BBQ Turkey Recipes

The Best Oven Jerk Turkey Wings!

This video will demonstrate the perfect way to make jerk turkey wings in the oven with an authentic char grilled look! I’ll show you how to make this step by step and I even show you how to quickly remove hairs from your meat! To make this you’ll need:

-2 large Turkey Wings (2 flaps, 2 drums, 2 wing tips) OR 3 lbs of Turkey wings cut
-1 tbsp dry jerk seasoning
-2 tbsp of wet jerk seasoning
-Few sprigs of thyme
-1 tbsp vegetable or corn oil
-1 tbsp finely chopped onion
-1 tbsp minced garlic
-1 tbsp green seasoning
-1 tbsp paprika
-1 tsp onion powder
-1 tsp garlic powder
-1 tsp adobo seasoning
-1 tsp chicken seasoning
-1 tsp meat seasoning
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hi guys welcome back to my youtubechannel thank you for everyone who hassubscribed so far hope you tap thatsubscribe button today we’re going to bemaking some oven baked chuck turkeywings so I’ve got my turkey wings hairthese are the big ones that I boughtfrom the supermarket they’re not theteeny tiny ones that are usually cut upso these are two large turkey wings Ijust separated them from the tip you gotthe tip here the flap here and here isthe drum see these aren’t very very bigyou can’t cut them on your own so all Idid was cut them at the joint so I havetwo flaps where’s the other one yeahthere’s two flaps two tips and two largedrums so when you’re starving this topeople nobody wants to eat a turkey wingand glamp down and see a bunch of hairon it so I’m just going to show you guyshow to remove all of the hair so thefirst thing I do is turn the fire on Iremove all the grillsfrom the stove you got a fire burninghere and this is all I do[Music]just doing extra just to make sure thereyou goall of the hair is gone see that on[Music][Music]as you can see all the hair is gone sothe first thing we’re going to do now isseason it up and here we goI got a tablespoon of minced garlic ahandful of time this is one tablespoonof dry jerk seasoningI got a tablespoon of paprika and thisis a large tablespoon of Green seasoninghere I’ve got a tablespoon of freshchopped onions and here in this mixtureof onion powder garlic powder chickenseasoning meat seasoning and adobo justtap on the description box I have exactmeasurements listed right there for youso you can gather everything before youstart to make it last but not least I’vegot a bowl of freshly made jerkseasoning there the recipe for this ison my youtube channel so here as you cansee I got a few minced garlic cloves inthere so don’t worry about it so this isthe charger this is the wet jerkseasoning sorry and this recipe can befound on my youtube channel so the firstorder of business is to add ourseasoningthis is our dry jerk seasoningour minced garlic our green seasoningI’m gonna drop the onion in there[Music]creeperand last but not least we’re going toadd our wet jerk seasoningI didn’t exactly measure this out but asyou can see this is about maybe two tothree tablespoons of the wet jerkseasoning you can use as much as youlike on this recipe there’s no set rulesto this so I’m gonna add this you maywant to keep behind just a little bit tobrush onto the turkey wings at the lastminute just to give it that grilled lookso I’m going to keep back this set it onthe side we’re going to brush this ontop when our turkey wings are almostfinishedso the next thing we’re going to do nowis massage our seasonings off into ourturkey wings you can smell this alreadyI sneeze twice so that’s how you know itis very well seasoning look at this yougot the combination of the flavorsnicely blend together I’m gonna put thisin the oven oh and the pan that I’musing this I just have a Pyrex here thatI lined with foil just to make cleanupeasier sometimes I use um oil pan but Iran out and I’m not going to the storejust for that so I just lined my Pyrexwith some[Applause][Applause][Music]so the next thing we’re going to do nowthat our meat is nicely seasoned we’rejust going to put it in our pan[Music][Music]so have some extra bits left behind hereI’m just scooping them up and makingsure I rub all the extras okay so beforewe put these into the oven I am going todrizzle some oilif this is just to prevent it fromdrying out and we’re gonna put this on400 degrees uncovered[Music]so I’m gonna slide these on inso this is 30 minutes out of the ovenI’m just basting it you’re gonna makesure you baste it every 30 minutesI’m dying to eat these wingback shewon’t open in the oven yeah look at thisno they’re not ready but I’m just sohungry and they look so goodyou know when you’re so hungry you keepchecking on the food cuz it smells sogood and it looks so good oh man I can’twait so this is 30 minutes after thefirst base we’re basting it again if youfind yourself running out of juices justput a little water inside of it andshake the pan around and that will giveyou some more juice to baste it with[Music]so this last step is completely optionalI’m just going to brush a little bit ofextra jerk seasoning on it and that willgive it a nice charred look[Music][Music]okay so these are ready now I’m gettingready to put these on a cleat[Music]see how nice and juicy that is it’s fullof flavor you can still see all of theseasonings there subscribe to my youtubechannelsome mashed potatoes some seasoned cornand our lovely jerk turkey wings andsome steamed mix veg[Music]

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