli to the samewater meanwhile let’s make our trufflebutter toast brains your pasta andbroccoli and added to the blue cheesesauceadd the pasta to an oven pan andsprinkle some shredded cheese on top I’musing aadum but you can use any cheeseyou like pop it in the oven for sevenminutesenjoy baked pork with Mandy corn andmashyou will need bored states canned corntwo slices of bacon instant mashedpotatoes two tablespoons of orangepowder salt and pepper and twotablespoons of butter in an oven panplace your pork States and seasoned themwith butter and ranch powder[Music][Music]covered with aluminum foil and bake itin 200 Celsius or 400 Fahrenheit for 30minutes chop your two slices of baconI’m using country taken because I hadsome left in the fridge but normal baconworks great[Music]in a frying pan add your bacon untilit’s completely cooked in crunchdon’t get rid of the fat in add yourcorn to it and cook it all togetheruntil all the water from the corn isgone[Music]add some black pepper[Music]ten minutes before he’s ready remove thefoil from the pork now for the mashedpotatoes I’m using this instant Idahoand baby rut it’s so easy and it tastesso goodliterally just add water[Music][Music]enjoy so that was it guys thank you somuch for watching and don’t forget tosubscribe and to give this video a bigthumbs up also stay tuned for my videosthey come every Tuesday and every Fridayon Tuesday sometimes I did grocery hostvlogs around Prague because I live inPrague right now I’m doing all theChristmas vlogs on Tuesdays and onFridays I do what’s for dinnerthis year we have still scheduled beforeNew Year we have another Christmasmarket as I said at the beginning of thevideo in Dresden Germany we have a skitrip and how ski trip works and how weorganized for a ski trip and everythingwe do during a ski trip and everythingwe eat during the ski trip of course andI’m gonna do like a small one ofChristmas house Christmas here in CzechRepublic if you’re interested also I’mgonna leave a link link down below inthe description with all the videos thatI think you might be interested in I’mgonna leave the two Christmas marketsthat I did here a day in the life inPrague and also my place for all thewhat’s for dinners that I do everyFriday so thank you so much for watchingand have a great day bye[Music]