Hi beautiful people,
Who else would like to cook with me something that tastes too naughty to be syn free?! i know i do! Well Tonight, i’m going to be showing you how i cook my syn free BBQ pulled pork loaded wedges. It is super easy, super cheap and super healthy too!!
I hope you like this video and if there are any other recipes you would like to see me cook please let me know in the comments below!
Thank you so much for all of your love and support as always,
Juliette x
Ingredients needed:
Pork Shoulder ( or meat substitute ;such as Jack fruit)
White potatoes (for wedges)
6 peppers of your choice
BBQ seasoning or Chip Seasoning for wedges
Low cal cooking spray
For the BBQ Sauce
500g Passata
5 tblsp Worcestershire Sauce
3tblsp Balsamic Vinegar
3 tblsp Sweetner
1 tsp Mustard Powder
Cheese to top (hexA if on slimming world or syn it)
If you’re not on slimming world or healthy eating , load it on to your hearts content!
Follow me on Instagram : @beingmrsdudley
business enquiries and collaborations: juliette.mills@icloud.com
PURPLE SHAMPOO: https://amzn.to/2xuSFzH
HAIR EXTENSIONS (20″ TAPE INS IN SHADE #613 : https://zala.refersion.com/c/e4ad35 (DISCOUNT CODE JULIETTE10)
FIT BIT WATCH : https://amzn.to/2S1whY7
WATCH STRAP (WHITE AND GOLD): https://amzn.to/2JuQp17
LASHIFY: LASHIFY Referral Link – http://rwrd.io/kwjif2p
CAMERA I USE (Canon Powershot G7X Mark II): https://amzn.to/2xxhyux
RING LIGHT I USE: https://amzn.to/2YACigT
*This video is NOT sponsored however some links i use may be affiliate links which means this item costs no more for you to buy however I make a small commission if you purchase the item through that link, so thank you for your support ♥
*All music licensed through paid subscription to epidemic sound
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys so today I’m gonna be doing acook with me you guys seem to reallylove these and today I’m cooking mybarbecue pulled pork loaded wedges so ifyou’re interested to see how I do itthen just continue to watch[Music]about this meal is this is all that youneed I’ve got a pork shoulder jointwhich are great for slow cooking andusing for pulled pork if you wanted todo it meat free you could use a and youcan use a meat free alternative so youcan use either like a corn chicken oryou can use vegetables instead of havingpulled pork and it’s obviously we’rejust meat eaters in this houseyou also need some potatoes these willbe for your wedges one thing I do liketo season these with is like a barbecueseasoning or I think they do an Aldi achip seasoning which is really nice I’dlove to season these because I think itjust gives the dish an extra bit of likeflavor I use two packs of mixed peppersyou can just use frozen peppers if youlike it’s just that I prefer in thisdish to be able to cook the peppers abit chunkier so I have two cups of thosesix peppers in total and then stuff fora slimming world barbecue sauce so forus I mean my barbecue sauce you willneed some passata some sweetener somemustard powder some balsamic vinegar andsome Worcestershire sauce and that isall that you need for this underflowcover obviously so I will go throughI’ll be cooking this today is now nearlyone o’clock in the afternoon I’ll put mypork in now because I will cook thatthroughout the day excuse me I reallydon’t you fake your tongue by the wayI’ve just fake tongue and say yeah soyou cook the pulled pork throughout thedayand then I will show you how I do thedish tonight but I thought I would getthe prep done first so show you whatgoes into it okay so first things firstis just cook your meat so I’ve justfilled my slow cooker full of water Ipopped my meat in there and then I’mjust going to pop the lid on I’m goingto keep it on high and I will cook thisin here pretty much until I pull itprobably a good four or five hours[Music]okay so it’s a few hours later now thisis the pulled pork so at the pulled porkthe pulled pork the pork has cooked forlike four five hourswe have drained it and I pulled it justwith two forks and removed all the fatand so what I’m going to do now is makethe barbecue sauce to go into it so it’sreally really simple really easy so as Isaid you’re going to need 500 gramsthink is just 500 grams of the SATA Bowlthen you’re gonna need what’s the sharesauce so don’t do exact measurements areyou going to need five tablespoons ofWorcestershire sauce you are then goingto need three tablespoons of balsamicvinegar then you are also going to needthree tablespoons of sweet nownow some people spin this on swimmingworld I don’t because and but if you’renot instilling worlds you can obviouslyjust use sugar and I always tend to puta little bit more in because I like itnice and sweet also gonna need ateaspoon of mustard powder again I’m notvery precise with more measurements Ilike to just pack it all in and then youcan is if you want add some garlic Ionly put a little bit of this a verylazy garlic in it you’ve probably seenthis in my cooking videos before I tendto use this it’s really good okay fromtesco it’s one pound fifty I think thatlegal do a version as well but yeah youjust mix that all together so whenyou’ve mixed it all together it shouldlook something like thisit’s obviously more runny consistencycompared to a normal barbecue sauce butbecause it’s going in the pork itdoesn’t mean you matter so as soon asyou have mixed it you then pull it intoyour pork and then give this a mix up soas you can see this is just the porkmixed with the barbecue sauce and thatis that bit done okay the next missionis to fill your dish up or winkPepper’s so I’ll not use fresh peppersand I’ve got six here and I will chopthem up into quite the large strips andthen I will fry them off so let’s getthese chopped[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]okay so the next job is the potatoes andthe wedges and the reason I love thisdish is because everything is are soquick and so easy it might seem like alot of prep but really it’s not we getthe potatoessnoo your wedges you don’t need to peelthem you don’t need to do anything youchop them up into wedge strips so youget your potato you chop it on and wechop it in half lengthways and thenPlato emojis done those go in a bowl andI’ll show you what I do next okay sowith your wedges you can make as littleor as many as you like now wedges arefree on slimming world for like amassive bowl these make up most of thedish like a face event so yeah these arewhat I do first and so you pop them in abowl you put a little bit of water andcover it with cling film and I cook minein the microwave for 6 minutes this isjust the same as a lot higher boiling soI do that first as soon as they’re outthe microwave or show you how to preparethem for the other night so it won’topen it it’s pretty easy to move degreesmy peppers are friends and I’ve justtaken my potato wedges out of themicrowave so I’ve done is I’ve joined abaking tray with a grease proof paperwith these chips make sure you use agrease proof paper and not tin foiltrust me so when she laid them all outlike this as food you kind of get allthe different wedges you want to getyour one color spray or local sprayfryer light or I’ll use alibies ownversion spray light sunflower oilcooking spray and use the turn that allslimming world people might know issquirted it hurt[Music]if you wanted to just put like salt andpepper on these chips to season them youcan do however one thing that I reallylike to do that I do think adds so muchmore depth and flavor to the dish issprinkle it with some seasoning now youcan get barbecue seasoning or I thinkit’s called chip seasoning from AldiI’ll get mine but you just go in andwhat you want to do is just put asprinkling over the chips this seasonintends to be not quite salty so if youdo put this on make sure you don’t putsalt on as well and they are ready to goin the oven for 20 minutes on 200degrees in a fat woman so what you neednow is a deep roast in tin I’ve just gotthis one that is deep enough to be ableto layer all the different things in soI’m gonna start by getting the wedgesout of the oven okay so these are thewedges nicely cooked now you want themto be nice and roundI’m gonna pop them into the base of theroasting dish okay so you want to putthe wedges at the bottom layer of theroasting dish spread them evenly out andnext are we going to do the peppers andpork another great thing about this dishis everything is pretty much cooked weare only going to put it in the oven tomelt the cheese so the peppers havecooked I really like them a child likethat because I think it adds a littlemore flavor so he’s going to pop thoseinto the oak give that a mix so thatit’s all mixed together I’m now justgonna pop it on top of the wedges[Music][Applause][Music]now the last step is cheese now Inormally use a reduced fat cheese but Ihaven’t got any in and so I’ve just gotnormal full flavored extra churl gratedcheese if you’re on slimming world youcan use it if you’re healthy extra I youlike I say or any calorie controlleddiet or whatever you want you might wantto go a little easy on the cheese butthis is where I just like to have itnice I mean really over the portion thatyou have it’s not much different butlike I say this is sinned so if you arefollowing too long don’t forget to spinat the amount of cheese you put on andthat is it I’m going to pop this back inthe oven at just for five to ten minutesjust to mount the cheese but everythinglike I say it warmed through anyway andI will show you it looks like when it’sdone[Music]you see it guys I really hope youenjoyed this video if you did don’tforget to give it a thumbs up and Iwould love for you to subscribe andstick around and until next time guystake care bye[Music]