BBQ Chicken Recipes

3 Must Try Styles | The Crispiest Chicken Wings for Super Bowl Game Day

Need ideas on what to make for Super Bowl Sunday? Here are three different types of wings you can make. Traditional Buffalo Wings, Peruvian Marinaded Wings, and Karaage Style Wings. Try it out!




1/2 cup Frank’s Redhot
1/3 cup unsalted butter
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp garlic paste

1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
4 oz Greek yogurt
2 tbsp Japanese mayo
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
salt and freshly ground black pepper



Salt & pepper
1 tsp cumin

1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp ají panca paste
1 tbsp garlic
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp red wine vinegar

1 seedless rocoto pepper
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
1/4 cup green onion (white part)
2oz lime juice



2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
1.5 tbsp sake
1 tsp ginger juice
1 tsp yuzu
1 tsp mirin
1 tsp garlic

1 cup Japanese mayo
1 tbsp yuzu
1/2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp shichimi
Salt & pepper

Video by Carlos Malaga
Music by Epidemic Sound

#karaage #buffalowings #superbowl

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

everyone’s made chicken wings at homebefore what happens the skins evercrispy it’s not good why because you’renot frying them that’s what they do inrestaurants that’s why they’re delicioushow much D try to do it at home it’s notscary it’s just a little oil a littleheat and it is worth the trouble andwe’re gonna make three different stylesof wings number one obviouslytraditional buffalo style which isoriginal delicious and it’s gonna havebutter Frank’s redhot little salt verysimple but it’s deliciousnumber two we’re gonna make a corgistyle Japanese fried chicken with thewings and it’s gonna be served with ayuzu mayo which is nice and tart andcreamy off-the-charts and of coursebecause I’m Peruvian we have to make aPeruvian version so we’re gonna do aheat Punk of marinade and serve it witha little toast salsa that’s to die forit’s spicy it’s limey perfection solet’s try it out all right let’s startwith the wing the small part here is thetip this part is the flat and this isthe drum we’re gonna get rid of the tipfirst use these wings to make a stock ormaybe make a soup for your dog orsomething next cut the skin thatconnects the wing in the middle and bendit to expose that joint cut through thejoint and now you have the flat and thedrum separately do this with all thechicken wings you’re using we’re gonnakeep it pretty simple for these seasonyour wings with salt and pepper on bothsides and let them come to roomtemperature so that they fry evenly oncewe start them now for the sauce add aquarter cup of unsalted butter to a panand melt it on medium heat add ateaspoon of garlic paste and mix it inadd a half a cup of Franks red hot sauceand to balance out the vinegar in thehot sauce add some honey mix and setaside so we can use it for the coatinglater okay now on to the blue cheese dipI’m adding half a cup of Greek yogurthere but feel free to use sour cream addtwo tablespoons Japanese Mayo half a cupof blue cheese crumbles one tablespoonof white vinegar a teaspoon of garlicpaste the juice of one lemon and don’tmind the seeds those are for me for myfiber intake leave me alone mix itreally well and make sure there are nogigantic pieces of cheesefloating around in their hats on pepperto taste and then place us in the fridgeto cool for a little while all righttime to fry the chicken drop these badboys an oil that’s at around 350 degreesFahrenheit and cook them for about 10minutes do it slowly so you don’t burnyourself check on them to make surethey’re cooking evenly on all sidesremove them from the oil and let themrest on a cooling rack for two minutesonce that’s done at the wings back infor two minutes to get the skin supersuper crispy get them outtoss them in a bowl and coat them withbuffalo sauce this is your chance totoss like you work in a restaurant onceyou’re done playing with all that servethem with the blue cheese dip and you’redonenow for the karaage chicken add a pinchof salt a teaspoon of garlic paste getsome grated ginger and squeeze about ofteaspoon the juice out of it that way weget the flavor of the ginger and avoidburning pieces of it in the oil add ateaspoon of mirin which is a sweet ricecooking wine two tablespoons of soysauce one and a half tablespoons of sakeof your choice and one teaspoon of yuzuyou can find use at most Japanesemarkets if you can’t make some lemonjuice with lime juice and use the sameamount once it’s all in there let thismarinate for about 20 minutes thesewings are gonna have a light coating forcrispness and for that we’ll be usingpotato starch you can also usecornstarch that will work just fineso coat these on both sides and placethem aside to rest this rest period willallow the potato starts to absorb allthe marinade we’re using or the dipwe’re gonna make some yuzu Mayo add onecup of Japanese Mayo to a bowl 1tablespoon of yuzu 1/2 a tablespoon ofrice vinegar and a few sprinkles oftogarashi which is just a Japanese spicepowder that adds color and Mark flavorlastly some salt and pepper to taste mixit really well and set aside if you havesome of this leftover you can use it ina sandwich or a chicken salad or rub iton your chest whatever your insert oknow that the wings have rested you cansee that they’ve absorbed all themarinade we’re gonna fry these threetimes with rest periods in between thisis gonna help cook the wings withoutburning the starchplace them in the oil and cook for twominutes pull them bad boys out rest for30 seconds pop lock and drop them backin for two minutes and then pull themback out and restaurant up 30 secondsfinally fry them one last time for twominutes and pull them back outsee how bond they look okay last but notleast we’re gonna make the marinadesauce for the Peruvian style wings so toa pen add a quarter cup of unsaltedbutter then add two tablespoons of aheat panca paste and a tablespoon ofgarlic paste start mixing it really wellnow add a half a teaspoon of cumin and ateaspoon of oregano then add some saltbecause you’ve got a seasoned Shea andsome black pepper what we want to dohere is caramelize the pepper paste andgarlic paste to bring out that smokyflavor out of it now with this sauce wecan marinate the wings at pepper saltcumin and some of that sauce we justmade let this rest for about 20 minutesfor the ricotta salsa cut up some greenonions he is about 1/4 cup of that and aquarter of a red onionmake sure you dice these very small sothat we don’t get large chunks of onionin the salsa cut one Brocato into piecesavoiding the seeds because those willburn add that will go to a blender with2 tablespoons of water and blend untilthere are no visible chunks add themixture to a bowl and then add the juiceof 2 limes which is about 2 ounces thediced green onions and the red onionsand lastly salt and pepper to taste putthat in the fridge so it can cool andthat will create that cool and hotbalance with the wings the fryingprocess for these are exactly like thebuffalo wings fry the wings for about 10minutes rest on a cooling rack for 2minutes and add them back in for 2 moreminutes for that last crisp place themin a bowl and add some of that sauce wemade toss and serve with the ricottasalsa and there you have it now you knowhow to make 3 different styles of wingsguys make this for your Super Bowl partyor any event you’re hosting and showyour friends that you’re the wing King[Music]

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