BBQ Chicken Recipes

Juicy & Tender BBQ Chicken Wraps

Guys if you have never tried cooking your chicken and veggies for your wrap on your BBQ then you are missing out on one of the most smokey, tender & flavorful chicken wrap ever created. The chicken was pounded and brined to perfection. It was then cooked on the grill until internal temperature reached 165ºF. Our veggies, peppers, onions and mushrooms were cut lengthwise and cooked on our makeshift charcoal BBQ. Cooking to the perfect tenderness and crunchiness was key to develop the amazing taste of grilled vegetables. Once everything was cooked we cut our chicken fillets in strip and proceeded to mount in on a nice 12″ wrap. We smothered the chicken with a generous helping of grilled veggies. To top it all we spread the mound with our own Dill Mayonnaise dressing and then wrapped it up.

The taste was heavenly and so flavorful that you clearly thought you were dreaming the whole thing.

In this video we show you our very own simple way of creating one of the best BBQ Chicken wrap you have ever tasted. We take you through the entire process step by step so sit back and relax, lift up your feet and be prepared to be amazed.

4 boneless chicken breasts
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 large sweet onion
5 or 6 mini Bella mushrooms
Olive oil

Pound chicken breasts to 1/2″ thickness using meat mallet. (Please cover your meat with plastic wrap prior to using the meat mallet to avoid splatter)
Brine chicken (see recipe below) in refrigerator for 1 hour
Cut veggies lengthwise
Once chicken has completed its brine time remove chicken from brine and pat dry.
Cover chicken with olive oil making sure entire area is covered.
Place veggies in a large bowl and add about 1-1/2 tablespoon of olive oil to bowl, about 1/2 tsp salt and 1/tsp black pepper. Mix well to make sure all veggies are covered with oil.
 Start your grill and set temp to max. Once max temp has been reached put your chicken breasts on the grill and cook for 15 minutes then turn meat over and cooked until internal temp of 165ºF has been reached. Once internal temp has been reached remove chicken from grill and allow it to cool down.
Meanwhile start your charcoal in a chimney starter if you ave one or using your preferred method. Once charcoals are lit spread them around in your charcoal grill and replace your grills and had your favorite skillet over the grill. Let your skillet warm up. Once warming procedure is complete add your veggies in your skillet and cook to your desired doneness. The rest is how you want to make your wrap nut in our case we we cut our chicken fillets in strip and proceeded to mount in on a nice 12″ wrap. We smothered the chicken with a generous helping of grilled veggies. To top it all we spread the mound with our own Dill Mayonnaise dressing and then wrapped it up.


1/4 cup Kosher salt
1/4 cup white sugar
4 cups of ice cold water
Mix all ingredients real well in a large bowl making sure salt & sugar have completely dissolved.

Dill Mayonnaise Dressing
1-1/2 cup of Hellman’s Mayonnaise
2 tbs Dill Weed
1-1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
Mix all ingredients together. Make sure everything is mixed real well.

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Video Transcription

hey guys welcome back this is barbecue
Joe and welcome to our kitchen we got aspecial one for you today we’re gonna be
cooking some chicken some green pepperssome red peppers some onions and all
kinds of little things like that andwe’re gonna be making Fajitas. we’ll be
right back but first guys we have a lotof videos in our channel you want to
subscribe to our channel subscribe downthere they’re worth looking at now we’ve
got tons of videos of past recipes andwe promise that we’re gonna have a lot
more coming up so we’ll see you in a bithey guys we’re back so what we’re
first gonna do was gonna Brian orchicken for about an hour but what we
need to do first is pound it we’re goingto pound it with this meat mallet and
we’re going to pound it down to about3/8 to 1/2 an inch thick the reason we
want to do that is it’s going to brineevenly and it’s gonna cook easily on a
Traeger after so what I like to do isput the smooth side down that way it it
doesn’t break apart when I pound it andI also like to do is put a nice piece of
plastic wrap over it so that it doesn’tend up flying all over the place
splatter I should say all over the placeso we’re gonna get going on this and
then when I turn this plastic around Ialways want to make sure that the
chicken site is on top so as you can seeit’s nice and flat it’s a nice piece of
meat it’s well done and we’re gonna putthat away and we’re gonna start doing
the other ones after we’re done we’regonna prepare our brine and then we’re
gonna probably wait for about an hourwe’re gonna prepare our vegetables and
after we’re going to be ready to cook onthe Traeger so let’s put this plastic
back down over top and we’re going to pound thisthere you have it we have four nice
pieces of a chicken and we’re gonna bepreparing our brine we’ll be right back
all right it’s time to prepare our brineour brine is a very very simple one it’s
basically consists of three ingredientssalt sugar and water I mean you can put
other spices if you want if you preferthat
go ahead I like a basic brine so that’swhat I use so it all starts with a
quarter cup of kosher salt mixed in witha quarter cup of white sugar and four
cups of cold water I want to make surethe water is ice-cold so and then we mix
this up so basically you could dissolveit on the on the stove or heat but then
you’d have to wait for the brine to cooldown be able to put your meat there
because you don’t want to put your meatthis in a warm brine so what we’re gonna
do is we’re gonna mix this up until allthe sugar in the salt is dissolved and
then we’re going to be putting ourchicken in there so bear with us before a sec
we’ll get this done there you go oursalt and sugar is dissolved it’s time to
put the chicken in we’re gonna bebrining this chicken in the fridge for
an hour and after that drain it patteddry and it’s gonna be ready for cookinglet’s put this away and we’ll see you
guys in an hour all right guyswhile our chicken is brightening we’re
going to be preparing our vegetables sowe have green peppers a red pepper or a
yellow bell pepper sweet onion and somemini Bella mushrooms
we’re gonna slice that up into a nicelong slices and stuff what’s going to be
go nice with our fajitas or I shouldsay our wraps so we’ll get that going
right awaythere you go guys our vegetables are
ready all we need to do now is wait foryour chicken and we’re gonna get us
going on the Traegerwell our chicken has brined for an hour
now it’s time to drain it pat them dry andget it readyall right let’s dry them up
just trying to take as much of the brineoff by patting them dryall right so
we’re gonna let that dry a little bitwe’re gonna go start our Traeger we’re
gonna put it on smoke for about 10minutes and once the smoke has been
reached we’re gonna boost it up to highwhich is going to hit the temperature
around for 425 or so and we’ll be cookingour chicken breasts so now that our
Traeger is started what we’re gonna dowas gonna brush some olive oil over the
chicken breasts will drop some olive oilon themall right now what we need to do is wait for
grill to be ready and then we will be cookingour chicken breasts all right we’re
gonna be putting in our chickenand we’ll be probably flipping these over
maybe in about 10 minutes or so allright we’re gonna be putting a little
bit of olive oil into our vegetables andthen a little bit of salt and pepper
also and then we’re going to mix it allup
reason being just olive oil will helpcoat the peppers and the onions
perfectly and also the mushrooms we’regonna spread a little bit of salt over
top of that a little bit of peppera little more and a little pepper here too and we’re
gonna be tossing this make sure thatwe coat all the peppers and the
onionsand we’ll do our mushroomswe separated the mushrooms basically my wife is not a mushroom here
so we’ll cook those separately so thatthey doesn’t end up having any in her plate. You have to keep the wife happy first thing youlearned after get married is to keep her
happy and we’ve been married for nearly43 years so maybe I kept her
happy I hope anyway at least she’sstill smiles when she looks at me so
that’s a good sign. It’s probably because I take the mushrooms out.alright guys we’ll cook them outsideall right time to bring him in. Awe would
you look at that guys look at thisWow mmm my mouth is watering all right
let’s bring him inlet’s put these on here. A little bit of onions. couple of these and a couple mushroomsI converted our gas barbecue into a
charcoal barbecue and it works out well let’scook these a little bit and we’ll take
them off bring them in. all right that is cooked to perfection. Bring this in and prepare ourchicken wraps or whatever you want to call it fajitas and wrap already guyswe’re going to prepare our chicken fajitas
chicken wrap or whatever you want to call herjust grab a piece of this a piece
of chicken we’re gonna grab a smallpiece here cut it up beautiful maybe another smallpiece right here let’s put that inand drop those veggies right on topI’ve got some nice honey mustard sauce
here put that over top and looking goodgrab here and let’s wrap this upthere you go guys a nice chicken wrap
I’m gonna taste thisnow that is barbecue baby this is good
guys you gotta try this recipe andsubscribe to our Channel at the same
time we’ve got many more recipes wewant to send them out to you we want to
make sure you see them we like to trystuff so you know what and in the
comments let us know if you want tosee anything in the future we’re open to
anything subscribe to our channel likeshare with your friends and then we’ll
take it from there alright guys untilnext time that is BBQ baby

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