BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked beef ribs

Today we smoked some beef ribs at 225 for around 6 hours last 2 hours we wrap them in Aluminum foil then we let them rest for 45 mins some came out dry some came out really good. #GreenMountainGrill #smoking #SMOKEFOOD #BBQ #smokebeefribs

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Video Transcription

what’s up youtubers today we are doingsome beef ribs little bit we first didhe put mustard on them wrap muster allthe way around then we put someseasoning we did a ap seasoning and somehoney killer bee seasoning very goodproducts shout out to them guys we’regonna throw this on the smoker at 225let them go low and slow cold day herein Missouri getting ready to tune intothe Chiefs game but first we got to getthese deadstay tuned alright we’re about two hoursin[Music]eyesstay tuned keep forgetting to let youguys know when I’m what kind of pelletsI’m smoking with these are the GreenMountain pellets there’s a spurt wouldblend get these at Sutherlands for$14.99 a bag alright ladies gentlemen weare halfway through the smoke look atthat this does not look good put them inthis little pan add a little bit ofapple juice and butter now we’re gonnacover them live schmuck for a few morehours stay tunedhere’s the end results a little dry butreally good flavor look at the smokering on that shout out to the Chiefs ifwe win today remember like and share andshare it to everyone please until nexttime

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