BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked Jerky

Traeger your jerky. Its simple and way better then store bought, also cheaper. Heres a tutorial on my process. There are many marinades to use, make your own. I choose marinades made from Jerky Gold, @jerkygold
Traeger Pellet Grills

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well it’s time for some jerky on thetrigger it’s really really simplewhether you’re doing it on the triggersome other cooker or a dehydrator it’sextremely easy process and it’s a lotcheaper than just buying it in the bagso I started off with I actually boughtthis prime I have round from Costco andwhat I’m looking for is not a lot of fatso all this fat on this bottom side isgoing to come off the thing when you’redoing jerky is you don’t want fattymeats because they won’t really renderout you’re gonna have like a greasy feelin your mouth if you have too much fatin it so this is perfect so what I’mgoing to start by doing is taking allthis normally we’d leave it on forflavor but this is all coming off thisis that hard hard fat you can see howthick that is I need to remove all ofthat all the way downthat’s that silver skin so I’m gonna getthat off of therelike soif I lose a little meat that’s okay Ijust don’t want this fat on there[Music]this is how you’re gonna want to do itlook just like thatthere we go[Music]a little bit here I don’t want none ofthis on there sothat’s good there see now it’s ready tostart slicing for just the pieces ofmeat for the turkey I’m gonna do thesame with this and come back with theslicingokay so I went ahead and started on theslicing so I’m actually using a meatslicer you can either use a really sharpknife or a meat slicer I’ve done jerky afew times using my knife but to get themost consistent thickness is a meatslicer another way to do it just withyour knife is take a take these piecesof meat put them in the freezer for awhile to get them to kind of firm up andit’s a lot easier to cut your pieces tothe thickness you want without gettingall this play with it fully thawed so itjust makes it a lot easier if it’s likepartially frozen but I’m gonna use thismeat slicer and I’m going for about youcan see here I’m going for about aquarter-inch really no more than that ifit’s a little less that’s fine but youdon’t want it too thick but aquarter-inch is about where I want it sothat’s kind of where I got my meatslicer set up right now and we’ll get afew slice real quicksee thathere we go nice even thickness and whatI’ll do with these pieces here is I’lljust I’m gonna actually cut these inhalf and make two pieces out of that andthat’s going to be my jerky so I’m gonnago ahead and[Music]and we’ll keep going with that and I’llcome back with the marinating actuallybefore I start marinating she wanted toshow you like these are even thicknessesyou’re gonna have some that might bethinner thicker especially if you’re notusing like a meat slicer to get it likepretty uniform so while these aresmoking on the trigger you know it’sprobably gonna be anywhere from a fourto six hour cook because I’ve run ahundred and eighty degrees all the waythrough but you’re gonna have piecesthat are gonna finish before the othersit’s just you know keeping an eye onthem and you’ll kind of show you throughthe process on when you can see thatthey’re done and start pulling them offas they go but right here I’m justtrying to cut these in half becausethat’s gonna be my jerky right there andI’ll get the rest of this diced up andthen we’ll get it in the marinade okaynow that all the meats Brett its slicedto where I want it no more than 1/4 inchthickness I’m going with my marinadesnow you can make your own marinadethere’s tons of recipes out thereI just prefer jerky gold I’ve beenhooked on it for a few years nowthere’s the original that’s actuallyavailable and then I’ve got the Italianwhich isn’t available now I’m not sureif it’s coming back but I still have abottle of it and that’s what I’m gonnause and like anything you can see howthe flavors kind of settle so you reallywant to you really want to shake theseup before you get them into the into thebag so what I’m gonna do is marinatethese for about 24 hours last time I did12 hours they were really flavorful butI want to put a little bit more flavorthis time so this one’s going to be thegoldhere we go then I’ll get the Italianover here and then tomorrow around thistime I’m gonna get these on at 180degrees on my trigger and go from thereand we’ll continue so let’s get thatshook up get in there I use if lock bagsso I can rotate and move them aroundmake sure the flavours gettingdistributed and all the pieces insteadof putting them in like a foil pan andletting them sit overnight I’m I justprefer ziplock that to each their own sostay tuned actually before I put thesein the refrigerator I like to leave allthe air in them at first like so sothere’s some air in there and then youcan kind of like work the marinadearound you can see that on all thepieces and then I like to take the airout before I go into the fridge so kindof mush it around and then that’ll go onthe fridge like that and then after somany hours you can rotate it okay welltime to get that jerky going oh my I’mgonna put it on this grill greatit goes on the timber line thirteenhundred thousand thing is these justslide out so I can place all my jerky onthere let the trigger get up to temp andthen just slide it on go about it thatway so yeahand I go 180 degrees until doneall right well here’s a jerky we got theog in the Italian I put it straight fromthe ziplock into these pans I didn’tdrain it and I’m gonna put these on thegrill great and I’m not gonna Pat itdown because I don’t want to remove anyof that flavor just let it do its thingon the trigger at 180 degrees and getmaximum flavor so I recommend don’t patyour jerky down but to each their ownall right it’s time I have to get thisjerky on this grill great so this is thegirl gray from the trigger timberline1,300 slides out I’ve got it getting upto temperature and to where I can placethe drekia on here and just slide thisback into the grill and go from there soI got the two different flavors here soI’m just gonna put these directly on Ididn’t drain this I’m not gonna Pat itdown and when you can see the awesomeflavor that’s in this jerky gold I’vegot two different flavors actually Iwant to mix it up to where I got so somepeople Pat their jerky down I choose notto I want to leave that flavor that’s onthere so I figured why Pat it down andtake off pop that flavor that it’s beenmarinating in for 24 hours and just getmaximum flavor so that’s that’s just meto each their own on that and we’ll getthis on the grill great I’ll get bothflavors on here and then we’ll slide itback into the Timberline at 180 degreesall rightthere’s our jerkyyou can see didn’t pat him down leaveall that flavor on there and ourTimberline 1300 is up to 10 so I’m justgonna slide this right back on the grilland close that[Music]okay just put the jerky on open the lidwe’re set at 180 degrees so we’regetting back to temp you got the turkeyon tobe I’m guessing four to six hoursfrom my last cook we’ll see some aregonna finish sooner than othersdepending on the size and just kind ofkeep track of that but I’ll show youonce we get closer to that and I gotanother rack coming because all thejerky didn’t quite fit on this[Music]well let’s check on the jerky were onlyabout two hours into the cook sowe got a ways to goyou can seenot even close but it’s starting toI’m ready to get somewhere in the turkeysite so we got still a few more hoursbefore anything start pulling any offbut yeah 180 degrees till it’s done sobe backyep a little over three hours and we are180 all the way through let’s see whatwe got[Music]start an affair withwould be flexible so[Music]pretty simple process not the trigger doits thingas you can startthey really see now you can almost startseeing through this stuff once it startsgetting ready[Music]finished[Music]you seewe’re still a littlethese thicker pieces for the most partit’s all same thickness but some thatwere cut off[Music]well about almost 6 hours later it’s alloff you’ve got the two different flavorsfrom jerky gold the Italian and the oglike I said you can make your ownmarinade for some easy recipes out thereI just choose this marinade that’s allyou see the jerky I’m how do you knowwhen it’s doneI mean there’s there’s a wait so youknow the jerky with the fresh meat it’syou know it’s wet so you can tell byjust lifting it up that it’s you knowyou got to get all that moisture out ofthere and then you can see you can seethere that it’s you know we’re wordjerky now there we go and then if it youknow if you get thinner pieces a lot oftimes you can kind of see the daylightthrough it you can also tell that wayyou just kind of know once you startmaking jerky you get used to itbut there it is 180 degrees that’s how Igo on my trigger until it’s done somepieces will finish sooner than othersdepending on the thickness this was allpretty consistent but you know I hadsome odds and ends that were a littlebit thinner a little bit thicker so itranged anywhere from four and a halfhours that I started pulling it off tothe six hour range when I pulled a goodbulk of it off so there you goTraeger jerky it’s good stuff

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