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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]youokay friends today I’m going to show youa really easy recipe for barbecuechicken and you can see my bowl I’mdoing barbecued chicken legs never beamazing I’m gonna make some rice withthem not in the same oven I’m gonna domy rice in my slow cooker and I do havea video for that as well but you can useany rub you want this is my homemadechicken seasoning that I’m gonna use forrub and it’s wonderful and I do havethat in a video as well if yourinteresting that I need to put a littlemore in there just a little more okayput my gloves on and I’ll mix this upreal good and get all these chicken legscoated with that wonderful rub just getit mixed around in there know I’ve gotmy shape in here and I’m just gonna putthese chicken pieces on my sheet pan youdon’t want too crowdeddon’t want it that wayvery cool facing opposite waysI should be able to give all thesepieces on here without problem too muchokay I will stick that little pieceright there it alonealright let me take my gloves off and Iam gonna sprinkle just a little bit moreof my rub on and I’m gonna roast these Ipreheated my oven to 400 and I’m gonnaroast these for about 45 minutes to anhour make sure they’re all done cookedeven and everything’s good and then I’llbring you back and I’ll show you how Ibarbecue I add my barbecue tool okay sothese are gonna go in for 400 degrees Ohabout at 45 minutes to an hour and Iwill be back and show you the next stepokay friends my chicken is donecompletely roasted and it’s true now youknow you can eat it just like this ifyou don’t want it barbecue to you sowe’re gonna barbecue it so I have gotthis nice barbecue sauce yeah it’s notmy homemade this is sweet baby Ray’sthat is what we love and I put thatpaper on my sheet pan because it cutsdown on the cleanupjust slather that right on therethis is going to be deliciousand put out a little thicker that’s goodokay so now I’m gonna put it underneathmy broiler on high for about three tofive minutes I want it to get a littlebit charred on the top and that’s gonnabe delicious so when it’s doneI’ll bring it back and show you howbeautiful it turns out okay friends ourchicken is done you can see it’s gotjust a beautiful little bit of char toit absolutely gorgeous so I’m just gonnaplate it up this is beautiful this isgonna be delicious hey Google stop thetimer actually that’s good I’m gonnaleave it just like that to put on thetable isn’t that beautifulnice barbecue chicken perfect recipegive it a try you’ll love itthanks for watching