Smoking Spare Ribs on a Gas Grill, How to Smoke Ribs
Check out this easy way to smoke a slab of pork spare ribs on your standard gas grill. Easy set up. Approx 5 hour cook at 235 degrees. You can use this same recipe in a electric smoker, pellet smoker, gas smoker, off set smoker or any other smoker you may have. Even a charcoal smoker or charcoal grill. Ribs come out super moist and juicy and are just about fall off the bone. I like to BBQ ribs so they are super tender but not too soft where they fall off the bone when you touch them. I like to pick them up by the bone and eat them.
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Video Transcription
[Music]everyone welcome to the show we’re gonnabe barbecuing some ribs today I’m thegrillpropane barbecue grill I’m gonna turn itinto a smoker show you how that’s donewe’re gonna do these pork ribs andthey’re gonna be delicious it’s about afive-hour cook start to finish show youhow that’s all done I’m gonna show you alittle prep and how I prep this thing soit’s delicious its moist it’sunbelievable when it comes out all rightlet’s get to thisall right folks here we have standardpork ribs nothing special about them gota mom sale and what first thing you wantto do is on the back side here I’vetaken off that membrane there’s usuallya membrane that covers this area I’vetaken it off and the first thing I wantto do is I’ve got a little seasoning I’mgoing to throw on there it’s just saltpepper some garlic that type of thingjust something I made up on my own nobig deal just basically salt and pepperit this is just gonna kind of kickstartthe the flavoring of of the ribs sowe’re gonna put a little coat on therealso gonna get the front side here themeat side you call it and just put youknow a pretty good coating on it andonce againsalt pepper there’s a lot of garlic inthere as well now here’s kind of thesecret we’re gonna put a rub on therenow the rub is going to give us most ofthe flavor but here’s what I’m gonna doI’m gonna put a little bonding agent I’mjust going to use the yellow mustard nobig deal you don’t put a lot you’re justgonna rub this on here all right justrub it out in there and this dry rubwill stick better with this you can usehoney mustard or whatever you want itreally doesn’t matter that might add alittle flavor but that’s not the pointit’s just to get the rub to stick alittle bit better all right now I’vejust got a basic standard rub here andto coat this general generously we’regonna get a lot of color on here andmake sure you do your edges as well okaylet’s go ahead and get this coat as wellyou don’t really have to rub it in thatmustard is gonna help it stick but we dowant to get a very generous coat onthere you can rub it around a little bitjust to kind of even it up if you gotany piles all right there we go get thisedge here this is the flavor folks onething I I do with my dry rubs is thatsince we cook it so long you know Idon’t like a lot of sugar in there youknow if you look at a lot of the dryrubs you buy at the store firstingredient is sugar second ingredientbrown sugar so I like to stay with onesthat have some spices in front of thesugars what I’m using today is just thestubs pork pork rub rub you can use allkinds with core mix of many othercompanies they all make them alrightwe’re going to do the same thing herelet’s get a good coating on the frontthe meat side here and I’m going to letthis sit about a half-hour I pulled itout of the fridge probably 20-30 minutesago run it up the room temperature alittle bit and now I’m going to get thisrub all over there do this side here allrightall right I think you got a good coatingon there very good I’m gonna let thissit about thirty minutes and then I’llshow you what we do on the grillall right folks here we are standardpropane barbecue grill I’ve got threeburners that run this way what I’ve doneI’ve got I’ve soaked some apple woodchips and I have taken some aluminumfoil and I soaked through the Applewoodchips about 30 minutes I wrapped them upin the tin foil poked holes in the topand that’s I’ve got that last burner onI’m gonna cook these indirectly so thesefront tube burners are off we’re gonnatake our ribs and put them across hereand that back burner is there I’ve gotthis at 235 degreesmaintaining 2:35 let’s go ahead and getthese on or do the meat side up at firstokayI’ll fold that under that’s a real thinarea anyway but let’s go ahead and justdo that all right so here we have 235°we’ve got the Applewood chips you canuse cherry and your Hickory whateveryou’d like and we’re just going to letthis go235 degrees we’re gonna let it go forabout 45 minutes and check on it here weare folks it’s looking great it’s beenabout two and a half hours every 45minutes I’ve been coming out here I havea little concoction I’m spraying thisdown every 45 minutes with apple cidervinegar and you can also use like applejuice pineapple juice you can mix it alltogetherit just keeps the ribs moist so theydon’t dry out but we’re at abouttwo-and-a-half hoursanother three minutes we’re gonna wrapit then in here three hours look at thecolor on this thing it’s amazing itlooks beautifulabsolutely boom this is what you wantand it’s not fall apart yeah now here’swhat we’re gonna do we’re gonna go aheadand wrap this thing for the next hourand a halfhere’s what you’re going to do I take alittle butter you can use margarine tothe squeeze margarine I don’t like thatI’m just going to throw a little bit ofbutter I cut it a stick of butter intolittle strips you can see that you don’tneed a lot just throw them on there okayso we’ve got a few on the back herethat’s fine now here’s where the money’satfolks honey but you know what I’m goingto add this next brown sugar let’s goahead and cover this baby with brownsugar just crumble it up you’re gonna beperfectjust go down there get some on therelittle rough shirts coating it a littlebit not as much as the butter then we’regonna take some honey and the honey isthe money oh yeah this is what peopleare gonna be dying for right here justdrizzle this up okay don’t soak thewhole thing just drizzle it on all rightBAM awesome flip it over do the samething on this sideonce again butterlittle butter things are stickingtogether alright I am going to need be acouple pieces war alright here we gofolkswe got some butter all over this let’sget some more brown sugar goat this sidepretty generously so don’t go crazyalright that’s what we want and onceagain the honey is the money justdrizzle it on there again doesn’t haveto be perfectand get it in there there we go okayawesome now we’re going to go ahead andwrap thisnow this is important this is the meatside this is the thicker side what we’regonna do these bear with mr. Salloumenough loyal apologize you’re probablyhave the wrong side soon that’s here wego now if you go by the extra stickaluminum foil it’s a little easier theextra wide okay here we gojust for safety it’s starting to rip onhere a little bit but it’s realimportant you don’t want any seams orany holes or anything on this meat sidelook over like this once again I meanthere’s another piece because I see Ihave a hole there the heavy-dutyextra wide a little fatter but in anycase the meat side is down so we havetwo layersit’s totally it’s not going to leak outall this butter the honey the brownsugar is going to stay in there we don’twant any holes in there okay we’re goingto go throw this on the grill once againstill 235 we’re going hour and a halfI’m not even gonna look at hour and ahalf now this is going to tenderize itwhen this is done in about an hour and ahalf it’s going to be just about readylet’s get it on the grillokay everybody it’s been an hour and ahalfi’ma go ahead you take these ribs out ofthe wrap yeah watch your fingersand guess what they’re falling apartwhich is a little bit overdone it isactually I’m just going to go ahead andcoat these with some barbecue sauce butI probably went a half hour too longthey’re already falling apart and I darenot take the aluminum foil off thebottom those false is great so what I’mgoing to do is just put some barbecuesauce on this side of them you saw thatwe really seasoned the other side andthat’s probably all we need anyway I’mjust going to go ahead hit this sidewhistle barbeque saucetake these bones out and I’m gonna sitfor about five minutes and then it’sdone that’s itwell folks here’s the final productyou know it’s Superbowl 2020 and so I’mwatching the game and I let this goabout a half hour too long in the rapsession but it’s super super moist gonnafall apart I did put some barbecue sauceon the one side you know what with allthat honey and brown sugar and thebutter and stuff but on you to reallydon’t need it but this is it and what Iwould suggest is make sure you only goon an hour and a half in the red andthen on a wrap it put the barbecue sauceon both sideslet it go about ten minutes thirtyminutes max and you’ll be all set butyou can see this thing and it just falloff the bone I went a little too far youwanted to stay on the ball butmmm that’s really good[Music]well that’s fantasticyou know and had I put a little bit ofbarbecue sauce on it I was using sweetpaper raised honey barbecue mmm but Ihave enough sweetness with the brownsugar the honey anyway this is fantasticthere you go so go ahead and give that atryenjoy[Music]you