Slow smoking Brisket in an electric smoker.
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Video Transcription
hi welcome to the kitchen and today youbrisket so we’ve got here a nice pieceof crispy it’s the flat of the brisketthere’s no point in taking off it’sabout five six pounds and it’s been welltrimmed so there’s a little bit of faton there what you need you know just tokeep it moist as is cooking gonna pop itinto the smoker with some grub on thereand we’re going to use some woodchips inorder to get a nice smoke to it as wellso the first couple hours we’re gonnahave to smoke on then we’re gonna wrapit and then we’re gonna leave it inthere that it gets to 95 degrees C inwhich case it’ll be nice and soft let itsit for a whileand then we’re gonna come out and it’sgonna be a lovely piece of brisket so itgoes is the first thing we’re gonna dois we’re gonna take the brisket have apoke[Music]okay so if we look at the brisket you’llsee that there’s grain running across sothis is the thanks to me and then as weas we want to slice this we will want tocut across the grain okay so the waythat windows look at the green thatone’s is smoked you’re never gonna beable to tell where the grain is so yeahwe look we see the ground again acrossthis way so to cut across we really wantto just take the corner off and thenonce it’s cooked we can actually tellwe’re gonna start slicing so once youtake the corn off you can see all of thegrain in thereso as you slice of course you’ll be ableto get nice cuts across the grain andnice and tender as we were eating it sofirst thing we’re gonna do is we’regonna put some barbecue rub on there sothe barbecue rub that we’re using is aTexas style and mainly salt and pepperwhich is traditional Texas style has gota little bit of chili flakes in and afew extra herbs and spices so give thata good kitchenthen I’ll stay on there as the biscuitcomes out the packet a little bit moistso it’s nice and easy for it to stickno need to put it on let me put mustardor not anything like that that agenthelping stick and then we’ll adjust theends to the sides go all the way aroundCabotand flip that over a little bit of facton this side it’s tuned right down sothey’ll give it moisture has thispooping and this might go now you canput it fat side up you can put the fatside down I don’t think you’re gonnamake the whole heap of difference havetime I cooked it it comes out goodeither wayif you put it up then maybe that willhelp soak into the meat and it’s cookingsome people think it does so I like toput it back side up and just to help onthat if it’s too much fat then fat sidedown and then it will render off forcoming down as you can okay so we’ve nowgot the brisket that’s now season lovelythat’s way it’s go in the smoker I’mgonna do is we’re gonna use wood pelletsso we’re gonna put that into the smokerand what we’ve got is we’ve gotliterally wood pellets there and they’repreformed they just go in to our fireboxand as they go in they’ll smoke away andit gives it a nice gentle play but we’reusing all the wood in there and it givesin to the firebox if you take that outlet’s smoke a little firebox in in there[Music]of ours wanna do it on a couple of hoursof smoke and then we’re gonna wrap it upand then we let it cook to it until itgets up still and then once it they hit25 degrees I’m all gonna do is gonnaleave it to rest and then perfect restis just going to relax some of thosejuices gonna come through and this iscoming nice and succulent I just waitedtill then start slicing we’ve got theend reading so we know wet start slicingpop that pop that back into the smokerso now we’ve got to be Freddie whatwe’re gonna do is gonna pop that intothe smoker so in the smoking here we’vegot the one shelf on that and we’ve gotsome probes and then we use it so laythat to lay that on that and we’re goingto that and their fat side up just tohelp that render through and then we’lldo to put the probe into the thickestpart of the meat and then on the sidehere we’ve got a little sense of it’sgot the to probe tip so we’ve got onefibers in the meat and that’s showingtheir zero degree so it’s what mostvisas there’s no other food and tray togo in we’ve got the other plate which issitting on the shelf and that’s showing10 degrees Celsius so we can tellexactly what the air temperature isinside the smoker got that shot allright so then we’re going to turn thesmoke along we’re going to set that for[Applause]good fury said for a couple of hours ifyou save two hourswe set the temperature for about ahundred degrees C rappelling is too hotwe’re on this just good low and slow infact tell you what we actually gonnastart about 75 degrees so make sure thatthe and already we can see thetemperature it’s getting up to 14degrees so that’s going to cook throughand we’re going to be in there for acouple of hours and then once it’ssmoked around we’re gonna cover that intin foil touching it just so all of thejuices all of the heat stays up therethe heat escapes to help you know thetemperature drops okay I’m cookingthrough it and then once it’s up to our95 degrees we’ll take it out we’ll restit and then we’ll enjoy a nice littleescape so the listings been in thesmokin for a couple of hours now time towrap it up in tin foil which is forcrunching it so what we’re gonna do iswrap it up keep all the juices in therestop them evaporating because as theyevaporate then the temperature drops andit doesn’t actually do a carry oncooking so only effective simpleokay dudes gonna grab the BiPAP here andwe’re gonna put it put it into the footand then we’re gonna put me straightback into the smoker okay listen up allsteel steak that’s into the smoke uplook at the centre back in there you cansee how it’s doingalright then literally just please backup again and okay on and then we’ll justhave a look at the sensor and we can seethat as it’s going through and we seeall the temperature is so it’s now 54degrees there’s 32 degrees in the oventhat I’m just going to get back up andthen it’s like hey I’m cooking and thenwe’ll come back – reallyok so now we check the smoker and we cansee the temperature is up to 195 degreesFahrenheit which is getting into the 90sand Celsius so the internal temperaturesvoting went to B so now we can take itout what we want to do is take it out ofhere we want to wrap it up and I keep itwarm and just let it rest for half anhour to an hour long as we can but youknow how am I going to eat itso Evan let’s smoke outokayyou know just spread some challengelet’s how about we have some foil we’regonna put another layer foot I’m gonnawrap this in helping stay warm so it’sgonna be rather hot so be carefulOhheimo brisket so backed uphave more layers on themand really thatjust to sit and relax and then once sorelaxed and rested then we’ll actuallydo sleep when start slice apples verydelicious