BBQ Pork Recipes

How to make simple oven-baked BBQ Ribs

The one where Matt is a silly sausage and is too knackered to make his intended video. But he makes it up to you with this lovely, easy recipe for oven-baked BBQ ribs and a lovely homemade coleslaw!


Oven-Baked BBQ Ribs


Pre-heat oven to 120°C/250°F/Gas Mark 0.5


A rack of Pork Loin Ribs (Baby Back Ribs)

For the ribs:
1 Tbsp Smoked Paprika
1 Tsp Ground Cumin
1 Tsp Onion Granules
1 Tsp Garlic Granules
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Tsp Mustard Powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Black Pepper
2 Tbsp Soft Dark Brown Sugar

For the glaze:
3 – 4 Tbsp BBQ Sauce
2 Tbsp Honey
330ml Coca-Cola

For the coleslaw:
2 x Carrots
1 x Red Onion
1/4 of a White Cabbage
3 Tbsp Mayonaisse
2 Tbsp Creme Fraiche
1 Tbsp Caster Sugar
Juice of a Lemon




Original of the video here

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BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music]hello and welcome to big friendly grub Ihope you are wellright I’m gonna level with you guys thisis not the video I had in mind for todayI had in mind of starting like a seriesof Christmas videos of Christmas relatedrecipes and things like that andobviously in the lead-up to Christmas atthe moment is now December which is soweird because where the heck is the yeargone but I’m gonna level with you I wentfor a 20 kilometer run this morning andI am now dead de dee deadI am completely knackered and I don’tthink I am up for shooting I complicatedlike Christmas recipes and trying to dothem justice I kind of miss planned thisI went for the run and then came backand realized that my legs were going tofall off or certainly feel like theywere gonna fall off so I don’t want toleave you with that video so I’vedecided to do something that is verylittle effort which means it’s verylittle effort for me but in the goodnews it will also mean that is verylittle effort for you so we all winespecially my lakes cuz they are shakingso much but anywaywhat I’ve decided to do today issomething for my dinner basically so Ican kill two birds with one stone do avideo for you and some food for mewin-win and what I’m going to show youhow to do is some slow cuts in the ovenBBQ style ribs because everyone lovesribs except vegetarians and vegans andobviously they don’t so yeah I’m gonnashow you how to do a very simple ribsrecipe and also how to just make somenice simple coals for to go with itbecause you kind of want that freshnessof a coleslaw to go with the rich andsticky ribs so I’m gonna shut up andjust get on with it because I’m sureyou’ll be glad about thatright before we do anything you need toknow what kind of ribs were using so Iam using pork ribs here and these arewhat we call over in the UK as buyingribspick them up from pretty much Banksupermarket I’ve got these from mylittle supermarket if you’re in the may well know them as baby back ribsI don’t know why they’re gone now overin the US I’m sure someone can explainit to me I haven’t bothered to look itup but that’s what you call them overthere and these are most commonly usedin most pork rib recipes sometimesthey’ll come in a big long rack butthese visit is like pieces basicallycarved so these are the ones we use itbut before we do and you think we’redoing an actual ribs we need to create arub to go onto the ribs to give us loadsof rows and rows of love and flavor gota little bowl for my rub and we aregoing to add it loads and loads ofdifferent spices into here so I’m goingto add ina tablespoon of smoked paprika this alittle bit a really lovely smoky flavorobviously this smoked paprika gonna addin a teaspoon of human pounder beforeyou ask yes I am making this up as I goalong I’ve done similar things beforeand I always find a very up the recipedepending on what’s in my cupboard soand then add in here pretty aboutteaspoons worth of onion granules and ateaspoons worth of garlic granules gogive it a teaspoons worth of cayennepepper I’ll just put that in therebecause I fumbled my line as I wasbefore spooking it speaking it I can’ttalk I’m so tired and but yet can pepperfor a nice kick got adding a teaspoon ofmustard powder because mustard goesreally well with pork it just doeslittle bit salt not too much becausepork is quite salty anyway a good grindof ground black pepper and last but byno means release with the adding poppy acouple tablespoons worth of soft barkbrown sugardoing this by eye really good I knowroughly how much tablespoon is that’sprobably it’s as one is slightly morebut I don’t mind because the sugar hereis going giving a lovely sweetness butalso by the nice caramelization on therub as well so this is very veryimportant make sure you include thismint we just work this all togetherwhere our fingertips just to create anice rublet’s come together and that snow isabsolutely amazing it’s got such a nicecombination spices in there and it’sgoing to go so well on I’m gonna bringback our ribs and get this rub rubbedall over it yummy yummy yummy you reallyreally want to work this into the porkribs as much as you possibly can and ifyou’ve got any of this rub left overafterwards then try and keep one handfor to the rub and one hand clean so youkind of mix and match and keep anycontamination out there because if youdo have any of this left over then youcan actually back it up and use itanother day make sure you get underneathas well you don’t want to miss any of itall right that’s our ribs all coatednicely in the rub so what we need to donow is just get this wrapped up this iswhat’s going to keep the heat enclosedin our ribs and allow us to have a niceboil you’d cook for me so wrap it up andso you say but that who says a lot ofpeople say wrap it up that’s referencingsomething else which I won’t go intohere it’s a family show make sure it’ssealed nice and tight let me go so thesecan now go into the oven see wasn’t thatquick right I’ve got my oven on roughly120 degrees C of all the conversionsinto Fahrenheit and all the recipe andthe ingredients that cetera in a linkbelow in the description down heresomewhere we can now work these into theoven for a good three hours yepthree hours it takes a while but it isnice and simple so yeah you can just gooff and do something else in my caseI’ll be going off and sitting down oneso showing you the next step so I’ll putthis and I will now show you the nicebarbecue sauce but we’re gonna make togo on to this or rather barbecue glazeor youon to this in the next step right whenour ribs eventually come out of the ovenwe are going to then coat them in a nicebarbecue glaze and then give them a niceand sticky sweet coating what we’regonna need is some barbecue sauce I havealready bought some here usually I wouldprobably make it myself and I do want toshow you guys how to make barbecue sauceat some point but again we’re going forquick rather than complex today mostlyto save my legs so I’m going to put in acouple of really good squeezes of thatinto here you can go for anyone I can’tgo in for a steakhouse one which soundedquite nice it was a they have to usethat mistake but I’m a rebel and quitefrankly who cares I’ve already got thepan over a medium high heat by the wayit’s a 6 on mine but your mileage mayvary and I’m gonna give it a nice bigsqueeze of honey because that won’t giveus again a nice sweetness of stickinessand they’re really nice shine and thento mix things up a bit I thought I wouldadd in some coca-cola into this becausecoca-cola glazes are really really nicethey so much sugar in coke but it’sperfect for things like this that’s whyyou see something like this BBQ thingsdone with coke and stuff like thatbecause the cut the sugars in it is justabsolutely perfect for this kind ofthing but while I was in the supermarketI saw this which is a Coca Colasignature mixes which is specificallyused for mixing with whiskies and thingslike that this one is a smoky one and Ithought this would actually go reallywell into this there’s no point in meusing it as a mixer because I don’tdrink anymore I would have been all overthis when I did and yeah I will beinterested to see how this works it’s abit real experiment if you can’t get outof these or either one stump up theextra 40 P or whatever it is for one ofthese then you can just use normal cokeentirely up to you and what this tasteslike by itselfyep that’s basically a smoky coca-colathat’s the right boat not something Idrink by itself and so I’m gonna addthis into here a little bit at a timebring this up and we’re going to bubblethis down to come it’s a nice thickersauce than glaze so I’ll just add in thecocoa bit at a time but we will speedthings wood through the magic of time soyou don’t have to wait around for meright that’s all of the coke in and thenI’m gonna bring this up to a boil prettymuch and then lower the heat so it cansimmer down and thicken up and become anice glaze so you can see that isboiling up so I’m now going to turn theheat down stir this so it doesn’t boilover and yeah just gotta let this simmerdown now into a nice thick glaze but nottoo thick because we don’t want tocompletely set or crystallize for whenwe use our glaze on our pork ribs laterright our glaze has now had a good putin about 12 to 15 minutes just simmeringand bubbling away over a medium-highheat and is now some it down andthickened up to a fairly niceconsistency where we’ll be able to brushit over our pork lips later and thesewill then go back into the oven once thebrush with the glaze and they’ll gounder the grill for probably about 12 to15 minutes again and this will just helpthem get a nice sticky sweet very veryflavorsome glaze and crispness to itwill be fantastic so this is good I’mgonna pop this to one side for us to uselater and then we can get on with ourcoleslaw because I’ve been doing someprep for that alright to make lifewithout coleslaw even easier I am usingmy food processor for this but you coulddo this by hand if you’ve got very goodknife skills and can chop chop chop chopvery finely I don’t know why I said thatthree times this is how my brain workedtoday but yes we can chop finely you’llbe absolutely fine with out one of thesebut I’ve been raising and the news onthese I’m going to use the course greaton this I could do the fine grape butthat would be too fine then for ourcoleslaw I’m going pretty basic I’ve gota couple of carrots fairly good-sizedone red onion and a good chunk of whitecabbage but you could use other cabbageif you want you can use like a sweets ofcabbage or anything like thatreally I think this one works very verynicely those are[Music]since seconds seconds I tell you comingonions and cabbage oh I’m just gettingit everywhere nowI’m being too slapdash with this therewe go that is a very fine coleslaw wellactually no we need to add some morestuff to this but this is our base forour coleslawalright to turn this into an actualcoleslaw rather than just a tall andshredded up bitchwe need to add some extra things to thisso into this I am going to be adding anice squeeze the juice of a lemon leavesa bit of sharpness I think our coleslawthat’s a counterbalance that I also liketo add in a good spoonful of just somecastor sugar because that then gives alittle bit of sweetness tocounterbalance the acidity then ofcourse most people will have mayonnaisein there I’m good squeezes of thisseriously good mayonnaise there faintnot mine so it’s bad too and if you’rethinking like enough mayonnaise wellwhat I like to do is because if I findthat if a coleslaw is made just ofcourse lot of coleslawOh mayonnaise as the base of the saucespie part that it becomes to claggy isreally heavy it’s really not thatrefreshing so I like to add in a nicecouple of big spoonfuls or creme fraichethat just lifts it makes it a bitlighter it’s not so you know Vince andclaggy and horrible I mean the stuffthat you get from the shops in tardiesFleming art form so I find this justreally lifts it and just gives it a bitof freshness to itand it was good fold this all throughjust to coat all of alcohol slot it’s aheck of a lot of coleslaw so I havesomething for the next couple of days aswell which is great because I do reallylike coleslaw when it’s handmade but notso much as I said from the shops rightthat’s all mixed fruit then I justforgot just a pinch of salt just alwaysseason your food don’t need a lot justto bring out the flavors quickly mixthat’s true as well give it a quicktaste yeah really good really light andfresh perfect for me okay so yourmileage may vary you might want to swapthings out but I mean that works reallywell like so light fresh and it’scomplete opposite to what you get in theshopsthat’s our coleslaw done our glaze isdone our pork ribs in the oven so all Ineed to do now is going to sit down fora couple of hours and we can come backlaterand take the pork ribs out of the ovenand apply the glaze to it so yeah atthis stage just off relaxclean up whatever you need to do sowe’ll be back in a bit two hours laterright it has been approximately threehours ish and that these have been inthe oven so I think now is a good timeto take them outoh they smell fantastic and they lookbut also fantastic they smell amazingandthese juices just pour them back overmake these nice succulent ribs so don’twaste this in salt flavor and then let’sjust brush over our blades onto theseribs got plenty here so be generous thisis going to give us a lovely stickyflavor soon glaze on top of this just toaccentuate all those flavors in a rubthat we’ve got I really wish we hadsmell-o-vision alone just because thisall smells so so good right now so placeall over our ribs and just a tuck thisunder and we’ll get these back into theoven under the grill for probably aboutat the 9th 10 to 15 minutesI’ve not used this grill in this ovenbefore so I’m totally going to keep aneye on it because domino burnings to acrisp but a bit charring will be veryvery nice so pop these back into theoven hunger grill to see how we get onthe DS this tray has cooled down nowsaid that wearing right in the go andthey will have about 10 to 15 minuteswasright first things first the garlicpotatoes those are just once I’m goingto have with the ribs and the coleslawwhen this video is done don’t need me toshow you how to do those foods get thoseballs and potatoes so don’t worry aboutthose but the ribs may have had aboutseven or eight minutes under the grilland I think now at a point where theycan come out because you can see wowthose are starting to char and unlessthey’re sitting off my oven me in myoven have issue sometimes but it mightbe out to see how nice and charred thoseare getting let me just bring those itlook at that look how lovely chartgarbling sticky an amazing camera workI’m just going to do this so I can bringit brush a last bit more over herejust add a bit more lovely sticky glazeto these and these are pretty much readyto goI just need to wait for my potatoes butpotatoes are just like to go so let uscut to where we can try these or I cantry these because I am so hungryOh mother look at these babies they lookfantastic and they smell fantastic ahyeah as I was transferring them onto theplate I’ve got some of the sauce onto myfingers and the lip the sauce off myfingers it’s because that’s what you doand oh that sauce just tastes so nicewell it’s sweet and sticky and reallyreally lovely but of course the proof isgoing to be in the eating of the ribsbut you can see some lovely juicy meatthere and I’ve already cut one offbecause I’m gonna have to try those andthem oh and it’s not be elegant at allbut they look and smell amazing and Ineed to try one right now so I’m goingto switch over the to the usual set upfor tasting things and we will give thisa go because I can’t wait there is ashot that is so sexy that it may wellget banned off Instagram if it we’ve hadits own account yeahthat looks really really good to me andyeah yeah it takes a little while youknow three hours is a long time but asyou saw it’s pretty simple you know justa quick rub and then leather your sauceover the top of it boy am I going withthisjust a simple rub and a simple sauceslight graze and a quick coleslaw aswell and you’re done really you know youcan add whatever you want to it I’ve gotmy potatoes here minty potatoes becauseI love those it just smells so good andit’s perfect for when you’ve had a busyday and you just want something that youcan put in the oven and kind of forgetabout and don’t have to do too much andI think it’s time to give things a goI’m gonna try the coleslaw again but Idid taste that earlier and a renew itwas good it’s lovely and fresh now it’sgood cold for the creme fraiche I reallythink helps lift it and then like I saidit doesn’t make it as cranky or heavy aslike pure Mayo does it’s got a real nicecrisp freshness that’s lovely now got totry and eat this rib no it’s gonna be nopretty way to do this so I put the platedown just dig inOh looks good smells good Ohtastes good no you get lovely stickysweet glaze on it but then underneath inthe rub you get like a bit of heat fromthe cane you get all those spices andflavors it is so lovely they’re not astender as they would be if you’ve donethem in like a slow cooker or somethinglike that but they’ve still got a realnicethey’re not like tough or anything butthey was I got a nice bite to them whichis great because yeah sometimes they canbe super messy for me I think the ribsthis size this is a real good bite tothem one scrap of another bite speakingof bitesmmm sorrythey can all kinds of noises it’s alsowith my face and my fingers andeverything else it’s completely worth ityeah this is perfect for me todaybusy day long runyeah just treat myself with some reallynice sticky ribs so good so simple andyou really should give them a go then weput that down for a second and I amgoing to wash my hands and then we’llcome back and do the outro right I’m allclean now at least embodied if not inmind and that’s it for a ratherimpromptu big friendly grub in propertyoff-the-cuff whatever you want it wasn’tthe one that I had planned but I didn’twant to leave you guys without a videothis week and I’d kind of stretch myselftoo far I wouldn’t have been out to dothe plant Christmas videos that I wantedand besides having a decoration oranything like that so I’d rather go outget a few decorations make everything abit more festive feel a bit more festiveand then do these Christmas videos whenI’ve got more time and I’m not exhaustedso hopefully this was a nice interimvideo just to give you a nice idea for adinner but we worked a bit off-the-cuffand hopefully it works out to be honestthose ribs are super super tasty yeahthe sauce is so good and I can stilltaste it now and I’ve got the heat stillin my mouth and it’s so good so I reallydo suggest you give it a try and thecoleslaw is easy as well and it’s goingto give a nice balance so that’s sweetand sticky ribs Ohbut anyway that is it for me this week Ihope you enjoyed the video all the usualstuff if you did like and subscribe etcetc and hopefully we will see you nextweek for some Christmassy big friendlygrub so I will see you then byeyou

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