Delicious baked chicken nachos topped with shredded cheese, green peppers, Sweet onions, sour cream and grilled chicken! A easy and delicious meal to make.
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Video Transcription
hello my friends and thank you forcoming back and watching another videobefore we get into this video give thisvideo a big thumbs up like subscribecomment and share and also hit thatnotification bell so you’ll be notifiedevery time I drop a delicious video sotoday I’m going to show you how to makebaked chicken nachos now this issomething that’s so simple you could eatthis for a snack dinner lunch evenbreakfast if you want to it’s somethingreal simple easy and it’s delicious okayat the same time so we’re gonna startoff what you need is green pepper and Iuse sweet onion okay and I also you canmake your own real chicken but if youwant to make it make the meal faster youcan just go in and get like some realchicken that comes in a bag that’salready cooked all I did was add my rawchicken I added my green pepper and Iadded my sweet onion with one tablespoonof olive oil and I just sauteedeverything for about five minutes okayso you’re gonna saute that let that stayin a pot for five minutes once you dothat you’re going to get you somenonstick okay cooking um spray andyou’re going to get you some clothes viachips okay these are the kind that I useokay for my nachos and these are reallyreally good okay if you like a littlesalt um so your nacho taste this is thechimp nachos that you need to go withokay so what I did I already have someum in a pan and I already sprayed mynonstick spray because once you add yourcheese and your meat you do not wantyour cheese and everything to stick toyour pan it’s easy when you add thisspray to just you knowlift lift everything up and put it onthe plate you don’t want to worry abouttrying to you know get the arm cheeseoff the pan or whatever or let thecheese burn so you got that and thenyou’re going to add yourchicken and you’re gonna add your greenpepper and you’re going to add yoursweet onion which I already have in thispot right here already sautéedeverything okay so I’m just going to askthem to my chicken nachos right hereokay and I’m going to show you how itlooks and this smells so good you havethe the chicken the nachos you have theUM the green pepper and you have thesweet onion everything smells reallyreally goodand you don’t have to add a lot like Isaid this could be dinner it could be asnack or it could be for lunch you don’thave to add a lot okay I move this overand then you want to add your cheese toit okay you could get a pan just likethis you could get any pan that you wantum but you could get a pan like this andyou’re going to add cheese and you canadd as much cheese as you want you don’thave to add a lot or you can’t add a lotit’s up to you okay I like my my nachosto be really cheesy okay so you’re justgonna ask something like that and giveyou a close-up how it looks okay so youhave your nachos you have your sautegrilled chicken and onions and greenpepper with sure shredded and I use mildcheddar cheese okay mild cheddar cheeseand then you’re going to preheat youroven on a temperature of 375 375 andyou’re gonna place this in the oven foreight minutes eight minutes okay sothat’s what I’m gonna do right now placethat in the oven for eight minutes andthen once everything gets done do youhave your chicken nachos give you aclose up now I’m gonna add toppings tomy chicken nachos I like sour cream andI also like um tomatoes but this is howit looks when it’s done okay you see Ihave the cheese melted I have the greenpeppers with the chicken on topbe really really good okay so I have myDaisy sour cream and I’m going to openthat up now a tip sometimes your sourcream be a little watery all you have todo is just mix it around for a minuteso everything that comes together sothat’s what I’m doing and I’m just goingto add some sour cream to it just goingto mix everything together okay and I’mgoing to add some on topI love sour cream it’s up to you howmuch Tyler cream you want to add but Ilove sour cream okay so I’m going to addokaythat looks good right thereand then I am going to add some tomatoesI already have some diced tomatoes andI’m just going to add some on topeverything smells really really good thefresh tomatoes with the cheese and achicken and I love tomatoes so I’m gonnaadd quite a few and then if you want toadd some more cheese to top it offthat’s what you can do I’m not going toadd too much cheese cuz I got a lotalready okay and let me see I have somemore chicken so if you want to add ifyou have some chicken leftoverand you want to ask some more chicken ontop go ahead and do that it’s up to youhow much chicken and cheese andeverything that you wanna add okay soI’m gonna give you a close-up of it andthat is my chicken baked nachos oh lookat it it’s loadedI put a lot of chicken on top I put thesour cream I have the shredded cheese Ihave the sweet onion and the greenpeppers give you another close up eightminutes eight minutes to make this eightminutes you cannot beat this like I saidit could be a snack and once again I’mnot gonna even eat all all of this likeI said I might eat some now and then Imay eat something laterso if you know it’s something that youcould snack on during the day you don’thave to eat all this at once but it isso so delicious so delicious okay so ifyou follow these directions you willhave delicious baked chicken nachos likeI said before you add your meat to yourchicken nachos saute it go to thegrocery store and get you a bag ofchicken breast real chicken breast sautethat with one tablespoon of olive oilwith green pepper and a sweet onionsaute that on your stovetop for fiveminutes add your nachos that I justshows you add that and then add yourshredded cheese 375 place that in theoven for on the temperature of 375 foreight minutesand then add your toppings on it issomething that’s so simple so deliciousis so good and I’m just going to giveyou it also as you want to add your addsome taco sauce to it it’s up to you oryou can either buy itby yourself it doesn’t matter but herego to taco sauce if you want to add andI’m gonna give you one more close up onemore close up of it oh my goodness thisis going to be so so good so good wellthank you everyone for coming back andwatching another video like I said likesubscribe comment and share and leave itin the comment section and let me knowwhat you think about this and will yoube trying this and give this video a bigthumbs up I thank you everyone forcoming back and watching another videoand I will be back so or many moredelicious video everyone you have agreat day Chuck see you soon